Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/05/2023 - 22:47
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Privacy Policy
Rule Body

Web Site Terms and Conditions of Use


  1. Terms

    By accessing this web site, you are agreeing to be bound by these web site Terms and Conditions of Use, applicable laws and regulations and their compliance. If you disagree with any of the stated terms and conditions, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site. The materials contained in this site are secured by relevant copyright and trade mark law.

  2. Use License

    a. Permission is allowed to temporarily download one duplicate of the materials (data or programming) on The American University of Madaba's site for individual and non-business use only. This is the just a permit of license and not an exchange of title, and under this permit you may not:

    i. modify or copy the materials;

    ii. use the materials for any commercial use , or for any public presentation (business or non-business);

    iii. attempt to decompile or rebuild any product or material contained on The American University of Madaba's site;

    iv. remove any copyright or other restrictive documentations from the materials; or

    v. transfer the materials to someone else or even "mirror" the materials on other server.


    b. This permit might consequently be terminated if you disregard any of these confinements and may be ended by The American University of Madaba whenever deemed. After permit termination or when your viewing permit is terminated, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your ownership whether in electronic or printed form.

  3. Disclaimer

    a. The materials on The American University of Madaba's site are given "as is".

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    The American University of Madaba may update these terms of utilization for its website whenever without notification. By utilizing this site you are consenting to be bound by the then current form of these Terms and Conditions of Use.

  8. Governing Law

    Any case identifying with The American University of Madaba's site should be administered by the laws of the country of Jordan The American University of Madaba State without respect to its contention of law provisions.


General Terms and Conditions applicable to Use of a Web Site.


Privacy Policy

Your privacy is critical to us. Likewise, we have built up this Policy with the end goal you should see how we gather, utilize, impart and reveal and make utilization of individual data. The following blueprints our privacy policy.

  • Before or at the time of collecting personal information, we will identify the purposes for which information is being collected.
  • We will gather and utilization of individual data singularly with the target of satisfying those reasons indicated by us and for other good purposes, unless we get the assent of the individual concerned or as required by law.
  • We will just hold individual data the length of essential for the satisfaction of those reasons.
  • We will gather individual data by legal and reasonable means and, where fitting, with the information or assent of the individual concerned.
  • Personal information ought to be important to the reasons for which it is to be utilized, and, to the degree essential for those reasons, ought to be exact, finished, and updated.
  • We will protect individual data by security shields against misfortune or burglary, and also unapproved access, divulgence, duplicating, use or alteration.
  • We will promptly provide customers with access to our policies and procedures for the administration of individual data.

We are focused on leading our business as per these standards with a specific end goal to guarantee that the privacy of individual data is secure and maintained.

Rule Title
Non-Discrimination Policy
Rule Body

This is to certify that the Board of Trustees of the American University of Madaba, on March 18, 2013 pursuant to its By-laws, with waiver of notice, adopted as follows:

Waiver, Consent and Approval

The American University of Madaba Board of Trustees hereby waives notice, affirmatively consents and approves the adoption of the following resolution:

RESOLVED, The American University of Madaba prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, physical disability, or veteran status in its recruitment, admissions, employment, evaluation, and advancement policies.

Rule Title
Criteria for the Appointment of Practitioner Lecturers
Rule PDF
Rule Title
Student Attendance
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Rule Title
Regulations for Awarding the Bachelor’s Degree
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Rule Title
Regulations for Awarding the Masters’ Degree
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Rule Title
Instructions of the Center for Consultation, Studies, and Training
Rule Body

Regulations of the Center for Consultation,

Studies, & Training at the American University

Of Madaba

Instruction Number (12) for the Year 2017

Instructions of the Center for Consultation, Studies, Training at the

American University of Madaba


Article (7) of the Jordanian Universities Law Number 20 of the year 2009 and

its amendments


Article (1):

These instructions are called the "Instructions of the Center for Consultation, Studies and

Training at the American University in Madaba" and are effective from the date of their approval

by the Board ofTrustees.

