Rules and Regulations

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/05/2023 - 22:47
Rule Title
Privacy Policy
Rule Body

Web Site Terms and Conditions of Use


  1. Terms

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General Terms and Conditions applicable to Use of a Web Site.


Privacy Policy

Your privacy is critical to us. Likewise, we have built up this Policy with the end goal you should see how we gather, utilize, impart and reveal and make utilization of individual data. The following blueprints our privacy policy.

  • Before or at the time of collecting personal information, we will identify the purposes for which information is being collected.
  • We will gather and utilization of individual data singularly with the target of satisfying those reasons indicated by us and for other good purposes, unless we get the assent of the individual concerned or as required by law.
  • We will just hold individual data the length of essential for the satisfaction of those reasons.
  • We will gather individual data by legal and reasonable means and, where fitting, with the information or assent of the individual concerned.
  • Personal information ought to be important to the reasons for which it is to be utilized, and, to the degree essential for those reasons, ought to be exact, finished, and updated.
  • We will protect individual data by security shields against misfortune or burglary, and also unapproved access, divulgence, duplicating, use or alteration.
  • We will promptly provide customers with access to our policies and procedures for the administration of individual data.

We are focused on leading our business as per these standards with a specific end goal to guarantee that the privacy of individual data is secure and maintained.

Rule Title
Non-Discrimination Policy
Rule Body

This is to certify that the Board of Trustees of the American University of Madaba, on March 18, 2013 pursuant to its By-laws, with waiver of notice, adopted as follows:

Waiver, Consent and Approval

The American University of Madaba Board of Trustees hereby waives notice, affirmatively consents and approves the adoption of the following resolution:

RESOLVED, The American University of Madaba prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, physical disability, or veteran status in its recruitment, admissions, employment, evaluation, and advancement policies.

Rule Title
Appointment of Practitioner Lecturers
Rule PDF
Rule Title
Student Attendance
Rule PDF
Rule Title
Awarding the Bachelor’s Degree
Rule PDF
Rule Title
Awarding the Masters’ Degree
Rule PDF
Rule Title
Center for Consultation
Rule Body

Regulations of the Center for Consultation,

Studies, & Training at the American University

Of Madaba

Instruction Number (12) for the Year 2017

Instructions of the Center for Consultation, Studies, Training at the

American University of Madaba


Article (7) of the Jordanian Universities Law Number 20 of the year 2009 and

its amendments


Article (1):

These instructions are called the "Instructions of the Center for Consultation, Studies and

Training at the American University in Madaba" and are effective from the date of their approval

by the Board ofTrustees.

Article (2):

The following words, wherever stated in these Instructions, shall have the meanings assigned to

them below unless otherwise indicated by the context:

Board ofTrustees:




Chairman of the Council:



Article (3):

Board of Trustees ofthe University

American University of Madaba

Center for Consultation, Studies and Training

President ofthe University

Chairman of the Center's Council

Council of the Center

Director of the Center

The Center is an administrative department affiliated with the President or his deputy, and the

University's regulations and instructions apply to it.

Article ( 4):

The Center aims at providing consultation services, holding training courses, conducting studies

for the public and private sectors in Jordan and abroad, and holding seminars and conferences in

all areas within the university's potential.

Article (5):

The Center shall carry out its tasks and activities in accordance with an annual plan prepared by

the Council in light of the needs of the society and the contractual parties benefiting from the

service, and shall be effective after its approval by the Board of Trustees:

The Center undertakes the following tasks:

  1. Strengthening relations with the local, Arab and international community to disseminate the

University's mission.

  1. Issuing and documenting scientific publications.
  2. Providing consultations, studies, & services to ministries, institutions, companies and

individuals, and supervising their organization and implementation.

  1. Holding courses, programs, workshops, seminars and conferences that fall within its


  1. Following up on the implementation of the agreements between the university and other

institutions regarding the center.

  1. Establishing a database for the University for educational, scientific, research and

consultation purposes.

  1. Conducting tests, analysis, & measurements and issuing reports with results.

Article (6):

  1. The council composed of nine members as follows:
  2. The Chairman of the Council for two years appointed by the President.
  3. The Director for one year.
  4. Five ofthe university staff with specializations related to the work ofthe center appointed

by the president of which three are academics.

  1. Two of the experienced and competent in the work of the Center from outside the

university appointed by the President for a year based on the recommendation of the

Chairman of the Council.

  1. When forming the Council for the first time, three of the members mentioned in item (3) of

this Article shall be appointed for one year and the rest of the members for a period of two

years to ensure continuity of expertise in the Council.

