Board of Trustees

Submitted by admin on Mon, 09/13/2021 - 10:38

The Higher Education Council reference the recommendation of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem decided in its eighth meeting held on the 2nd of June 2022, to appoint the following Board of Trustees of the American University of Madaba, for the term of four years effective the 2nd of June 2022.  

The Charter of the Board of Trustees can be accessed under BOT  .

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Eng. Azzam Shweihat
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Graduate of Sussex University, UK in 1982 with a B.Sc degree in Electronics / Medical Engineering with a passion to serve the local community and Jordan.


Azzam Shweihat is an Engineer in Profession, and a Certified Executive Coach, currently holding the position of a CEO at Mukawer Castle for Education, as well as Advisor to the board of directors at "Hermes for IT Systems and Services".


Azzam also held the following Positions: Managing Director of NCR Corporation for Jordan/Iraq, Two terms Chairman of AmCham (American Chamber of Commerce) in Jordan, two terms Chairman at Jordan Computer Society (JCS), Chairman of Shabakat Al Urdun, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Madaba Tourism Association and founding Member, Vice-Chair of Andalusia Owners Committee.

Prof. Mamoun Akroush
AUM President
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Prof. Mamoun N. Akroush earned his PhD in Marketing from the University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom (2003).


Prof. Akroush is a distinguished Professor of Marketing and Strategic Management at Graduate School of Business Administration / German Jordanian University (GJU). He is an accomplished researcher and academic with over 58 international publications and a member of the Editorial Boards of various international refereed journals. During the years he assumed the positions of Head of Department, Vice Dean and Dean of Graduate School of Business at GJU,


Prof. Akroush received a number of distinguished awards, namely; Outstanding Reviewer Award for Excellence from Emerald Group Publishing (2013/2014/2015/2016/2017) Global Business and Management Publisher, The German Jordanian University Research Award (2012)/Certificate of Excellence for the Year 2011-2012: distinguished performance in Research, and The Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Outstanding Faculty Award for three times (2012/2014/2015).

Prof. Akroush is an active member of many senior academic committees at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission for Higher Education Institutions. He also was a member of the Board of Trustees of a few Jordanian universities; Aqaba University of Technology, Al-Balqa Applied University and lately the Hashemite University.

Prof. Akroush is a consultant, expert and trainer in various aspects of Marketing and Business including Strategic Management, Communications, Marketing Management and Strategies, Marketing Research, Customer Service and Care, Corporate Governance, Marketing Plans, and Political Marketing. Prof. Akroush is a consultant and field expert for several international organisations including UN, UNDP as well as many companies and institutions in the private sector in Jordan.


H.E. Jamal Daibes
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Born in the Christian Palestinian village of Zababdeh Jenin). - Ordained priest of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem (1988). - PhD in dogmatic theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome (1998).


Assistant professor at the Latin Patriarchate Seminary (1998-2017).


Chairperson of the Department of Religious Studies (2003-2013) at Bethlehem University.


Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Bethlehem University (2010).


Dean of the Faculty of Arts (2007-2013) at BU.


Canon of the Holy Sepulcher (2008).


John A. Mackay Visiting Professor of World Christianity at Princeton Theological Seminary (Spring 2013).


Rector of the Latin Patriarchate Seminary (2013-2017).


Parish priest of the Holy Family Church in Ramallah (2017-2021).


Principal of Al-Ahliyya College School in Ramallah (2017-2019). - General Director of the Latin Patriarchate Schools (2019-2021).


General Secretary of the Christian Educational Institutions (2019 2021).


Former member of the Theological Reflection Committee of the Latin Patriarchate and of the Committee of Dialogue with Jews. -Chair of the Local Committee of Friends of the Holy Land (British Christian Charity) (2006 - 2021).


Member of the Ecumenical Committee of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops in the Holy Land.


Member of the Council of Consultors at the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem (2004 - 2021).


Patriarchal Vicar of Jordan as of September 2021.


One of the authors of Kairos Palestine,

Prof. Bassam Ammari
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Professor of Urology, obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Erlangen in Germany. He teaches at the University of Jordan where he assumed the position of the Dean of the Faculty of the Rehabilitation Sciences for four years. He also attends the Urology clinic at the Jordan University hospital, and he chaired the special surgery department and the Urology section at the hospital for almost 10 years.


