Regulations for Student Discipline

Submitted by admin on Mon, 05/29/2023 - 16:49

at the American University of Madaba No. (4) of 2018

Issued on the Basis of Article “16-B-13” of the Law of Jordanian Universities

 No. 18 of 2018 and its Amendments


Article 1          These regulations shall be named “Regulations for Student Discipline at the American University of Madaba of 2018”.  They shall go into effect after they have been duly approved.


Article 2          The words and phrases below shall have, wherever they appear in these regulations, their specified meaning unless otherwise indicated in context: 

                        University                    American University of Madaba

                        President                      President of the University

                        Council                        Council of Deans

                        Faculty                         Any Faculty or Deanship at the University

                        Dean                            Faculty dean or the Dean of Student Affairs at the University


Article 3          These regulations shall apply to all students registered at the University.


Article 4          The following acts are considered disciplinary violations that subject the student who commits any of them to the disciplinary measures stated in these regulations:

  1. Deliberate absence from classes or any other activities that require attendance, and inciting others to do so.
  2. Cheating, or attempting to cheat, in tests or exams, or disrupting their order.
  3. Any act of misconduct which may encroach upon honor, dignity, public morals, or good conduct and behavior, or is likely to damage the reputation of the University or discredit its employees.
  4. Verbal or physical assault or harassment by a person or group of individuals over other people based on race, age, gender, color, religion, marital status, descent and disability, including bullying, bullying, and physical, psychological, or moral harm to any university student
  5. Organizing or participating in any group or organization on campus without prior permission issued by the competent University authorities, or participating in any group activity which violates organizational procedures at the University
  6. Using University premises or facilities for any activities for which they are not designed, or using them without obtaining prior permission.
  7. Using any firearms or sharp objects in, or bringing them into, the University
  8. Circulating brochures or publishing wall newspapers or posters in University premises, or collecting signatures or donations without prior permission issued by the competent University authorities, or abusing the granted permission to undertake the abovementioned activities.
  9. Distribute, publish or suspend pornographic images that contain sexual characteristics, engage in intimate relationships, or publish and distribute pornographic films.
  10. Disturbing the order or discipline that has to be observed in lectures delivered on campus.
  11. Committing any act of insult, offense, or assault/assault attempt, directed against any of the faculty, staff, workers, or fellow students at the University or Faculty.
  12. Abusing or destroying any of the properties belonging to the University on purpose or out of negligence.
  13. Forging University documents or using forged documents for any University purposes.
  14. Giving documents and university IDs to others intentionally for illegal use.
  15. Stealing or encroaching upon any of the properties belonging to the University, Faculty, employees, or students.
  16. Incitement, arrangement, participation, or interference in acts of violence, riots, or bilateral or group scrimmage against students or other people inside or outside the university on occasions involving the university or an activity carried out by the university.
  17. Incitement to commit dangerous or unusual actions that could cause a psychological or physical danger or have a negative impact on the security of the university
  18. Possessing, taking or promoting spirits or narcotic substances inside the university, or the presence of the student to the university while he is under the influence of spirits or narcotics.
  19. Smoking inside university buildings or in places not designated for smoking.
  20. Playing any kind of gambling or games that depend on illicit financial profit.
  21. Violating effective University laws, bylaws, regulations or decisions.
  22. Violating effective students’ conduct code


Article 5  

 Considering the provisions of Articles (6), (7), (8) and (9) of these regulations, the following penalties may be imposed upon students who commit any of the violations listed in Article (4):

  1. Forewarning
  2. Dismissal from the classroom and call the University Security when necessary.
  3. Disallowing the student from attending some or all of the lectures of the course in which the violation occurred.
  4. Disallowing the student for a limited period of time from using the University facilities in which the violation took place.
  5. Disallowing the student for a limited period of time from activities in which the violation in which the violation took place.
  6. Warning with its three levels first second and Ultimate
  7. A fine of no less than the value of twice the thing or things that the student destroyed.
  8. Cancellation of registration in one or more courses of the semester in which the violation occurs.
  9. Receiving a grade ‘F’ in one or more subjects.
  10. Temporary suspension from the University for one or more Semesters or disallowing the student to register for Summer Session.
  11. Permanent dismissal from the University.
  12. Deferment of conferring a degree to the student for a period not exceeded two semesters.
  13. Cancellation of the decision to award a diploma in case there is any falsification or fraud in the procedures for obtaining it.


Article 6             If a student is caught cheating in a test or exam, they shall be subject to one or more of the following penalties:

  1. Receiving a grade ‘F’ in the course.
  2. Receiving any of the disciplinary penalties stated in paragraphs (f-k) of Article (5) of these regulations.


Article 7  

a. The following combined penalties shall be imposed on a student who has agreed with another student or other person to sit for an exam or test instead and in fact, the test was taken by that other student or person: 

      1. Receiving a grade ‘F’ in that course.
      2. Cancellation of registration in all courses of the semester in which the violation occurs.
      3. Temporary suspension from the university for at least two semesters as of the following semester in which the violation occurs

b. The following combined penalties shall be imposed on the student who sat for the test or exam instead: 

    1. Cancellation of registration in all courses of the semester in which the violation occurs.
    2. Temporary suspension from the university for at least two semesters as of the following semester in which the violation occurs

c. If the person who interred the exam is not a university student then he/she will be handed over to the competent judicial authorities. 