Article (7):

The Council shall assume the following duties:

  1. Preparing the Center's work plan.
  2. Approving contracts and agreements concluded by the Center with the beneficiaries.
  3. Making any suggestions and recommendations to the President related to supporting the

Center's work, raising its level, and promoting it.

  1. Discussing the draft budget of the Center and submitting it to the President through the

Director in coordination with the Chairman of the Council for approval as appropriate.


  1. Discussing the annual report of the Center or any reports presented by the Director in

coordination with the Chairman of the Council and submitting them to the President.

  1. Taking care of any other matters presented by the Chairman of the Council.

Article (8):

The Chairman of the Council shall assume the powers vested in him by these instructions

delegated to him by the President and shall exercise the following duties in particular:

  1. Representing the Center with the official and non-official bodies outside the university.
  2. Providing the necessary requirements to enable the Center to achieve its objectives.
  3. Communicating with concerned authorities inside and outside the Kingdom to activate the

Center's work.

  1. Signing the agreements and contracts after their approval by the Council.

Article (9):

The Council shall meet at the invitation of its Chairperson once a month or whenever the need


Article (10):

The President shall appoint, on the recommendation of the chairman of the Council, a Director of

the Center with experience for a renewable one year.

Article (11):

The Director shall undertake the following tasks:

  1. Managing the center's affairs and directly supervising the implementation of its plan.
  2. Representing the Center with the parties related to its work.
  3. Prepare the draft budget of the Center and submitting it to the Council for discussion.
  4. Preparing a draft contracts and agreements between the Center and the beneficiaries.
  5. Issuing publications on the Center, its objectives and activities.
  6. Preparing lists of scientific competencies available in and outside the university capable of

providing services to beneficiaries.

  1. Assigning persons to carry out consultations, technical studies, training courses and services

necessary for the work of the Center.

  1. Submitting an annual report on the work of the Center at the end of each year to the Council

and any other reports requested by the Council.

  1. Executing any other work assigned to him by the Council.

Article (12):

The Center provides consultations, technical studies and services in accordance with agreements

concluded with the beneficiaries based on the rules and conditions determined by the Council.

This article applies to the courses that require this condition.

Article (13):

Consultations, studies and services shall not be provided by faculty or staff members without the

knowledge of the Center. With the approval of the President after consulting with the council,

tasks that do not conform to the nature of the Center's work may be excluded.

Article (14):

The consultation, technical studies and services at the center are assigned to:

  1. Staff members and employees ofthe university.
  2. Staff assigned to the Center for this purpose.
  3. 3. Any person with the necessary skills and expertise from outside the university that the

Center believes the need to cooperate with.

Article (15):

The income of the Center consists of:

  1. Proceeds of consultations, studies, services, training courses and software development.
  2. Donations, grants, aids, supports, and any revenues accepted in accordance with the

University's laws, regulations and instructions.

  1. The amounts allocated by the University in its annual budget.

Article (16):

  1. Consultations, studies and training courses carried out within the university, using its

properties, services or employees, are dealt with as follows:

  1. Direct and indirect costs for each consultation, study or training course shall be deducted

from the total income.

  1. 2. The remaining sum is distributed as follows: 20% for the Center and 80% for those who

were assigned to consult, study or train.

  1. Consultations, studies and training courses carried out within the university without the use

of its property, services or employees are dealt with by deducting 20% of their total revenues

for the Center and the rest shall be allocated to those who have been commissioned to consult,

study or train.

  1. All revenues exceeding the cost of the Center's work, including the University's allocations,

are used in the expansion and development process and the addition of new facilities. The

Board of Trustees may, in justified cases, transfer some of the surplus revenues to the

University's budget to be used for purposes other than the Center's objectives.

Article (17):

  1. The Director shall form a committee of the staff of the Center under his leadership or

appointed representative to determine the cost of each program and the fee to participate in it

in the light of its duration and cost. In all cases, the total fees of the program shall not be less

than its direct costs plus 20% thereof.

  1. The University shall pay the fees for the participation of its employees in the courses closely

related to their work held by the Center upon the approval of the President provided that each

of them receives the certificate of the course, otherwise the participant shall pay the full

subscription fee. The Center, with the approval of the President, shall hold special training

programs for the employees of the University upon the request of the Dean or the concerned

director. Such fees shall be collected from the faculty or department allowances.

  1. The siblings of the university employees shall be given a 50% discount on the participation

fees for the training courses.

Article (18):

Upon the recommendation of the director and the approval of the President, the wages of the

lecturers and the trainers, and the rewards of the assignees to consultations, studies, training

courses and research shall be paid according to the contract agreed between the parties.

Article (19):

Fees paid by those wishing to join the Center's programs and courses are refunded if the program

cannot be held on time.

