Dormitory Regulation for Female Students

Submitted by admin on Thu, 06/08/2023 - 11:00

Article (1)

These regulations are called “The dormitory regulations for female students of the American University of Madaba of 2018” and shall be effective as of the date of their approval by the University Council.

Article (2)

The following words and phrases wherever stated in these regulations shall have the meanings assigned to them below unless the context indicates otherwise.

UniversityAmerican University of Madaba

CouncilCouncil of Deans

PresidentPresident of the University

DeanFaculty Dean or Dean of Student Affairs

DirectorDirector of Student Housing


The building allocated by the University to accommodate

female students


A female student accepted in the University and / or

studying at the University and living in the University


student's guardian

The person named by the student and approved by the

University, the sponsor, or the embassy of the country

of which the student is a citizen.

 Scholarship Allowances

The allowances paid to the scholarship recipient by the

University or any other party for the benefit of the

University, including monthly stipends, air fares, tuition and

fees, living expenses, and any other allowances paid to them

or because of them for the duration of the academic



The female person employed for supervising students

and housing facilities

 Article (3)

A. Students are admitted to housing according to the following rules and procedures:
1. The student must be accepted or a regular student at the University enrolled in one or more courses.
2. She must be of well conduct.
3. The student must fill out the housing application form at the time determined by the University at the beginning of each semester.
4. Vacant rooms must be available in the dormitory
5. The student, or her guardian if she is a minor, must sign the housing application form accompanied by a commitment to abide by the provisions of the dormitory regulations and to reside in it.
6. The student must be free from infectious and mental diseases.
7. The student must pay the due housing fees within one week from the date of approval of the housing application and pay the required insurance.
8. Housing Priority should be given to Jordanian and non-Jordanian students whose family members reside outside the Kingdom.
9. In case the number of applications exceeds the number of vacant rooms in the dormitory, the Dean shall form a committee to determine the admission basis for housing and to study and decide upon the applications submitted.
10. The student must pay a non-refundable advance payment to reserve a room in the accommodation determined by a decision issued by the University in this regard, provided that such payment shall be considered part of the rent in the event of signing the lease agreement for the room.
B. The student’s residence in the dormitory shall be renewed on the following basis:
1. The student must fill out the application form for renewing residence in the Deanship of Student Affairs and submit the application to the Director during the last two weeks of each semester.
2. The Director shall issue a decision to renew the residence of the student in the accommodation according to available vacancies.
3. The student should be well-behaved during her residence.
4. The student shall pay the housing fees not later than two weeks from the beginning of the semester, otherwise the student shall be considered to have lost her right to housing.

Article (4)