Article (2):

The following words, wherever stated in these Instructions, shall have the meanings assigned to

them below unless otherwise indicated by the context:

Board ofTrustees:




Chairman of the Council:



Article (3):

Board of Trustees ofthe University

American University of Madaba

Center for Consultation, Studies and Training

President ofthe University

Chairman of the Center's Council

Council of the Center

Director of the Center

The Center is an administrative department affiliated with the President or his deputy, and the

University's regulations and instructions apply to it.

Article ( 4):

The Center aims at providing consultation services, holding training courses, conducting studies

for the public and private sectors in Jordan and abroad, and holding seminars and conferences in

all areas within the university's potential.

Article (5):

The Center shall carry out its tasks and activities in accordance with an annual plan prepared by

the Council in light of the needs of the society and the contractual parties benefiting from the

service, and shall be effective after its approval by the Board of Trustees:

The Center undertakes the following tasks:

  1. Strengthening relations with the local, Arab and international community to disseminate the

University's mission.

  1. Issuing and documenting scientific publications.
  2. Providing consultations, studies, & services to ministries, institutions, companies and

individuals, and supervising their organization and implementation.

  1. Holding courses, programs, workshops, seminars and conferences that fall within its


  1. Following up on the implementation of the agreements between the university and other

institutions regarding the center.

  1. Establishing a database for the University for educational, scientific, research and

consultation purposes.

  1. Conducting tests, analysis, & measurements and issuing reports with results.

Article (6):

  1. The council composed of nine members as follows:
  2. The Chairman of the Council for two years appointed by the President.
  3. The Director for one year.
  4. Five ofthe university staff with specializations related to the work ofthe center appointed

by the president of which three are academics.

  1. Two of the experienced and competent in the work of the Center from outside the

university appointed by the President for a year based on the recommendation of the

Chairman of the Council.

  1. When forming the Council for the first time, three of the members mentioned in item (3) of

this Article shall be appointed for one year and the rest of the members for a period of two

years to ensure continuity of expertise in the Council.

Article (7):

The Council shall assume the following duties:

  1. Preparing the Center's work plan.
  2. Approving contracts and agreements concluded by the Center with the beneficiaries.
  3. Making any suggestions and recommendations to the President related to supporting the

Center's work, raising its level, and promoting it.

  1. Discussing the draft budget of the Center and submitting it to the President through the

Director in coordination with the Chairman of the Council for approval as appropriate.


  1. Discussing the annual report of the Center or any reports presented by the Director in

coordination with the Chairman of the Council and submitting them to the President.

  1. Taking care of any other matters presented by the Chairman of the Council.

Article (8):

The Chairman of the Council shall assume the powers vested in him by these instructions

delegated to him by the President and shall exercise the following duties in particular:

  1. Representing the Center with the official and non-official bodies outside the university.
  2. Providing the necessary requirements to enable the Center to achieve its objectives.
  3. Communicating with concerned authorities inside and outside the Kingdom to activate the

Center's work.

  1. Signing the agreements and contracts after their approval by the Council.

Article (9):

The Council shall meet at the invitation of its Chairperson once a month or whenever the need


Article (10):

The President shall appoint, on the recommendation of the chairman of the Council, a Director of

the Center with experience for a renewable one year.

Article (11):

The Director shall undertake the following tasks:

  1. Managing the center's affairs and directly supervising the implementation of its plan.
  2. Representing the Center with the parties related to its work.
  3. Prepare the draft budget of the Center and submitting it to the Council for discussion.
  4. Preparing a draft contracts and agreements between the Center and the beneficiaries.
  5. Issuing publications on the Center, its objectives and activities.
  6. Preparing lists of scientific competencies available in and outside the university capable of

providing services to beneficiaries.

  1. Assigning persons to carry out consultations, technical studies, training courses and services

necessary for the work of the Center.

  1. Submitting an annual report on the work of the Center at the end of each year to the Council

and any other reports requested by the Council.

  1. Executing any other work assigned to him by the Council.

Article (12):

The Center provides consultations, technical studies and services in accordance with agreements

concluded with the beneficiaries based on the rules and conditions determined by the Council.