Article (20):

The financial department shall collect the fees for participation in the courses and follow up the

financial Center transactions by collecting the funds and paying the related liabilities.

Article (21):

An advance payment of petty expenses in the name of the Director or his representative is made

to spend on the Center's activities, and it will be settled as appropriate.

Article (22):

The Board of Trustees shall decide in cases not provided for in these instructions.

Article (23):

The President, the Chairman of the Council and the Director are responsible for implementing these instructions.

Rule Title
Dormitory Regulation for Female Students
Rule Body

Article (1)

These regulations are called “The dormitory regulations for female students of the American University of Madaba of 2018” and shall be effective as of the date of their approval by the University Council.

Article (2)

The following words and phrases wherever stated in these regulations shall have the meanings assigned to them below unless the context indicates otherwise.

UniversityAmerican University of Madaba

CouncilCouncil of Deans

PresidentPresident of the University

DeanFaculty Dean or Dean of Student Affairs

DirectorDirector of Student Housing


The building allocated by the University to accommodate

female students


A female student accepted in the University and / or

studying at the University and living in the University


student's guardian

The person named by the student and approved by the

University, the sponsor, or the embassy of the country

of which the student is a citizen.

 Scholarship Allowances

The allowances paid to the scholarship recipient by the

University or any other party for the benefit of the

University, including monthly stipends, air fares, tuition and

fees, living expenses, and any other allowances paid to them

or because of them for the duration of the academic



The female person employed for supervising students

and housing facilities

 Article (3)

A. Students are admitted to housing according to the following rules and procedures:
1. The student must be accepted or a regular student at the University enrolled in one or more courses.
2. She must be of well conduct.
3. The student must fill out the housing application form at the time determined by the University at the beginning of each semester.
4. Vacant rooms must be available in the dormitory
5. The student, or her guardian if she is a minor, must sign the housing application form accompanied by a commitment to abide by the provisions of the dormitory regulations and to reside in it.
6. The student must be free from infectious and mental diseases.
7. The student must pay the due housing fees within one week from the date of approval of the housing application and pay the required insurance.
8. Housing Priority should be given to Jordanian and non-Jordanian students whose family members reside outside the Kingdom.
9. In case the number of applications exceeds the number of vacant rooms in the dormitory, the Dean shall form a committee to determine the admission basis for housing and to study and decide upon the applications submitted.
10. The student must pay a non-refundable advance payment to reserve a room in the accommodation determined by a decision issued by the University in this regard, provided that such payment shall be considered part of the rent in the event of signing the lease agreement for the room.
B. The student’s residence in the dormitory shall be renewed on the following basis:
1. The student must fill out the application form for renewing residence in the Deanship of Student Affairs and submit the application to the Director during the last two weeks of each semester.
2. The Director shall issue a decision to renew the residence of the student in the accommodation according to available vacancies.
3. The student should be well-behaved during her residence.
4. The student shall pay the housing fees not later than two weeks from the beginning of the semester, otherwise the student shall be considered to have lost her right to housing.

Article (4)

The resident student must abide by the following regulations:
A. Quietness:
1. She must adhere to quietness in the dorm to create an atmosphere conducive for study and rest.
2. She must not cause disturbance in any kind or speak loudly.
3. She must abide by the regulations to watch television in the times and days allocated to it until 11 pm every day except in weekends and religious and public holidays.
B. Cleanliness and housekeeping:
1. Keep rooms clean and tidied up daily according to the general state adopted upon receipt of the room.
2. Use housing health facilities in the proper manner and keep them clean after each use.
3. Do not store foods in the bedrooms.
4. Do not use the outer edges of the windows to put collectibles and clothes.
5. Do not paste images and advertisements on the front of the housing, walls inside the rooms or public facilities.
6. Prepare snacks only in the housing and keep the kitchen clean after use immediately.
7. Preserve the tools of your housemates and don’t use them without prior permission.
C. Maintenance of furniture and housing assets:
1. The student must maintain the furniture in the room since it is considered under her personal custody; thus, it must be preserved.
2. The student must preserve her personal property and the Housing Department shall not be held liable for the loss of any of the property. Therefore, the student must observe the following:
a. Deposit money and precious jewelry in safe and appropriate places.
b. Do not leave the room door open during absence and during the night.
c. Do not leave your luggage, books, etc. at the end of each academic year due to maintenance work in the rooms and housing.
D. Good behavior within housing:
1. Do not verbally or physically abuse any person within the residence, whatever the circumstances.
2. Do not smoke inside the dormitory except in the designated places.
3. Adhere to the visitation times specified by the housing administration.
4. The student must observe the proper dress code inside the dorm and must not wander around outside the sleeping quarters in sleepwear.
5. Stay in the room during the allocated time for night inspection or you will be considered absent if you are outside the room at that time.
6. Obey the regulations and Supervisor’s instructions and treat them with respect in all circumstances.
7. Resort to the Supervisor or the Housing Director when confronted with any problem.
8. Do not cause damage to the dorm’s public facilities.
9. Receive parents and guests in the designated reception halls. Do not take them to the bedrooms.
10. Do not allow any visitors from outside the residence to be accommodated in the room reserved for the student.
11. Do not acquire flammable, toxic, harmful, narcotic or alcoholic substances of any kind, as well as any unauthorized printed or audiovisual publications or materials.
12. Every student is responsible for her private belongings. The University or the Housing Management is not responsible for the loss of any item and will not investigate incidents of theft except in cases where the student accuses someone she can identify.
13. Do not use heaters and clothes irons in the bedrooms. You may use them in the places designated for this purpose.
E. Adherence to the evacuation procedures of the residence
1. The student may stay outside the residence during the weekend and religious and public holidays, after filling out the form for this purpose with the Housing Administration.
2. The student may leave the residence during the week with the written consent of the Housing Administration.
3. The student must return to the dorm according to the specified declared and permitted dates.
4. In the event of the desire to participate in student trips, a student must inform the Housing Administration at least two days ahead of the trip date.

