Grants and Incentive Regulations

Submitted by admin on Mon, 05/29/2023 - 16:45

Grants and Incentive Regulations at the American University of Madaba No (4) 2019

Issued in accordance of Article (10) of the Jordanian Universities Law No. 18 for the year 2018


Article (1)


These regulations shall be called "Grants and Incentive Regulations at the American University of Madaba 2019" and shall come into effect as of the date of approval by the University Board of Trustees.


Article (2)


The following words and phrases shall, wherever they appear in the present directives, have the meanings stated against them unless the context states otherwise:

University: The American University of Madaba

Council: The University Board of Trustees

President: The president of the university

Dean: The Dean of Students Affairs

Faculty Dean: Dean of the faculty in which the students is enrolled

Students: The student registered and regular student at the university

University Activity: Any extra-curricular activity decided by the university.

Employee: Any faculty member or an administrative staff member at the university excluding employees on daily wages or remuneration.

Article (3)

Grants and incentives aim at:

  1. Attracting academically, athletically and artistically outstanding students.
  2. Encouraging university students to excel and be creative in their studies.
  3. Strengthening ties between students and the university.
  4. Encouraging student to participate in extracurricular activities.


Article (4)

  1. A Committee shall be formed under the chairmanship of the President or his deputy and the membership of the following:
    1. Assistant President for Administrative and Executive Affairs
    2. Dean of Student Affairs
    3. Finance director
    4. Admission and Registration Director / Reporter
    5. Two members from the university employees selected by the President at the beginning of each academic year.


  1. The Committee shall meet at the invitation of its Chairman. Its meeting shall be legal in the presence of the majority of its members provided that the Chairman of the Committee shall be among them. Its decisions shall be taken by a majority vote of its present members.
  2. The committee shall take over the following tasks;
  3. Laying out a plan for the grants and incentives of students.
  4. Recommending to the council any amendments or suggestions to the regulations of the grants and incentive regulations at the University.

Article (5)

The University shall offer grants and incentives to the following categories of students:

  1. Academically, athletically, scientifically, and artistically outstanding students.
  2. Offspring of the university employee
  3. Siblings and parents of students enrolled in the university in the same period.
  4. The students who are offered grants from the Sponsor.

Grants for Academically Outstanding Students

Article (6)

  1. Subject to the provisions of Article ( 7 ) of these Regulations, the following provisions shall be applied to Jordanian students:


  1. The new academically outstanding student who enrolls at the university shall be offered a semester grant covering the fees of the credit hours if his/her average in the Jordanian high school is as follows:
  2. Full grant if the student’s average is 98% or above
  3. Half grant if the student’s average is 95% – 97.9%
  4. 35% grant if the student’s average is 90% - 94.9%
  5. 25% grant if the student’s average is 80% - 89.9%
  6. 15% grant if the student’s average is 70% - 79.9%
  7. 10% grant if the student’s average is 60% - 69.9%


  1. A new academically outstanding student who enrolls at the university will receive a semester grant covering the credit hours he / she registers if he / she graduated with IG, BS, IB, SAT2 diplomas with the same average mentioned in clause (A) of this article on the basis of a certified equasion by Ministry of Education.


  1. Clause (A) of this article may be applied to students of non-Jordanian nationality.


Article (7)

  1. The grant provided for in Article (6) of these regulations shall be withheld in the following cases:
    1. If the student’s cumulative average in two consecutive semesters is less than 70% in in the cases stated in Article (6) A 1 (b, c) ,and if the student’s cumulative average in two consecutive semesters is less than 65% in the cases stated in Article (6) A 1 (d, e, f),the Summer Session is not counted for this purpose.
    2. If the student's load in the semester is less than 15 credit hours except for the semester the student is expected to graduate. The credit hours registered by the student outside his / her study plan shall not be counted.
    3. These grants or any other grants approved by the university shall not be applied to students who have chosen to study a semester or a full academic year at a university participating in the memorandum of understanding for students exchange; insteadhe / she shall pay the full tuition fees.
    4. The course of "Military Sciences" shall not be subject to any discount.