This article applies to the courses that require this condition.

Article (13):

Consultations, studies and services shall not be provided by faculty or staff members without the

knowledge of the Center. With the approval of the President after consulting with the council,

tasks that do not conform to the nature of the Center's work may be excluded.

Article (14):

The consultation, technical studies and services at the center are assigned to:

  1. Staff members and employees ofthe university.
  2. Staff assigned to the Center for this purpose.
  3. 3. Any person with the necessary skills and expertise from outside the university that the

Center believes the need to cooperate with.

Article (15):

The income of the Center consists of:

  1. Proceeds of consultations, studies, services, training courses and software development.
  2. Donations, grants, aids, supports, and any revenues accepted in accordance with the

University's laws, regulations and instructions.

  1. The amounts allocated by the University in its annual budget.

Article (16):

  1. Consultations, studies and training courses carried out within the university, using its

properties, services or employees, are dealt with as follows:

  1. Direct and indirect costs for each consultation, study or training course shall be deducted

from the total income.

  1. 2. The remaining sum is distributed as follows: 20% for the Center and 80% for those who

were assigned to consult, study or train.

  1. Consultations, studies and training courses carried out within the university without the use

of its property, services or employees are dealt with by deducting 20% of their total revenues

for the Center and the rest shall be allocated to those who have been commissioned to consult,

study or train.

  1. All revenues exceeding the cost of the Center's work, including the University's allocations,

are used in the expansion and development process and the addition of new facilities. The

Board of Trustees may, in justified cases, transfer some of the surplus revenues to the

University's budget to be used for purposes other than the Center's objectives.

Article (17):

  1. The Director shall form a committee of the staff of the Center under his leadership or

appointed representative to determine the cost of each program and the fee to participate in it

in the light of its duration and cost. In all cases, the total fees of the program shall not be less

than its direct costs plus 20% thereof.

  1. The University shall pay the fees for the participation of its employees in the courses closely

related to their work held by the Center upon the approval of the President provided that each

of them receives the certificate of the course, otherwise the participant shall pay the full

subscription fee. The Center, with the approval of the President, shall hold special training

programs for the employees of the University upon the request of the Dean or the concerned

director. Such fees shall be collected from the faculty or department allowances.

  1. The siblings of the university employees shall be given a 50% discount on the participation

fees for the training courses.

Article (18):

Upon the recommendation of the director and the approval of the President, the wages of the

lecturers and the trainers, and the rewards of the assignees to consultations, studies, training

courses and research shall be paid according to the contract agreed between the parties.

Article (19):

Fees paid by those wishing to join the Center's programs and courses are refunded if the program

cannot be held on time.

Article (20):

The financial department shall collect the fees for participation in the courses and follow up the

financial Center transactions by collecting the funds and paying the related liabilities.

Article (21):

An advance payment of petty expenses in the name of the Director or his representative is made

to spend on the Center's activities, and it will be settled as appropriate.

Article (22):

The Board of Trustees shall decide in cases not provided for in these instructions.

Article (23):

The President, the Chairman of the Council and the Director are responsible for implementing these instructions.

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Employee Bylaw
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Faculty Members Bylaw
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Financial Bylaw
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Under Graduate Graduation Requirements
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Grants and Incentives Regulations
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Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment Framework
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Instructions and Organizational Foundations for e-learning
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Instructions for Modifying Employee Status
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Library Services
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Policy for Student Admission and Transfer
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Regulations for Private Free Study
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Procedures for Designing the Study Plan and setting up or Ceasing/Closing undergraduate Programs
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Recruitment and Hiring Procedures for Academic Staff
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Scholarships Regulations
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Policy for Selecting Students for Studying Abroad Program
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Student Academic Records
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Student Conduct Code
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Student Complaint Policy and Procedure
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Academic Probation and Remediation
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Regulation for Student Support and Employment Fund
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Students’ Clubs Regulation
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Support Policy and Procedures for Students
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Tuition Refund
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