Faculty of Science

Submitted by admin on Tue, 02/22/2022 - 11:07

Welcome to the Faculty of Science at the American University of Madaba (AUM).


The Faculty of Science is devoted to providing distinction in research and community service to encounter not only the national needs of Jordanians, but also to race internationally with other professional schools in term of the quality of teaching, students’ readiness, and outstanding research.


The Faculty of Science has two major departments, the Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities and the Department of Biology and Biotechnology. On one hand, the Department of Basic Sciences covers the service courses such as Mathematics, Physics, Humanities, and Chemistry, which are required by different faculties at AUM. On the other hand, the Department of Biology and Biotechnology offers a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Biotechnology. Further, it affords students with a skilled education in the multifaceted field of biology and biotechnology. Students preparing for futures in molecular biology and forensic, genetics, histology and microtechniques, tissue culture, genetic counseling, embryology, clinical cytogenetics, microbial biotechnology, plant biotechnology and ecology will have a foundational knowledge in biological and biotechnological sciences and also can explore their specific interests in upper-level coursework designed by you and directed by our experienced faculty by broadening access to information and consolidation already existing partnerships with local and international organizations.


Our state-of-the-art laboratories set our biology & biotechnology degree program apart from those at other universities. Our labs are equipped with professional grade scientific technology that is outfitted into nearly every course. The scientific labs which are equipped with Real-time PCR, PCR, Gel documentation system, CO2 incubator, Inverted microscope, Fully automatic rotary microtome, Automatic tissue processor, High-speed centrifuges, FT-IR, UV-VIS spectrophotometers, Bacterial shaker incubator, Plant growth chamber, Nanodrop microvolume Spectrophotometer,  CombiFlash chromatography, Microwave reactor, Rotary evaporators, and GC-MS, and ensures that our students will be trained to use these equipment and will graduate with not only theoretical knowledge and critical thinking skills but also with the ability to practice science in the lab, field, or examination room.


Our team at the Faculty of Science has a high-level of distinguished research with the intense participation of our undergraduates. In 2020-2021 our team had published more than twenty peer-reviewed publications through funded research either from the AUM or the Scientific Research Support Fund.


Thank for your interest in the Faculty of Science looking forward to having you.



Associate Prof. Wajdy Jum’ah Al-Awaida

Acting Dean Faculty of Science 

Dean’s Welcome Image
Vision & Mission

The Faculty of Science prepares students in their professional disciplines with an emphasis on scientific research and applications. This mission is fulfilled by a broad based, scientifically strong education, which enables the students to enter all areas of their profession upon graduation and to adapt to changes that may occur during professional life. By the end of the program, the graduate will be conversant with the wide range of topics relating to the natural sciences, be able to communicate effectively and be able to appreciate the professional and social role of the scientist. The faculty tries to foster a learning environment enhanced by faculty who encourage leadership, independence, self-respect, promotion of justice, and compassion in students. This is dependent on a sound scientific knowledge base, well developed expertise, critical thinking capabilities, moral reasoning, and communication skills.


Introduction to the Biology and Biotechnology Program

The Department of Biology and Biotechnology at AUM offers new and exciting opportunities for students to discover a variety of professions in the fields of scientific research, education, health care, industry, sustainable land use, and environmental management. The department presents all fields of biology and biotechnology as dynamic products of ongoing research efforts and demonstrates the relevance of basic biological knowledge to practical real-world problems.  The undergraduate program has been developed to be most relevant to actual needs by including novel courses which familiarize students with the current and potential applications and introduce opportunities that are arising worldwide with the advent of the biological revolution.

Faculty Members
Dean of Faculty of Science
Department of Biology and Biotechnology
Department of Basic Science and Humanities
Study Plans
Guidance Plan
Course Description
Intended Learning Outcomes
Biology and Biotechnology
General Education

General Education Program Learning Outcomes


Department of Basic Science & Humanities

The department of Basic Science and Humanities is a multidisciplinary unit that serves freshman students from different faculties. It broadens students’ knowledge, and technical skills, and promotes social awareness through general education and career-focused courses. The department provides strong education and learning environment, which enables the students to enter all areas of their profession upon graduation and to adapt to changes that may occur during professional life. Students will be conversant with a wide range of topics relating to the natural sciences, be able to communicate effectively, and appreciate the scientist's professional and social role. The faculty tries to foster a learning environment enhanced by faculty who encourage leadership, independence, self-respect, promotion of justice, and compassion in students. This is dependent on a sound scientific knowledge base, well-developed expertise, critical thinking capabilities, moral reasoning, and communication skills..