  1. The full grant shall be withheld if the student’s cumulative average in two consecutive semesters is less than 60%, and the Summer Session is not counted for this purpose.
  2. The student shall be entitled to benefit from the grant in case the reasons of withholding it are removed.
  3. The full grant shall be withheld if the student is given any disciplinary punishment of the degree of a warning.
  4. This article shall be applied to all the grants offered by the university.

Article (8)

Subject to the provisions of Article (9) of these Regulations:

  1. An academically outstanding student shall be offered the following financial incentives according to the case applicable to the student:




95% or above

30 credit hours or more



90%or above

60 credit hours or more



95 % or above

60 credit hours or more



90% or above

90 credit hours or more



95 % or above

90 credit hours or more



90 %or above

120 credit hours or more



95 % or above

120 credit hours or more



90 % or above

150 credit hours or more


  1. The financial grants described in item (A) of this article are issued or credited at the end of the semester in which the student achieves the excellence indicated above.

Article (9)

The following general principles are adopted to help students benefit from the incentives referred to in Article (8) of these regulations:

  1. A student must have been enrolled for two semesters at the university.
  2. Any load of the students in the semester in which he / she excelled must not be less than (15) credit hours except for the semester in which the student is expected to graduate.
  3. He / she must not have been given any disciplinary punishment of a warning degree or above.


Grants for Offspring of the University’s employees

Article (10)

Subject to the provisions of Article (11) of these Regulations, Offspring of the university employees shall be given a discount rate for the fees of the hours registered in each semester based on their accumulative average, provided that they have registered for no less than (12) credit hours within their study plan during that semester:


Discount %

Cumulative Average %



The First Semester



60 – 67.9%



68% - 75.9%



76% - 89.9%



90% and above



Article (11)

  1. Subject to the provisions of clause (b) of this Article, the grants provided in Article (10) of these regulations shall be applied during the period in which the employee is on his job at the University only.
  2. The grants provided in Article (10) of these regulations shall be applied to the offspring of the employees who have served at the University for a period of not less than ten years unless their service at the University ends due to a disciplinary action or loss of their jobs.
  3. The period of unpaid leaves shall be excluded from the period stated in clause (B) of this article.



Other University Grants

Article (12)

  1. Admitted siblings, husbands, and the parents of regular students at the University shall receive a 10% discount of the fees of the registered hours for each student until graduation.
  2. The third sibling shall be granted a discount of 15% on the credit hours tuition fees.
  3. The fourth sibling shall be granted a discount of 20% on the credit hours tuition fees.


Honoring Academically Outstanding Students

Article (13)

  1. Two lists shall be established at the University: The first is the "Honor List of Academically Outstanding Students at the Faculty / Faculty Honor List", and the second is the "Honor List of Academically Outstanding Students at the University / University Honor List ". These lists aim to reward academically outstanding students and encourage them to exert more continuous scientific effort.


  1. The first list referred to in paragraph (A) of this Article shall include the names of outstanding students in a semester who meet the following conditions:
  2. His / Her cumulative semester average is not less than 90%.
  3. His / her study semester load is not less than (15) credit hours.
  4. He / she has not been subject to a disciplinary punishment of the warning degree or above.
  5. The second list referred to in paragraph (A) of this Article shall include the names of outstanding students in a semester who meet the following conditions:
  6. His / Her cumulative semester average is not less than 95%.
  7. His / her study semester load is not less than (15) credit hours.
  8. He / she has not been subject to a disciplinary punishment of the warning degree or above.

Article (14)

The Director of the Admissions and Registration Department shall be assigned to prepare a list of the students who meet the conditions stated in clauses (b) and (c) of Article (13) of these regulations.

Article (15)

  1. Names of outstanding students who meet the requirements in clauses (b) and (c) of Article (13) of these regulations shall be in the Faculty’s list, and / or the University honor list.



Honoring Outstanding Students in University Activities

Article (16)

A list of outstanding students in university activities shall be established at the University, listing the names of outstanding students in one or more university activities in each semester who meet the following conditions:


  1. Participating in at least one university activity.
  2. Achieving an outstanding activity on individual or social level inside or outside the University, for example but not limited, Winning one of the top three places in a local, regional or international competition.


