Graduation Program

Submitted by Ansam on Wed, 04/05/2023 - 11:34

           Under the Patronage of Cardinal Edwin O'Brien The American University in Madaba (AUM)

                                   Celebrates the Graduation of the Second Batch of its Students.


 On Friday, the 2nd of September, 2016, Cardinal Edwin O'Brien, the Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, patronized the ceremony of the graduation of the second batch of the American University students in Madaba (AUM), with the participation of Senator Nancy Styles and the attendance of HE Dr. Marouf Al Bakhit, Chairman of the University Board of Trustees; Archbishop Alberto Ortega the Vatican Ambassador to Jordan; and former Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Al Twal.


In his Speech during the ceremony, Cardinal O'Brien said that his presence today represents the Catholic Church - the owner of this university- to share the students and the teaching staff their joy of this special achievement that is considered the fruit of their academic march. He also expressed his feelings of pride of this achievement and his appreciation of the efforts of all who contributed to this success today.


The presence of the Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre indicates the support of the Catholic Church of the aim and march of the AUM which is exemplified in combating ignorance and focussing on knowledge that has great influence on the presence of students in the national and global communities. He also emphasised that hope and the noble values are their most important main motive.


On the other hand, Senator Styles referred to the excellence of the AUM and its staff which main cause behind registering it as an American university in addition to granting the academic certificates in accordance with the rules and regulations, She also referred that she witnessed the progress of the university from its beginning which was achieved in a short time under the patronage of the Latin Patriarchate and the Catholic Church.


In his inaugural speech, Dr. Muneer Dabanneh, the Acting President of the AUM, has emphasized the importance of the location of the university in Madaba. He also said that the university is considered a forum of twenty eight nationalities from all over the world that gain knowledge and wisdom which contribute to develop their own communities. The acting president also emphasized the role of the family and the teaching and administrative staff in contributing to prepare the leaders of the future. At the end of his speech, he expressed his thanks and gratitude to everyone who contributed to the development of this academic institution.


Diala Al Rashdan, a graduate student, delivered a speech on behalf of the graduate students in which she expressed the student’s feelings of pride of their university and considered this moment a starting point of a new challenge.


The graduation ceremony consisted of international musical symphony performed by the Jordan Academy for Music followed by certificate presentation.


Cardinal O'Brien's Speech :

H.E Chairman of BOT, Your Excellencies,  president  Faculty and staff, Fathers, Sisters,  Parents, Honoured Guests, Graduands, Ladies and Gentlemen:

Thank you class of 2016 for the privilege of being able to offer a few words to you on this important day of your lives you who are receiving awards today. I am here representing the Catholic Church, the Owner of this University… and I am delighted to be here.

Graduations such as this are precious times when we join to recognize academic achievements. It is a particular privilege and pleasure for me now to be with you and to celebrate with you.

 Surely you have earned the awards of this day through diligent work and through your gifts in the service of others. These are noble and inspiring accomplishments, and I know I speak for all guests and staff here today to say that we are proud of you. Indeed, you too should be proud of your achievements, and grateful to the many who have brought you to this moment.

The American University of Madaba is, by any standards a young University.  It is a University keen to make its mark upon a promising  Jordanian society, and the world beyond.  My presence with you today is a mark that my Church is in full support of this fine University, and wishes to sustain it in every way possible.

This is not a day about those of us on this platform.  It is about YOU.  You will transform society.  It is you whom we celebrate today. You are the generation to transform society in a world that needs you. You are new graduates who will transform the world, because by your studies and scholarship you are committed to do so.

What do I mean by this overused word- “transform”?  I mean change from which there is no going back.  In your education you have been transformed.  You cannot become uneducated. You are not just informed – you are formed - and you have been transformed.   No: there is no going back.  Once you are educated you are changed for life… There is no going back.

This ceremony is the public challenge that my colleagues set before you to serve future generations selflessly and well. …To transform them!

There will be times ahead of great opportunities and excitement; times of renewal and growth; times of laughter …and of tears. You will constantly be motivated by your values selfless and you will hopefully inspire others to develop theirs.

By the values you have developed here you will know to put others always before yourself… selflessly being for others at all times. That is a mark of the Christian university.

 Such a world of challenge needs people of HOPE… trust in the present and trust in the future. 

 What changes are all around us!  But this University is not a sanctuary of certainty in a world of uncertainty

Neither  is it a place of such tradition that would prevent change, nor a place of turmoil that threatens traditions.

It is a place where people meet, where relationships are created and developed and nurtured, intellectually, culturally and spiritually.  It is these human encounters that we enjoy on a daily basis that should transform us.  And may I suggest that it will be your encounters with the neediest, the vulnerable and the weakest in our communities which will offer you your most significant and lasting opportunities for personal growth and strength.

May the days and years ahead be days of peace, freedom and happiness for each of you.  May your optimism and hope and success not depend merely on circumstances, but on your personal values fostered here at AUM.  Amid the inevitable political and societal challenges ahead it is your God-inspired vision and unwavering commitment that must carry you forward.

For too many today,  there is the fear of freedom.  With your academic capabilities accredited by this ceremony you can - you must be confident of your abilities in meeting life’s tomorrows.

So with the living embers of your careers now ignited, giving light and heat to a proper constellation of service which, in time, will reach the furthest corners of the world, let my modest hope - and fervent prayer - be that you will enliven the world by the truths and values that you have imbibed in this American University of Madaba, may your singular experiences here offer peace, love and hope for many years to a world that awaits you and all the things to which you are committed.

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