Transfer students

Submitted by admin on Mon, 05/29/2023 - 16:43

Transfer students regulations is found in the “Awarding the bachelor degree Regulation”.



Article 23 a. Students are allowed to transfer to the university if there is a vacancy available for them, and if they meet the following conditions:

  1. Having a grade average in the General Secondary School Certificate or its equivalent acceptable for admission into the specialization transferred to at the university in the year of obtaining that certificate, or in the year of registration at the university.
  2. Having been transferred from a university, university college, or university institute recognized by the university.
  3. Completing at the university no fewer than half of the credit hours required for graduation in accordance with the curriculum approved at the time of admission.
  4. Having previously attended an institution that follows the regular system which requires attendance.
  5. Having obtained a good-conduct certificate from the university from which they intend to transfer.
  6. A committee shall be established and named “Student Transfer Committee” to review the transfer applications to the university and the transfer applications from one specialization to another at the University according to the conditions in effect and the measures set by this committee. It shall be comprised of a vice president, concerned deans of faculties, and the Director of Admission and Registration.
  7. Course equivalence shall be done by the concerned academic departments to all courses completed by the students in any other university during the first semester of their enrollment at the university. Students may not challenge the decision concerning the courses that have been transferred after the end of their first semester at the university.
  8. Taking into consideration Article (27c) of these regulations, if a student is admitted into the University as a new freshman, and if they have successfully completed courses at another university, university college, university institute, or a community college recognized by the university, and if those courses fall within the curriculum of the specialization in which they were admitted, no more than 50% of the courses in the curriculum of the specialization to which they have transferred shall be counted, without computing their grades in the student’s semester or cumulative average, provided that their grade in each of those courses was not less than 50% or what is equivalent to it.
  9. If a student is admitted as a new freshman at the University, and if that student has successfully completed courses required for earning a degree before they were admitted into the university, and if those courses fall within the curriculum of the new specialization in which they were admitted, those courses shall be reviewed for transfer by the concerned academic departments. The regulations governing course transfer from other institutions shall be applicable in this case concerning the allowed period of time and number and type of credit hours required for graduation.
  10. Transfer petitions shall be submitted to the Admission and Registration Department, which forwards them to the Student Transfer Committee. The committee reviews the petitions and takes a decision of approval/disapproval concerning each one of them.


Article 24 a. Students may transfer from one specialization to another at the university if a vacancy in the specialization to which they wish to transfer is available, provided they have met either of the following two conditions:

  1. Having a grade average in the General Secondary School Certificate or its equivalent that was accepted for admission into the specialization to which they wish to transfer in the year of obtaining that certificate, or in the year in which they wish to transfer.
  2. The grade average required for admission into the specialization to which they wish to transfer, according to the general rules, being equal to or less than the average required for admission into the specialization from which they wish to transfer in the year they were enrolled in that specialization, or in the year in which they wish to transfer.
  3. When a student transfers to another specialization, the courses they select from among the courses they studied in the previous specialization can be counted in and included in the curriculum of the new specialization, and their grades in those courses shall be computed in their cumulative average.
  4. If a student studied a course in the specialization to which they have transferred, and that course had been studied in the previous specialization, and they do not want that course to be counted at the time of transfer, that course shall be considered as a repeated course.
  5. Students may not be allowed to transfer from one specialization to another more than three times.
  6. If a student discontinues their study for a semester because they did not register or because of dismissal from specialization, and wish in the same semester to transfer to another specialization at the university, the discontinuation of study for that semester would be considered as deferment for the purpose of completing the transfer procedures.
  7. As for the student who has been dismissed from a specialization and wishes to transfer to another specialization, and if their discontinuation of study has exceeded one semester, but they have not yet completed the transfer procedures, they shall be considered as dismissed from the university.
  8. A student dismissed from a specialization for a low cumulative average, or prior to the ultimate dismissal from the university while still in the special study program, may be allowed to transfer to another specialization if they meet the conditions mentioned in item (a) of this Article.


Article 25 a. One semester shall be deducted from the upper limit of years allowed for graduation against every 15 credit hours counted for a transfer student, whether the transfer was from within or without the university.

  1. Transfer students shall be considered as new students for the purposes of deferment, probation, and dismissal from specialization.
  2. Transfer applications shall be submitted, according to Article (24a) of these regulations, to the Director of Admission and Registration using the forms prepared for this purpose.
  3. Student petitions for transfer from one specialization to another shall be decided by the concerned faculty deans.


Article 26 a. University students are allowed to study no more than 18 credit hours in any other accredited university, provided that the courses are not offered in the University in that semester or that there is a scheduling conflict that cannot be resolved, and these credits shall be transferred according to the following conditions:

  1. The student shall be regularly enrolled at the University.
  2. The student shall have completed at least 33 credit hours at the University.
  3. The student shall obtain prior written approval of their department chair and the dean of their faculty to study the requested courses. A written notice to this effect shall be conveyed to the Director of Admission and Registration prior to the commencement of study at the other university.
  4. These credits shall be transferred if the student has passed them and obtained a minimum grade of “Fair” or 50% or its equivalent, and studied them in a regular program of study requiring attendance, but they shall not be computed in their cumulative average.
  5. These credits shall not be studied in the last semester before graduation.
  6. The number of credit hours a student must study at the University shall not, subsequently, go below 50% of the required courses in their curriculum.
  7. Should a student’s graduation be contingent upon studying a course or two at the most, whose credit hours do not exceed 6 hours, and these courses are not offered in the semester at the end of which they are expected to graduate, the student may be allowed to study this course/these courses in another accredited and recognized university in the last semester before graduation after obtaining a written approval from the dean.


University students are allowed to study up to 36 credit hours in another university on the basis of an agreement between it and the University in accordance with the conditions set forth in items 1-6 of paragraph A of this article.