Article (17)

The Dean shall prepare a list of the students who meet the requirements of Article 16 of these regulations, together with a detailed report on their outstanding achievements in the university activities.

Article (18)

A certificate of appreciation shall be awarded to each student whose name is in the list of outstanding students in university activities.

Grants of Outstanding Athletes

Article (19)

The President shall form one or more committees either of qualified and specialist staff of the University or otherwise, and shall undertake the following:

  1. Conducting a personal interview with the candidates for the sports grant.
  2. Taking a skill test.
  3. Submitting lists consisting of the final results of all applicants and the names of candidates for grants, both new students and regular students who applied for the scholarship.

Standards and Degrees of Sports Excellence

Article (20)

The student is considered an outstanding athlete according to the following criteria:

  1. A superior athletic of first degree:


  1. Anyone who has been a member of a national team, and represented the Kingdom at an Olympic, regional, and Arab tournament, or at least one external tournament in a game of sports supervised by a sports federation of the Ministry of Youth or the Supreme Council of Youth.
  2. Anyone who was a member of a military team or a school team in the Kingdom schools, and represented Jordan in at least one international event.
  3. Anyone who was awarded the Golden, Silver or Bronze level of the Hassan Youth Award.
  1. A superior athletic of second degree:


  1. Anyone who was a member of a team of a premier or a first division club ,in a group or individual game, supervised by a sports federation of the federations of the Ministry of Youth or the Supreme Council for Youth.
  2. Anyone who was a player in one of the teams of directorate of education in the Kingdom.


  1. A superior athletic of third degree:
  2. A student who is a team member in a first class sport club, playing a group or individual sport, sponsored by a sports union or federation which is supervised by the Ministry of Youth or the Higher Council for Youth.
  3. Anyone who was a member of a military team, or a teacher, won the first place in a sports championship of the directorate of education in the Kingdom.
  4. Anyone who has been enrolled at the university for at least two semesters, and has become a key player, in one of the sports teams of the university, and proved outstanding competence, based on a report from the dean, and his participation in the university national and international championships.


Terms and Conditions of Applying to Sports Grants

Article (21)

The following conditions are required to apply for the grant:

  1. Submitting an application according to the form designed for this purpose.
  2. Meeting one of the criteria of sports excellence under a certificate of superior athletic or its equivalent.
  3. Passing the student personal interview or skill test in his/her superior sports teams.



Terms and Conditions of Continued Sports Grants

Article (22)

The following conditions shall be required to ensure the continuation of the grant:

  1. Commitment to practice sports activity with the university team inside and outside the university, according to the programs launched by the Deanship.
  2. The applicant shall not have any valid disciplinary penalty in his record on the level of a warning or above.


Criteria of Superlative Sports Excellence

Article (23)

  1. Adopting the following criteria of accepting applicants for sports excellence:


  1. 20% for General Secondary School Certificate.
  2. 20% for the level of sports excellence certificate (first, second or third degree).
  3. 20% of the level of the need priorities of the university teams (the nature of the game and the position in which the candidate plays.
  4. 40% for the practical test of the skills of the game.


b.Scores assigned to the level of sports excellence certificates shall be defined as follows



Level of Certificate

ِA national team player who has already represented the Kingdom


The national team player


A player winning the first place in a group game or the player who won first place in the official championship at the level of the Kingdom in an individual game..


A school team player or club player winning the second place in a group game or a player winning the second place in the official championship at the level of the Kingdom in an individual game..


A player of the Directorate of Education winning the first place in the official championship at the level of the Kingdom, or a player of the club winning the third place in a group game or a player winning the third place in the official tournament at the level of the Kingdom in an individual game.


A player of the Directorate of Education winning the second place in the official tournament at the level of the Kingdom, or a player in the school team winning first place in the official championship at the level of the Directorate, or a club player winning one of the positions that follow the third place in the official championship at the level of the Kingdom in the game.


A player in the school team winning the third place in the official championship at the level of the Directorate.


A player of the Directorate of Education winning the third place in the official tournament at the level of the Kingdom, or a school team player winning the second place in the official championship at the level of the Directorate..



c.The Testing Committee shall decide on cases not mentioned in the table above.