The American University of Madaba graduates will have the following Program learning outcomes (PLO’s):


PLO1: Rational and Practical Skills

Intellectual and communicative skills are needed to succeed in the academic environment and to address globally complex challenges. This includes written and oral communication skills and quantitative and qualitative reasoning for complex and refined arguments.

PLO2: Civic and Global Leadership

Recognize the diversity of different societies, locally and internationally, in terms of gender, race, religion, ethnicity, and age, and demonstrate the skills and knowledge gained to lead, recognize, apply and establish effective and useful interactions in crisis.

PLO3: Knowledge of Human Cultures

Knowledge from humanities, environmental, social sciences, and arts to better understand life ecology.

PLO4: Understanding of the Physical and Natural World (STEM Skills)

Creativity, Knowledge, and skills learned from Natural Science (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics) in order to develop an interdisciplinary, diverse, and applied approach to the natural environment and an understanding of scientific reasoning and integration latest technology.

General Education List of Competencies (LoC’s) which achieve General Education PLOs



A1. Understanding essential facts in related topics.
A2. Comprehend basic concepts in related fields and their applications.
A3. Introducing and relating principles and theories.
A4. Clarifying sciences and humanities terminology in related fields.

Practical Skills

B1. Enhance oral, written and communication skills.
B2. Applying creative and critical skills.
B3. Develop interpersonal skills.
B4. Use of a Learning Management System (LMS) in the learning process to create and deliver content and monitor student participation and assessment.

Thinking Skills

C1. Enhance computer skills to solve and apply theoretical concepts in real life.
C2. Recognize, analyze, and apply quantitative and qualitative concepts in real-life models.
C3. Understand scientific reasoning for different problems and concepts.

Other Skills

D1. Promote critical thinking in solving and applying problems and concepts.
D2. Intellectual and independent creativity in reasoning learning natural sciences topics.
D3. Recognize and apply effective and useful interaction in complex problems.


General Education Courses

  • Students are requested to check their study plans and advisors for the General Education Courses 



903381 Numerical Analysis (3 C.H.)
903281 Probability and Statistics (3 C.H.)
903182 Statistics for Business (3 C.H.)
903105 Mathematics and Biostatistics (3 C.H.)
903103 Mathematics for Business (3 C.H.)
903102 Calculus 2 (3 C.H.)
903101 Calculus 1 (3 C.H.)
900106 General Statistics(3 C.H.)
402213 Linear Algebra (3 C.H.)

900185 Astronomy (3 C.H.)
904108 General Physics 2 Lab (1 C.H.)
904107 General Physics 1 Lab (1 C.H.)
904102 General Physics 2- (3 C.H.)
904101 General Physics 1- (3 C.H.)

902113 Organic Chemistry Lab. for Life Sciences 1 (1 C.H.)
902112 Organic Chemistry for Life Sciences 1 (3 C.H.)
902111 Organic Chemistry for Health Sciences (3 C.H.)
902107 General Chemistry lab (1Cr.Hrs.)
902101 General Chemistry (3 C.H.)
304156 Analytical Chemistry Lab (1 C.H.)
304150 Analytical Chemistry (2 C.H.)

304253 Microbiology and Immunology (3 C.H.)
301241 Basic Microbiology Lab (1 C.H.)
301240 Basic Microbiology (3 C.H.)
301237 Biochemistry Lab (1 C.H.)
301232 (201341) Biochemistry (3 C.H.)
201101 General Biology 1 (3 C. H.)
201017 General Biology Lab (1 C.H.)
900116 Bio-Ethics (3 C.H.)

Information Technology
900190 Digital Culture (3 C.H.)
900180 Computer Skills (3 C.H.)
401121 Programing Fundamentals (3 C.H.)