Professor Ammari is very active in his field, and is a member of the Urological Society, North Rhine "Dusseldorf" Urological Society, Urological Specialists Association and the Hartman Bond Association in Germany. Co-founder and Vice President of the Jordanian Urological Society. 


Member of the editorial board of the Arab Journal of Urology (AJU) as of 2002 and a referee at the Journal of the Royal Medical Services. 

Prof. Nizar Abu-Jaber
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Professor Nizar Abu-Jaber is a geologist at the German Jordanian University. He obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. from North Carolina State University, and his B.Sc. from the University of Jordan.


He began his academic career at Yarmouk University in Irbid, Jordan in 1991. During that period, he worked on developing numerous projects and initiatives in the fields of water resources, archaeology and archaeometry, and desert studies. He assumed the directorship of the UNESCO Chair for Desert Studies and Desertification Control in 1998, and the chair of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences in 2003.


Professor Abu-Jaber was seconded to the German Jordanian University to serve as the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies in 2008, and ultimately was appointed there permanently in 2011. Since then, he has established and headed the Center for the Study of Natural and Cultural Heritage at GJU. During that time, the center has obtained a number important grants and academic awards, both locally and internationally. Most recently, these were recognitions for a project to reconstruct and rehabilitate a Nabatean flood control system in Petra, southern Jordan.


In additional to his academic activities, Professor Abu-Jaber is a member of the governing board of the Jordanian Geologists Association and the head of the Scientific Committee for the association. 

Prof. Omar Bani Ahmad
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Prof. Omar Hasan (Bani Ahmad) received his PhD and MSc in Communication Engineering, and BSc degrees in electrical Engineering from New Mexico State University, USA, in 1996, 1990 and 1987 respectively. He joined Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT) in 1997, where he founded and chaired the communications engineering department during the period 2005-2010, and dean of student affairs 2010-2011. Prof. Omar was the dean of students and the chairman of Electrical Engineering Department at the American University of Madaba during the period 2011-2012. Prof. Omar has established the Entrepreneurship center at Princess Sumya University, and he has established the innovation and the Multimedia Labs at King Abdullah II for Engineering, and the Technology Transfer Office at Queen Rania Entrepreneurship Center, at Princess Sumaya University for Technology. Prof. Omar Received the best researcher award 2014-2015, PSUT. 

Prof. Omar has served as a committee member at the Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, Jordan: Scientific Research & Innovation Fund, 2018-2020, and was a member of the Jordan Journal of Electrical Engineering: Editorial Board, 2018-2020. In addition, Prof. Omar served in many accreditation committees with Higher Education Accreditation Commission, Jordan. Prof. Omar is experienced with the ABET accreditation and European accreditation. 

Prof. Omar has worked in the area of turbo coding and optical wireless communications and as a consultant for Global Cardiac Monitors, Texas, until 2020. In addition, he worked in different projects at physical science laboratory, Las Cruces, USA, in the period 1991-1992. He has been active in international relations where he was the recipient and the contact officer for many EU and international projects, and German Academic Exchange Service (DDAD). Currently, Prof. Omar is the coordinator for the summer student / staff exchange programs. 

Sr. Prof. Paula Buley
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A member of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Immaculata, PA, Sister Paula brings to Rivier more than twenty-five years of experience in higher education administration. Formerly Executive Vice President of Administration at Seton Hall University, she has served in senior roles at Anna Maria College, Mount St. Mary University and Immaculata University. She holds an Ed.D. in Higher Education from the University of Pennsylvania, an M.A.L.S. in Catholic Studies from Georgetown University, and an M.B.A. from Villanova University. 

Sister Paula's professional service has included extensive experience in the development and implementation of comprehensive master plans and programs which support teaching and learning excellence. As an educator and leader, she has a deep appreciation of the history, vision, and mission of Rivier University to transform hearts and minds to serve the world. This mission resonates deeply with the mission of Catholic higher education, the value of the liberal arts, and the community of service engendered by programs of professional study. Sister Paula's research interests include issues of organizational governance and leadership in higher education. 

Prof. Samer Dahiyat
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Professor Samer Eid Dahiyat is a Professor of Strategic and Knowledge Management at the University of Jordan, School of Business. Professor Dahiyat earned his PhD in Strategic Management and Organizational Agility from the University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom, in 2004 and has been since appointed in the Department of Business Management, the School of Business at the University of Jordan. He has been Vice Dean of the School of Business for Graduate Studies Affairs since 2016. He also earlier served as the Chair of the Department of Business Management (2007-2011) and Assistant Dean (2006-2007).