Ratio of Sports Excellence Grants

Article (24)

  1. Athletes excelling according to the above criteria and conditions shall be awarded the following incentive grants:
  2. The excelling first class athlete shall be awarded a grant covering 40% of the credit hour tuition fees.
  3. The excelling second class athlete shall be awarded a grant covering 30% of the credit hour tuition fees.
  4. The excelling third class athlete shall be awarded a grant covering 20% of the credit hour tuition fees.


  1. Upon the recommendation of the President and the Dean, the Board may increase the ratio prescribed in clause (A) of this Article for outstanding students, provided that they shall not exceed (10%) of the credit hour tuition fees.


Artistic Excellence Grants

Article (25)

The President shall form one or more committees either of qualified and specialist staff of the University or otherwise, and shall undertake the following:

  1. Conducting a personal interview with the candidates for the artistic grant.
  2. Taking a skill test.
  3. Evaluating the technical work of the candidates.
  4. Submitting lists consisting of the final results of all applicants and the names of candidates for grants, both new students and regular students who applied for the scholarship.

Standards and Degrees of Artistic Excellence

Article (26)

The student shall be considered artistically outstanding according to the following criteria:

  1. A first class artistic excellence.


  1. Involving in one of the artistic groups at the level of the Directorate of Education in the Kingdom, which include: playing musical instruments, choir, theatrical representation, folk art, expressive dance, poetry, plastic arts, sculpture and photography.
  2. Being a member of one of the well-known artistic groups inside or outside the Kingdom, which participated in one of the local or international festivals or exhibitions which include the following groups: singing, playing, folk art, acting and expressive dancing, poetry, plastic arts, sculpture and photography.


  1. A second class artistic excellence:

Obtaining a training certificate in playing a musical instrument from one of the official accredited institutes inside or outside the Kingdom.


  1. A third class artistic excellence.
  2. Having the artistic talents mentioned in clause (A) of this article, and passed the skill test prepared by the Deanship at the beginning of each academic year successfully, and proved outstanding competence, and pledged to commit to participate in the activities of the Department throughout the years of study.


Terms and Conditions of Applying to Artist Grants

Article (27)

The following conditions are required to apply for the grant:


  1. Submitting an application according to the form designed for this purpose.
  2. Meeting one of the criteria of artistic excellence under a certificate of outstanding artist or its equivalent certified by the school or the concerned institute according to the type of his excellence
  3. Passing the student personal interview or skill test in his/her artistic excellence teams.


Terms and Conditions of Continued Artist Grants

Article (28)

The following conditions shall be required to ensure the continuation of the grant:

  1. Commitment to practice artistic activity with the university team inside and outside the university, according to the programs launched by the Deanship.
  2. The applicant shall not have any valid disciplinary penalty in his record on the level of a warning or above


Criteria of Superlative Sports Excellence

Article (29)

Adopting the following criteria of accepting applicants for sports excellence:

  1. 20% for General Secondary School Certificate.
  2. 20% for the level of artistic excellence certificate (first, second or third degree).
  3. 20% of the level of the need priorities of the University concerning the nature of the artistic excellence.
  4. 40% for the artistic levels of the applicants.


Ratio of Artistic Excellence Grants

Article (30)

  1. Artists excelling according to the above criteria and conditions shall be awarded the following incentive grants:
  2. The excelling first class artist shall be awarded a grant covering 40% of the credit hour tuition fees.
  3. The excelling second class artist shall be awarded a grant covering 30% of the credit hour tuition fees.
  4. The excelling third class artist shall be awarded a grant covering 20% of the credit hour tuition fees.


  1. Upon the recommendation of the President and the Dean, the Board may increase the ratio prescribed in clause (A) of this Article for outstanding students, provided that they shall not exceed (10%) of the credit hour tuition fees.




General Provisions of Sports, Artistic and Scientific Excellence Grants

Article (31)

  1. Applications for granting artistic, sports and scientific excellence shall be submitted to the Dean, who shall verify their conformity with the standards and conditions and shall submit them to the President.
  2. The number of grants awarded is (30) scholarships per academic year at the maximum, not exceeding 5% of the number of admissions per academic year, and shall distributed as follows:
    • A maximum of thirteen grants for sports excellence.
    • A maximum of thirteen grants for artistic excellence.
    • A maximum of four grants for winners of international academic awards.