900172 Development and Environment (3 C.H.)
900171 Science and Society (3 C.H.)
303111 Fundamentals of Nutrition (3 C.H.)


900201 Technical Writing and Documentation (3 C.H.)
900131 English Communication Skills (2) (3 C.H)
900130 English Communication Skills (1) (3 C.H)
900120 Arabic Communication Skills (3 C.H)
702201 Writing 2 (3 C.H)
702132 English for Business
702107 Paragraph and Essay Writing
702106 Writing 1 (3 C.H)
702105 Reading Comprehension (3 C.H)
702104 Study Skills (3 C.H)
702103 Listening and Speaking (3 C.H)
702006 Italian /European language (3 C.H)
702005 Italian /European language 1 (3 C.H)

Art and Design
900141 Appreciation of Music (3 C.H)
900140 Appreciation of Art (3 C.H)
609210 Design history and theory (3 C.H.)
609136 3D drawing and perspectives (3 C.H.)
609121 Design methods and creative thinking (3 C.H.)
609120 Drawing and Rendering techniques (3 C.H.)
608225 Digital Photography and Imaging (3 C.H.)
608220 Color theory and applications 1 (3 C.H.)
608211 Introduction and History of Visual Communication (3 C.H.)
608130 Free-hand drawing (3 C.H.)
608125 Introduction to computer graphics and illustration (3 C.H.)
606211 History of Architecture and Art(3 C.H.)
606131 Technical Drawing (3 C.H.)

Cultural Studies
900118 Cultural Development (3 C.H)
900113 Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication (3 C.H)
704101 Introduction to Mass communication (3 C.H)
703251 Culture and Globalization (3 C.H)

Social Sciences

900150 Introduction to Economics (3 C.H)
900133 Research Methodology (3 C.H)
900124 Human Rights (3 C.H)
900123 Leadership and social responsibility (1 C.H)
900122 Entrepreneurship and Innovation (1 C.H)
900117 Civic Awareness (3 C.H)
900115 Social Ethics (3 C.H)
900114 Civilization and Thought (3 C.H)
900111 Military Science (3 C.H)
506151 Fundamentals of Human resources Management (3 C.H)
505103 Macroeconomics (3 C.H.)
505102 Microeconomics (3 C.H.)
505101 Principles of Risk Management (3 C.H.)
504101 Principles of Marketing (3 C.H.)
503101 Principles of Finance (3 C.H.)
502101 Principles of Management (3 C.H.)
501101 Principles of Accounting (3 C.H.)

Career Plan

Biologist and Biotechnologists study the biological world that lives right under our noses, sampling, examining, and experimenting, all in an effort to reinvent knowledge and develop practical solutions to contemporary problems. The Biology and Biotechnology program at AUM is designed to produce excellent scientists capable of building bright, new futures and, ultimately, saving lives. Through the program, students will be led through all the crucial aspects of this field, acquiring a deep understanding of the structures and fundamental process of life, as well step into more overarching subjects such as biochemistry, genetics, and molecular biology. On AUM’s well-equipped campus, students will learn how to properly conduct themselves in laboratories and familiarize themselves with the tools they need to construct and carry out their own research. They will learn how to gather, analyze, and exhibit biological and biotechnological data in a comprehensive manner. In addition, students will develop an awareness of the ethical and sociological risks and issues that may arise from this ever-developing field, particularly those that are relatable to the local and regional population. Many Biology and Biotechnology students will branch off into more specialized fields of science and medicine after their time at AUM. Because of this, this broad-base program lays a strong and flexible foundation that graduates will use to continue their scientific journeys and build lifelong learning and careers in their respective fields.

Our Biology and Biotechnology graduates go on to take up important roles in the medical field. Marwa Fakhouri became an Embryologist at Al-Amal Hospital in Amman, Noorhan Sabbah became a Tissue Culture Technician at Al-Hekma Institution, Meenas Bawwab became a Biostatistical Analyst at Fortis Enterprises, and Razan Hadad became a Technician at a Cell Therapy Center.  In addition, some graduates went on to become educators in local and regional schools, while others chose to continue their academic careers abroad in the UK, the US, and the UAE.