The resident student must abide by the following regulations:
A. Quietness:
1. She must adhere to quietness in the dorm to create an atmosphere conducive for study and rest.
2. She must not cause disturbance in any kind or speak loudly.
3. She must abide by the regulations to watch television in the times and days allocated to it until 11 pm every day except in weekends and religious and public holidays.
B. Cleanliness and housekeeping:
1. Keep rooms clean and tidied up daily according to the general state adopted upon receipt of the room.
2. Use housing health facilities in the proper manner and keep them clean after each use.
3. Do not store foods in the bedrooms.
4. Do not use the outer edges of the windows to put collectibles and clothes.
5. Do not paste images and advertisements on the front of the housing, walls inside the rooms or public facilities.
6. Prepare snacks only in the housing and keep the kitchen clean after use immediately.
7. Preserve the tools of your housemates and don’t use them without prior permission.
C. Maintenance of furniture and housing assets:
1. The student must maintain the furniture in the room since it is considered under her personal custody; thus, it must be preserved.
2. The student must preserve her personal property and the Housing Department shall not be held liable for the loss of any of the property. Therefore, the student must observe the following:
a. Deposit money and precious jewelry in safe and appropriate places.
b. Do not leave the room door open during absence and during the night.
c. Do not leave your luggage, books, etc. at the end of each academic year due to maintenance work in the rooms and housing.
D. Good behavior within housing:
1. Do not verbally or physically abuse any person within the residence, whatever the circumstances.
2. Do not smoke inside the dormitory except in the designated places.
3. Adhere to the visitation times specified by the housing administration.
4. The student must observe the proper dress code inside the dorm and must not wander around outside the sleeping quarters in sleepwear.
5. Stay in the room during the allocated time for night inspection or you will be considered absent if you are outside the room at that time.
6. Obey the regulations and Supervisor’s instructions and treat them with respect in all circumstances.
7. Resort to the Supervisor or the Housing Director when confronted with any problem.
8. Do not cause damage to the dorm’s public facilities.
9. Receive parents and guests in the designated reception halls. Do not take them to the bedrooms.
10. Do not allow any visitors from outside the residence to be accommodated in the room reserved for the student.
11. Do not acquire flammable, toxic, harmful, narcotic or alcoholic substances of any kind, as well as any unauthorized printed or audiovisual publications or materials.
12. Every student is responsible for her private belongings. The University or the Housing Management is not responsible for the loss of any item and will not investigate incidents of theft except in cases where the student accuses someone she can identify.
13. Do not use heaters and clothes irons in the bedrooms. You may use them in the places designated for this purpose.
E. Adherence to the evacuation procedures of the residence
1. The student may stay outside the residence during the weekend and religious and public holidays, after filling out the form for this purpose with the Housing Administration.
2. The student may leave the residence during the week with the written consent of the Housing Administration.
3. The student must return to the dorm according to the specified declared and permitted dates.
4. In the event of the desire to participate in student trips, a student must inform the Housing Administration at least two days ahead of the trip date.

Article (5)

The Supervisor shall take appropriate measures in cases of illness and emergency and inform the concerned parties.

Article (6)

The procedures related to cultural and recreational activities in the student housing are organized as follows:
1. Students may not establish any activity inside the dorm except with the consent of the Housing Administration.
2. No activity may be advertised without consulting with the Housing Administration.
3. When establishing any activity within the residence, ensure that it may not cause disturbance to other students.
4. Students may establish any cultural, social or recreational activity in the facilities of the Deanship of Student Affairs and with the prior approval of the Dean.

Article (7)

A. In case of violation of the provisions of these regulations, the student shall be subject to the following disciplinary penalties:
1. Drawing attention
2. Warning of any level (first, second, final)
3. Denial of the exercise of housing activities for a specified period.
4. Charging for damaged items no less than their double costs.
5. Denial of residency in the dorm for one semester.
6. Final termination of residency in the dorm.
B. Drawing attention penalty is imposed by the Housing Director.
C. The Dean of Student Affairs, upon the recommendation of the Disciplinary Committee, may impose the penalties (2, 3 and 4) of this Article.
D. The President may impose the penalties (5 and 6) of this article on the recommendation of the Disciplinary Committee.

Article (8)

A. Housing fees are determined as follows:
1. The single room fee is set at JD 150 per month in addition to the sales tax and any amendments that may be made by a decision of the University.
2. The student shall pay the rent in advance for each semester and within one week from the date of approval of her application.
3. The student is obliged to pay a deposit of JD (100) which will be refunded to the student when she leaves the housing if she does not cause any damage to the housing property.
4. The housing fees may be refunded to the student who withdraws within two weeks from the beginning of the first semester or second or one week from the beginning of the summer semester according to the academic calendar at the time except for the advance payment.
5. A student who is admitted to the residence shall be entitled to stay there during the vacations during the semester.
6. The Council may amend the housing fees at least one month before the beginning of each academic year.
B. The student shall lose her right to housing and the refund of her rent if she is dismissed from the University for any reason whatsoever.

Article (9)

The President shall take whatever he deems appropriate in all cases not provided for in these regulations.

Article (10)

The Dean and the Director shall be in charge for implementing these regulations.