Article 8    

  1. If, as a result of the investigation, it is proven that the student has incited, masterminded, participated, or interfered in violence, riots, or bilateral or group quarrels inside or outside the university on an occasion in which the university is involved or an activity undertaken, the final semester of the university will be awarded.
  2. If, as a result of the investigation, it is proven that the student has committed a severe harm to a faculty member, staff at the university, or students, he / she shall be subject to a penalty of temporary or final dismissal from the university.


Article 9 

  1. If, as a result of the investigation, it is proven that the student was in possession of alcoholic drinks, or he/she entered the university while under its influence, he/she shall be subjected to a penalty of dismissal from the university for a period of two semesters, and in case of repetition, he/she shall be permanently dismissed from the university.
  2. If, as a result of the investigation, it is proven that the student was in possession of narcotic substances, or that he/she used or promoted them, or entered the university while under its influence, he/she shall be subject to the penalty of final dismissal from the university.


Article 10   

  1. It is permissible to combine two disciplinary penalties or more of the penalties stipulated in these regulations
  2. In case of imposing a temporary dismissal penalty from the university, the identity of the dismissed student is withdrawn and he/she is prevented from entering the university campus during the semester, unless with prior permission from the Dean of Student Affairs.
  3. A student who has been dismissed from the University for a Final Disciplinary Penalty is deprived of obtaining a certificate of good conduct, and his / her name is also circulated to other public and private universities.


Article 11   

  1. The decisions to impose disciplinary penalties shall be kept in the student’s file in the Deanship of students affairs. Department of Admission and Registration, student’s parent or sponsor, if applicable, and the concerned Dean may be notified of the disciplinary decision. The concerned faculty dean may place the decision on the notice board.
  2. The concerned faculty Dean shall notify all decisions to impose penalties on any of the students to the Dean of Student Affairs and the Director of the Admission and Registration Department. 


Article 12    

  1. A student who has been temporary dismissed from the university is not entitled to register in the summer session that precedes the semester in which he/she was dismissed.
  2. Courses taken at any other university during his/ her dismissal will not be counted


Article 13  

  1. The student who is referred for investigation is not entitled to withdraw from the study before the end of the investigation.
  2. The student graduation procedures shall be suspended until the violation he/she committed is settled and a decision is taken


Article 14      

  1. The Council shall, at the beginning of each academic year, form a committee consisting of three members in addition to a fourth reserve member of the faculty members at the university, to investigate the student violations committed on University campus. In case of necessity, more than one committee may be formed.
  2. The validity of the committee is one year, renewable.
  3. It’s the responsibility of the Dean of Student Affairs to refer the violations to this committee for investigation and recommendation for appropriate penalties.


  Article 15  

a.The Council shall, at the beginning of each academic year, form a disciplinary council consisting of

  1. Dean of student affairs, chair
  2. Dean of the faculty to which the student belongs
  3. Three faculty members at the university.
  4. A fourth reserve member

        in order to look into the students’ violations referred by the Dean of Student Affairs or from the deans of the faculties, as the case may be.

b.The validity of the committee is one year, renewable.

c.In special cases, the council may replace the president of the disciplinary council with another president for a specified period.


 Article 16 

Investigation committees and disciplinary council must decide on the cases referred to them within a period not exceeding thirty days from the date of the referral from the competent authorities and the president may extend that period if the circumstances require that. The violating student must present before the committees or the council throughout that period.

The investigation committees and the disciplinary council have the right to issue their decisions In absentia, if the violating student did not present after being notified through the announcement at the faculty for the second time.


 Article 17        

If the validity for any of the investigation committees and the disciplinary council expires, it continues to exercise its powers until new committees and council are formed .


Article 18   

        The authorities to impose disciplinary penalties against students shall be defined as follows:

  1. A faculty member or course instructor is entitled to impose written penalties stated in items (a, b, c) of Article (5) of these regulations,
  2. The Dean is entitled to impose any of the penalties stated in items (a) – (j) of Article (5) of these regulations.
  3. The concerned dean has the right to confiscate any material entered by the student with the aim of using it for any unlawful purpose.
  4. The Council is entitled to impose any of the penalties stated in of Article (5) of these regulations. according to his conviction


Article 19

  1. Taking into account the paragraphs (b) and (c) of this article, all disciplinary decisions are final, with the exception of the penalties stipulated in paragraphs (k), (l) and (m) of Article (5) of these regulations athe student has the right to appeal any decision to the council within fifteen days from the date of the decision being issued or announced in the faculty. The council has the right to approve the decisions taken, amend it, or cancel it, and if the student does not appeal the penalty decision, the issued disciplinary decision is considered final.
  2. Penalties from the degree of first warning and higher are recorded in the student’s academic record.
  3. The effect of the recorded penalties shall be expired and removed from the student's academic record as follows:

1.The first warnings after two semesters have elapsed.

2.Double warning after the elapse of three semesters or upon his graduation

3.Final warning after the elapse of four semesters

4.Remaining penalties after the elapse of two semesters after the student graduation


Article 20

 University security employees are responsible for maintaining security and order on campus. The reports they provide shall be valid unless proven otherwise 


Article 21

The president has the right to assume the powers of the disciplinary council at the university stipulated in these regulations in case of necessity, such as the occurrence of quarrels, riots, assault on university property, or disturbance or disorder in it, the President, in such a situation, shall notify the Council of his decision. 


Article 22

The university may continue its disciplinary procedures stipulated in these regulations even if the violation is seen by other bodies. 


Article 23

The President and the Dean of Student Affairs are responsible for implementing the provisions of these regulations 


Article 24

These regulations cancel Student Discipline regulations No. (5) for the year 2012.