Study Plans
Course Description
Intended Learning Outcomes
Basic Science and Humanities
General Education

General Education Program Learning Outcomes


Department of Basic Science & Humanities

The department of Basic Science and Humanities is a multidisciplinary unit that serves freshman students from different faculties. It broadens students’ knowledge, and technical skills, and promotes social awareness through general education and career-focused courses. The department provides strong education and learning environment, which enables the students to enter all areas of their profession upon graduation and to adapt to changes that may occur during professional life. Students will be conversant with a wide range of topics relating to the natural sciences, be able to communicate effectively, and appreciate the scientist's professional and social role. The faculty tries to foster a learning environment enhanced by faculty who encourage leadership, independence, self-respect, promotion of justice, and compassion in students. This is dependent on a sound scientific knowledge base, well-developed expertise, critical thinking capabilities, moral reasoning, and communication skills..

The American University of Madaba graduates will have the following Program learning outcomes (PLO’s):


PLO1: Rational and Practical Skills

Intellectual and communicative skills are needed to succeed in the academic environment and to address globally complex challenges. This includes written and oral communication skills and quantitative and qualitative reasoning for complex and refined arguments.

PLO2: Civic and Global Leadership

Recognize the diversity of different societies, locally and internationally, in terms of gender, race, religion, ethnicity, and age, and demonstrate the skills and knowledge gained to lead, recognize, apply and establish effective and useful interactions in crisis.

PLO3: Knowledge of Human Cultures

Knowledge from humanities, environmental, social sciences, and arts to better understand life ecology.

PLO4: Understanding of the Physical and Natural World (STEM Skills)

Creativity, Knowledge, and skills learned from Natural Science (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics) in order to develop an interdisciplinary, diverse, and applied approach to the natural environment and an understanding of scientific reasoning and integration latest technology.

General Education List of Competencies (LoC’s) which achieve General Education PLOs



A1. Understanding essential facts in related topics.
A2. Comprehend basic concepts in related fields and their applications.
A3. Introducing and relating principles and theories.
A4. Clarifying sciences and humanities terminology in related fields.

Practical Skills

B1. Enhance oral, written and communication skills.
B2. Applying creative and critical skills.
B3. Develop interpersonal skills.
B4. Use of a Learning Management System (LMS) in the learning process to create and deliver content and monitor student participation and assessment.

Thinking Skills

C1. Enhance computer skills to solve and apply theoretical concepts in real life.
C2. Recognize, analyze, and apply quantitative and qualitative concepts in real-life models.
C3. Understand scientific reasoning for different problems and concepts.

Other Skills

D1. Promote critical thinking in solving and applying problems and concepts.
D2. Intellectual and independent creativity in reasoning learning natural sciences topics.
D3. Recognize and apply effective and useful interaction in complex problems.


General Education Courses

  • Students are requested to check their study plans and advisors for the General Education Courses 



903381 Numerical Analysis (3 C.H.)
903281 Probability and Statistics (3 C.H.)
903182 Statistics for Business (3 C.H.)
903105 Mathematics and Biostatistics (3 C.H.)
903103 Mathematics for Business (3 C.H.)
903102 Calculus 2 (3 C.H.)
903101 Calculus 1 (3 C.H.)
900106 General Statistics(3 C.H.)
402213 Linear Algebra (3 C.H.)

900185 Astronomy (3 C.H.)
904108 General Physics 2 Lab (1 C.H.)
904107 General Physics 1 Lab (1 C.H.)
904102 General Physics 2- (3 C.H.)
904101 General Physics 1- (3 C.H.)

902113 Organic Chemistry Lab. for Life Sciences 1 (1 C.H.)
902112 Organic Chemistry for Life Sciences 1 (3 C.H.)
902111 Organic Chemistry for Health Sciences (3 C.H.)
902107 General Chemistry lab (1Cr.Hrs.)
902101 General Chemistry (3 C.H.)
304156 Analytical Chemistry Lab (1 C.H.)
304150 Analytical Chemistry (2 C.H.)