Grants for Winners of International Academic Awards

Article (32)

  1. The following grants shall be awarded upon a decision by the Council of Deans:
  2. Grant of 40% of the credit hour fee to the first place winners.
  3. Grant of 30% of the credit hour fee to the second place winners
  4. Grant of 20% of the credit hour fee to the third place winners
  5. In order to have a continued grant, the student shall continue to practice the distinctive activity to which he / she is entitled throughout the course studies at the university.


  1. The President shall form a committee of qualified and specialist staff of the University which aims at the following:


  1. Evaluating the applications submitted to differentiate between the applicants and select the most suitable ones for the grant and determine the ratio of the grant.
  2. Submitting a list of the candidates for the grant to the to the President to discuss the matter with the Council of Deans
  3. Submitting a recommendation to the Board of Deans at the end of each semester showing the continuation or non-continuation of the student in practicing the distinctive activity that to practice the distinctive activity to which he / she is entitled him for the grant, for the purposes of continuing or not continuing to benefit from the grant.


Grants of the Sponsor

Article (33)

The University allocates (60) grants every academic year to the Sponsor according to the following conditions:

  1. The grant shall target only needy students.
  2. The grant shall not exceed 60 scholarships per academic year distributed to all faculties and departments.
  3. The grants of the Sponsor shall subject to the terms and conditions of these regulations.
  4. The grant should not exceed 75% of the credit hour fees and according to the status of the required specialty.
  5. Any grant offered under this Article shall take into account any deductions or grants offered to the applicant in accordance with these Instructions. The grant shall not collectively exceed the percentage stated in clause (d) of this Article.


General Provisions

Article (34)

  • Students may not receive more than one grant; discount or incentive at the same time and in the same semester and the higher grant or incentive shall be credited to them.
  • The student may not benefit from the discount offered to the siblings, husbands, parents and offspring of the university staff at the same time, and shall be awarded only the highest grant.
  • Subject to the provisions of clause (a) and (b) of this Article, incentives may be combined (as stated in Article 8 of these Regulations with the discounts and grants mentioned in these Regulations.
  • The student shall not be entitled to any of the grants mentioned in these regulations in the case of obtaining full or partial grant by an official or non-official body.

Article (35)

  1. The provisions of all grants, incentives, discounts and exemptions shall not be applied to repeated courses, remedial courses, or courses taken by the student from outside his / her study plan, students shall pay for these courses on their own..
  2. The provisions of all grants, incentives, discounts and exemptions shall not be applied to the courses studied by the student in the summer session.

Article (36)

  1. At the beginning of the academic year, the President shall form a special committee headed by one of his deputies, the membership of the Dean of Student Affairs, the assistant president for Administrative Affairs, and two university employees, who may be added when necessary, to study the financial aid cases of the new or old students.
  2. The Committee shall implement its work in strict confidentiality and submit its recommendations directly to the President.
  3. The President shall decide on the recommendation of the Committee to grant appropriate discounts to the student, provided that they shall not exceed 25% of the tuition fees of credit hours.

Article (37)

The Council may organize and approve additional grants and agreements in this regard at the beginning of each academic year upon the recommendation of the President as follows:

  1. Offering grants to the people of Madaba Governorate in support of the local community.
  2. Signing agreements between the university and the various schools in connection with offering grants to school students.
  3. Signing agreements between the university and embassies and official institutions in the Kingdom.
  4. Signing agreements between the University and external institutions, provided that they are approved by the Higher Education Council in accordance with the Jordanian Universities Law.
  5. Allocating grants to the Sponsor as stated in Article (33) of these regulations


Article (38)

Grants and incentives shall be issued in accordance with the regulations and financial regulations applicable at the University.

Article (39)

The previous regulations shall be applied to the offspring of the employees registered in the university before these regulations came into effect.

Article (40)

The President, the Dean and Financial Director, shall be responsible for implementing these regulations

Article (41)

The board shall decide on cases where no provision has been made thereon in the above regulations.

Article (42)

These regulations shall invalidate any former decisions or other regulations that contradict with these regulations.