Professor Dahiyat has vast administrative academic experience in establishing and developing undergraduate as well as postgraduate programs in Business Administration and Quality Management. He has served in numerous committees at the University of Jordan, the most recent of which is "The University of Jordan Strategic Plan Committee" since 2017, where he actively participated in the formulation of the University's current strategy (2017-2022) and is currently involved in formulating its future one (2023-2027). He is also a member in the University's "King Abdullah II Excellence Award Steering Committee" and the University's "Institutional Performance and Digital Transformation Steering Committee". Professor Dahiyat has also been actively involved in the School of Business committees responsible for applying for the prestigious international "Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business" (AACSB) accreditation of all of its undergraduate as well as postgraduate business programs. He is also a member in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research "Non-Jordanian Higher Education Institutions Recognition Committee" and a member in Jordan's "Civil Service Bureau Council", and has served in numerous committees formed by Jordan's "Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission for Higher Education Institutions".


Professor Dahiyat is an accomplished academic and researcher who has published in leading peer-reviewed journals, including VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Business Process Management Journal, Knowledge and Process Management, Management Research Review, and others. His published research focuses on the areas of intellectual capital, knowledge management infrastructure and processes, organizational and technical innovation, entrepreneurship, amongst other topics. In 2020, Professor Dahiyat received a Letter of Appreciation from the President of the University of Jordan in Recognition of Distinguished Research Efforts and Contributions and Role in the Ascension of the University in Global Rankings. 

Mr. Imad Deir
Vice chair
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Holding BA degree in Computer Science from Jordan University, Mr. Deir worked as General Manager of Optimiza Healthcare, one of the leading public traded IT companies in the Middle East. In addition to his extensive experience in IT solutions, he has acquired considerable knowledge and experience in finance, budgeting, sales and marketing through managing hundreds of projects worldwide throughout the period of his 30 years of practice in this field.

Mr. Deir is currently an independent IT and Management consultant, providing advice in the fields of Information Technology and project management. 

Mr. Deir has attended and participated in hundreds of international and regional IT exhibitions and shows, and was a key speaker at many of them. 

Professor Bart McGettrick
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Professor Bart McGettrick is Emeritus Professor of Education and Dean Emeritus, of the Faculty of Education at the University of Glasgow. He was the first Dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Glasgow. He was Dean of the Faculty of Education and Professor of Christian Education at Liverpool Hope University.

He has a background in education and public life that is varied. He was a teacher of Geography in St Aloysius’ College from 1968 - 72.  He later chaired the Board of Governors of the College for many years. He was Principal of St Andrew’s College (The national College for the education of teachers) in Scotland, and became the first Dean of the Faculty of Education at Glasgow University. He was then appointed Dean of the Faculty of Education at Liverpool Hope University

He is Chairman of the International Board of Regents of Bethlehem University (Palestine). He holds other positions in international groups and committees in education and beyond. He is a member of the Board of Regents and the Board of Trustees of the American University of Madaba in Jordan.  He is a member of The Grand Magisteriun of The Equestrian Order of The Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem having served on the Grand Magisterium since 2003. He is currently President of The Holy Land Commission and formerly President of the Schools Commission for The Holy Land.  He is Chairman of the Board of Governors of Tabeetha School, Jaffa-Tel Aviv.

Among the honours he holds are: an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for services to education in the UK; “Ex Corde Ecclesiae” Medal of the International Federation of Catholic Universities; Knight Grand Cross of the Order of The Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem; Golden Palm of Jerusalem; Gold Cross of Jerusalem.

Dr. Adli Shehadeh Kandah
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Dr. Adli Shehadeh Kandah, is a member of the Board of Directors of the Jordan Deposit Insurance Corporation, serves as an economic, financial, and banking advisor. Dr. Kandah held the position of Director General of the Association of Banks in Jordan from July 1, 2006, to June 30, 2020. Prior to this, he held various roles, including Economic Advisor to the Minister of Labor from 2005 to 2006, Director of the National Training and Development Project, Economic Consultant at the Central Bank of Qatar from 2001 to 2004, and Economic Consultant in the Prime Ministry of Jordan from 1997 to 1998. He served as a member of the Board of Trustees of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University College for Innovation 2018-2023. His professional journey began at the Central Bank of Jordan in 1990, where he worked as an Economist in the Research Department until June 2006.