304253 Microbiology and Immunology (3 C.H.)
301241 Basic Microbiology Lab (1 C.H.)
301240 Basic Microbiology (3 C.H.)
301237 Biochemistry Lab (1 C.H.)
301232 (201341) Biochemistry (3 C.H.)
201101 General Biology 1 (3 C. H.)
201017 General Biology Lab (1 C.H.)
900116 Bio-Ethics (3 C.H.)

Information Technology
900190 Digital Culture (3 C.H.)
900180 Computer Skills (3 C.H.)
401121 Programing Fundamentals (3 C.H.)

900172 Development and Environment (3 C.H.)
900171 Science and Society (3 C.H.)
303111 Fundamentals of Nutrition (3 C.H.)


900201 Technical Writing and Documentation (3 C.H.)
900131 English Communication Skills (2) (3 C.H)
900130 English Communication Skills (1) (3 C.H)
900120 Arabic Communication Skills (3 C.H)
702201 Writing 2 (3 C.H)
702132 English for Business
702107 Paragraph and Essay Writing
702106 Writing 1 (3 C.H)
702105 Reading Comprehension (3 C.H)
702104 Study Skills (3 C.H)
702103 Listening and Speaking (3 C.H)
702006 Italian /European language (3 C.H)
702005 Italian /European language 1 (3 C.H)

Art and Design
900141 Appreciation of Music (3 C.H)
900140 Appreciation of Art (3 C.H)
609210 Design history and theory (3 C.H.)
609136 3D drawing and perspectives (3 C.H.)
609121 Design methods and creative thinking (3 C.H.)
609120 Drawing and Rendering techniques (3 C.H.)
608225 Digital Photography and Imaging (3 C.H.)
608220 Color theory and applications 1 (3 C.H.)
608211 Introduction and History of Visual Communication (3 C.H.)
608130 Free-hand drawing (3 C.H.)
608125 Introduction to computer graphics and illustration (3 C.H.)
606211 History of Architecture and Art(3 C.H.)
606131 Technical Drawing (3 C.H.)

Cultural Studies
900118 Cultural Development (3 C.H)
900113 Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication (3 C.H)
704101 Introduction to Mass communication (3 C.H)
703251 Culture and Globalization (3 C.H)

Social Sciences

900150 Introduction to Economics (3 C.H)
900133 Research Methodology (3 C.H)
900124 Human Rights (3 C.H)
900123 Leadership and social responsibility (1 C.H)
900122 Entrepreneurship and Innovation (1 C.H)
900117 Civic Awareness (3 C.H)
900115 Social Ethics (3 C.H)
900114 Civilization and Thought (3 C.H)
900111 Military Science (3 C.H)
506151 Fundamentals of Human resources Management (3 C.H)
505103 Macroeconomics (3 C.H.)
505102 Microeconomics (3 C.H.)
505101 Principles of Risk Management (3 C.H.)
504101 Principles of Marketing (3 C.H.)
503101 Principles of Finance (3 C.H.)
502101 Principles of Management (3 C.H.)
501101 Principles of Accounting (3 C.H.)

Facilities and Labs

Department of Biology and Biotechnology
Botany Lab
Plant Cell Culture and Transformation Lab
Histology and Micro-Techniques Lab
Genetics and Developmental Biology Lab
Zoology and Ecology Lab
Biochemistry Lab
Molecular Biology Lab
Microbiology Lab
Research Lab


Department Of Basics Sciences And Humanities
General Chemistry Lab
Organic Chemistry Lab
Analytical Chemistry Lab
Research Labs (organic and instrumental)
General physics Lab

Faculty ID


The Faculty of Science is dedicated to understanding humanity, world and its places in the universe. By research, experiements and training, we introduce a new generation of experts to find solutions to the problems that science can solve.


  • Biology and Biotechnology Program :

The Biology and Biotechnology program at AUM is designed to produce excellent scientists capable of building bright, new futures and, ultimately, saving lives. Students will branch off into more specialized fields of science and medicine after their time at AUM. Because of this, this broad-base program lays a strong and flexible foundation that graduates will use to continue their scientific journeys and build lifelong careers related to societal themes such as energy, water, health, or innovation, as well as careers in entrepreneurship or teaching.