Student Conduct Code
- Preamble
The American University of Madaba (AUM) is committed to facilitating academic and personal growth of its students and to providing them with a stimulating and safe campus atmosphere. By entering AUM, students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the University standards of personal and educational integrity; to assume responsibility for their actions; to recognize and uphold University regulations; to be respectful of the rights and welfare of members of the University community as well as its guests. In sum, the student’s conduct shall not threaten (physically, mentally or emotionally) the health, safety or welfare of members of the University or its guests.
Students attending AUM are obliged to comply with several responsibilities, including, but not limited to the following:
(a) Obeying local and national laws;
(b) Avoiding the misuse or harm of property which belongs to the university, any member of the university community or its guests;
(c) Not to practice any form of discrimination or intimidation.
Students are encouraged to utilize all University services and facilities to elevate their academic knowledge, personal skills and hobbies; widen their cultural knowledge; and become a more diverse and tolerant community.
The Student Conduct Code is not a substitute for criminal or civil judicial proceedings. It is intended to be an integral part of AUM’s learning experience, which can result in helping students to change their behavior, enhance the level of their maturity and responsibility. The Student Conduct Code guarantees the rights of students to exercise their rights on any issue that concerns them and to appeal any accusation that might be filed against them.
Students are responsible for obtaining all published materials and updates from the Office of Student Affairs relating to this Code. Any question of interpretation or application of this Student Conduct Code shall be referred to the Dean of Student Affairs.
1.1 The goals of the Student Conduct Code are:
- To promote a campus environment that supports the educational mission of the University;
- To protect the University community from disruption and harm;
- To encourage appropriate standards of individual and group behavior; and
- To foster ethical standards and engaged citizens.
1.2 The Student Conduct Code fulfills this mission by providing programs and services that:
- Develop, disseminate, interpret and enforce campus regulations;
- Teach students about appropriate behavior and community membership;
- Foster students' intellectual, ethical and cultural development;
- Intervene and effectively address behavior that violates the Code; and
- Offer educational and leadership opportunities for students who adhere to the Code.
1.3 Professional Conduct
As part of its commitment to integrity and respect in the community in which it operates, AUM expects that its students will conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner at all times, both when interacting within the university community and when representing the University at events outside the institution. In this regard, students will not at any time engage in unduly disruptive, threatening, unethical, disrespectful or abusive conduct toward other members of the University community, including fellow students, instructors and staff, and their conduct should be compatible with the requirements of their environmentally friendly campus.
- Non-Discrimination Policy
AUM prohibits discrimination against any member of the University community on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, genetic information, marital status, parental status or disability. Accordingly, equal opportunity of employment and admission shall be extended to all qualified persons. The University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and promotes fair treatment practices in employment and admission, which provides specific contractual rights and remedies consistent with local laws, regulations and orders for ethnic minorities, women and persons with disabilities.
- Equal Rights Policy
All students are to be treated equally and have the same right to access and use University facilities regardless of race, age, sex, color, religion, marital status, national origin or ancestry or disability.
Article I: Student Bill of Rights
Students have certain rights as members of the University community, in addition to those rights and privileges guaranteed by the laws and constitution of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Under any circumstances, the University shall respect and take full responsibility not to deny these rights to students. Students have the responsibility not to deny these rights to other members of the University community. Under all circumstances, the University shall not compromise the rights and privileges granted to students and students will not be subject to questioning or discipline for exercising any of these rights and privileges as listed below:
- Learning Environment
The University should provide a healthy, safe, experiential, exploratory and welcoming campus environment to enable students to develop intellectual and academic freedom. Furthermore, the teaching process should preserve the rights of students for respect and dignity, and the University is obligated to assist students and provide the necessary tools to enhance the learning process.
- Rights in the Classroom
Students have the right to be told clearly at the beginning of the course about the content of the course, study plan, teaching/learning methodology and how their performance and competence will be evaluated. Students have the right to be updated consistently, concisely and carefully about their performance in the tasks assigned by the instructor such as exams, in-class activities, homework, projects, etc. Students have the right to be evaluated according to the criteria clearly stated in the syllabus at the beginning of the course without prejudice or favoritism. To assure perpetual quality teaching, students have the right to evaluate faculty members for each class taken.
- Freedom from Discrimination and Harassment
Students have the right to a campus life free of any form of discrimination or harassment. Students must be viewed and treated equally by all University officials and other students, irrespective of their race, age, sex, color, religion, marital status, national origin or ancestry or disability.
- Disabled Student Rights
Disabled students have the right to access and utilize all facilities and services provided by the University. The University administrative team should engage disabled students to participate in all activities and potential opportunities.
- Right of Due Process
Students have the right to due process to defend themselves against any allegation involving the possible violation of any item of the Code.