Dr. Kandah holds numerous memberships and academic experiences, serving as a member of the Arab Thought Forum, and the Jordan Economic Forum. He was also a member of the Economic and Social Council in Jordan from 2013 to 2017 and the National Dialogue Committee in Jordan in 2011. Dr. Kandah has worked as a part-time professor at various universities and institutes, including the University of Jordan, Qatar University, the Hashemite University, the Jordan University of Science and Technology, the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University College for Innovation, the Institute of Banking Studies in Jordan and Qatar, and the Jordanian Diplomatic Institute.

Dr. Kandah has authored nine books on various economic, financial, and banking topics, including “The Jordanian Economy and the Economic and Financial Crisis 1921-2022”, "Investments in Jordan in a Hundred Years 1921-2021" and "Determinants of Economic Growth, Seeds for Practical Ideas 2021". He has also prepared numerous studies and research papers in economics, trade, finance, and banking. Additionally, Dr. Kandah is a weekly columnist for Al-Rai Jordanian newspaper and contributes to The Jordan Times and various other newspapers and online platforms.

Dr. Issa S. Almasarweh
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Profession Mission

Promote the analysis of national data, legislation, and policies as well as use evidence geared towards decision-making, social and economic policymaking to inform the development, reform, implementation and evaluation of policies, laws and strategies oriented towards the improvement of family well-being.

Brief Profession Experiences

Dr. Almasarweh was awarded a UN Fund for Population Activity fellowship toward the completion of doctoral studies at Utah State University, where he obtained a PhD in Sociology with a concentration in Demography and Economic Development. He continued to expand his skills by participating in several capacity building activities at prestigious institutes in the U.S.A focused on computer-based demographic analysis, research techniques and strategic planning for population and reproductive health. He also served as a trainer in several local and regional workshops (sponsored by UN agencies, USAID, EU) on population projections; censuses and surveys data analysis; policy analysis and formulation; demographic analysis software; and dissemination of social, population, gender, and vital statistics data.

Dr. Almasarweh has over 25 years of academic, research, consultation, and management experience, in which he has applied sociological, social, demographic and health data analysis, research and training to the formulation of sound population and social policy in Jordan. He is currently the Secretary General of Jordan Higher Population Council.

He previously served as a resident advisor and senior researcher for several USAID-sponsored projects (the Acceptability of Long-Acting Progestin Contraceptive Methods Project, the Lactational Amenorrhea Method and Breastfeeding Support Project, POLICY Project, Health Policy Initiative Project). He held a professor position in the Department of Sociology and Social Work and the Department of Population Studies at the University of Jordan.

Dr. Almasarweh led and participated in several national committees and taskforces charged with revising and updating Jordan’s national strategies. More recently, he participated in and managed several policy-oriented studies that were utilized in developing Jordan National Population Strategy (2000-2020) and the country’s Reproductive Health Action Plan (2003-2007 and 2008-2012), the National Population Strategy 2021-2030, the National Reproductive Health Strategy 2020-2030, and Jordan Implementation Plan for 2019 Nairobi Summit Commitments.

Dr. Almasarweh had also participated in several policy dialogues and contributed to the three most recent editions of the Jordan Demographic Health Survey (DHS) main results report, as well as to a number of local training, advocacy, and project coordination activities. He has solid knowledge of a number of social sciences and demographic and statistical software packages.

Furthermore, Dr. Almasarweh participated in the Post-Cairo International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD 1994) activities, where he contributed to the development of the UNFPA Programme Review and Strategy Development for the UNFPA Country Program in Jordan (1998-2002 and 2008-2012). Upon request from the Jordan National Council for Family Affairs, Dr. Almasarweh reviewed inventory of family-related research and participated in the retreat for developing the Strategic Framework for the National Strategy for Jordanian Family.


Professional Associations:

  1. Member of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP).
  2. Member of the Committee for International Cooperation in National Research in Demography (CICRD).
  3. Member of the International Sociological Association (ISA).
  4. Member of the Jordanian National Association for Fighting Smoking.
  5. Member of the Research Committee, King Hussein Foundation.

Contact Information: Mobile: 079-5644514.