- Privacy and Confidentiality
Students have the right not to share or disclose any private or confidential matters about their personal beliefs or views to any member of the University community. Students also have the right to refuse any unauthorized search of or seizure from their person.
- Student Records
Students have the right to the protection of their educational records from unauthorized disclosure, tampering or soliciting.
- 2TThe Right of Expression
The University recognizes each student's right to free speech. In keeping with this recognition, the student media shall be free of censorship and advanced approval of material, provided that its student leadership develops written editorial policies, ethical operating procedures and provides accurate and balanced news coverage that conforms to the highest academic and journalistic standards, local laws and the Mission of the University.
- Right to Contribute to University Governance
Students have the right to contribute to the making of institutional policy generally affecting their social or academic affairs. Students have the right to participate in the formation of standards of student conduct and the student disciplinary procedures by serving as members of appropriate committees such as the Student Affairs Committee of the Faculty Council. Furthermore, Students have the right to be represented by student clubs.
Article II: Forbidden Conduct
- Academic Misconduct
All forms of academic misconduct, including, but not limited to, cheating, attempting to cheat, deliberate absence from lectures, fabrication, plagiarism, facilitating academic misconduct and unauthorized possession or disposition of academic materials.
- Acts of Dishonesty
Dishonesty, including but not limited to furnishing false or misleading information to any University official, forgery, alteration or misuse of any University document, record, fund or identification.
- Disorderly Conduct
Actions or attempted actions that obstruct, interfere or could result in harm to any member of the University community or its guests, regardless of its actual intent.
- Disruption
Any action which restricts, obstructs or interferes with any academic, athletic or administrative function or attempts to do so.
- Smoking Policy
Smoking is prohibited inside of all University buildings, including dormitories and offices. Members of the University community who choose to smoke must do so only outdoors in designated areas of the campus.
- Abuse and Endangerment
Physical, mental, psychological or verbal abuse, intimidation or conduct which threatens or endangers the health, welfare or safety of any person on campus, including self-abuse, is prohibited on University premises.
- Harassment
Verbal or physical transgression of an individual or group based upon their race, age, sex, color, religion, marital status, national origin or ancestry, disability, veteran status is forbidden by the non-discrimination policy of the University.
- Hazing
It is forbidden to make people do unusual, difficult or dangerous things which could endanger their mental or physical health or safety, as a precondition to joining a group, organization or club.
- Drug Policy
The University strictly forbids the use, possession, transfer and/or sale of narcotic and other unlawful drugs.
- Alcohol Policy
The University strictly forbids the use, possession, transfer and/or sale of alcoholic beverages of any type on University premises.
- Firearms/Harmful Tools
Possession or use of firearms, dangerous weapons, flammable devices, explosives, chemicals, knives or other harmful tools on University premises is strictly forbidden unless it is authorized for use in coursework and is carefully supervised.
- Unauthorized Access
Students are not permitted in any open or closed area of the Campus that has been designated as off limits by the University or any authorized University official. Students are not allowed to be present in University buildings, steam tunnels or on University property at times or places where such presence is prohibited.
- Property theft or misuse of property
Theft, attempted theft, misuse and/or damaging of property belonging to the University or any member of the University community is forbidden. Such actions will be disciplined internally and could also result in legal charges being filed against the person or people responsible.
- Violations of the Law
Actions which violate the laws and traditions of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan are forbidden on University premises and could also result in external charges being filed.
- Sexual Misconduct
Actions including, but not limited to, indecent behavior, posting of photographs/images of a sexual nature, engaging in intimate activity, viewing or promoting unethical videos.
- Gambling
Playing games for gain or any other form of betting.
- Dress Code
Students are expected to hold to a high level of decency and morality and are expected to dress in an appropriate manner on campus. A student’s attire should never be crude, provocative or offensive in any way. Therefore, indecent or culturally inappropriate clothing is prohibited from the educational environment.
- Misuse of Technology
Any form of misuse or abuse of University computers or other technological resources.
- Bullying
Bullying and hounding are particularly vicious forms of physical and/or mental abuse and will be treated as such.
- 2TRiots
Participation in or attendance at riots or mass disturbances on the city streets or on any area of the Campus.
- 2TDefiance of Authority
Defiance, belligerence toward or lying to a University security officer, faculty member or other University official, who, in the line of duty, issues an order or asks for identification or information.
Students are expected to carry University identification cards at all times and must identify themselves to University officials upon request.
Any student found to have committed, or attempted to commit, any of the following deeds is subject to disciplinary sanctions.
Honor Code Pledge
As a student at the American University of Madaba, I pledge to commit myself to honesty and integrity. I pledge to read the Student Conduct Code and become aware of all misconducts detailed therein and shall refrain from all acts of academic and behavioral misconduct. I swear to respect the safety and welfare of all members of the University community and its guests.
Student name Signature