Article (5)

The Supervisor shall take appropriate measures in cases of illness and emergency and inform the concerned parties.

Article (6)

The procedures related to cultural and recreational activities in the student housing are organized as follows:
1. Students may not establish any activity inside the dorm except with the consent of the Housing Administration.
2. No activity may be advertised without consulting with the Housing Administration.
3. When establishing any activity within the residence, ensure that it may not cause disturbance to other students.
4. Students may establish any cultural, social or recreational activity in the facilities of the Deanship of Student Affairs and with the prior approval of the Dean.

Article (7)

A. In case of violation of the provisions of these regulations, the student shall be subject to the following disciplinary penalties:
1. Drawing attention
2. Warning of any level (first, second, final)
3. Denial of the exercise of housing activities for a specified period.
4. Charging for damaged items no less than their double costs.
5. Denial of residency in the dorm for one semester.
6. Final termination of residency in the dorm.
B. Drawing attention penalty is imposed by the Housing Director.
C. The Dean of Student Affairs, upon the recommendation of the Disciplinary Committee, may impose the penalties (2, 3 and 4) of this Article.
D. The President may impose the penalties (5 and 6) of this article on the recommendation of the Disciplinary Committee.

Article (8)

A. Housing fees are determined as follows:
1. The single room fee is set at JD 150 per month in addition to the sales tax and any amendments that may be made by a decision of the University.
2. The student shall pay the rent in advance for each semester and within one week from the date of approval of her application.
3. The student is obliged to pay a deposit of JD (100) which will be refunded to the student when she leaves the housing if she does not cause any damage to the housing property.
4. The housing fees may be refunded to the student who withdraws within two weeks from the beginning of the first semester or second or one week from the beginning of the summer semester according to the academic calendar at the time except for the advance payment.
5. A student who is admitted to the residence shall be entitled to stay there during the vacations during the semester.
6. The Council may amend the housing fees at least one month before the beginning of each academic year.
B. The student shall lose her right to housing and the refund of her rent if she is dismissed from the University for any reason whatsoever.

Article (9)

The President shall take whatever he deems appropriate in all cases not provided for in these regulations.

Article (10)

The Dean and the Director shall be in charge for implementing these regulations.

Rule Title
Employee bylaw
Rule Body

Employee Bylaws


American University of Madaba (AUM)




© AUM 2012


American University of Madaba Employee Bylaws


Issued on the Basis of Article (35) of the Law of Jordanian Universities No. 20 of 2009 and its Amendments



Article 1         These Bylaws shall be named “American University of Madaba Employee Bylaws of 2012”. They shall go into effect after they have been duly approved.


Article 2         The following words and phrases shall have, wherever they appear in these bylaws, their specified meanings unless otherwise indicated in context:


                        University                   American University of Madaba

                        Council                        University Council

                        President                     University President

                        Faculty                                   Any faculty or deanship at the University

                        Dean                            Faculty Dean or Dean of Student Activities at the University

                        President’s Assistant   President’s Assistant for Administrative and Executive Affairs

                        Unit                             Main administrative unit in the administrative, technical or service                                       organization at the University which includes two or more                                                   departments

                        Center                         Any center established at the University

                        Department                 A subdivision of a Unit comprising two or more Divisions

                        Division                       A subdivision of a Department comprising two or more Sections

                        Section                                    A subdivision of a Division

                        Director                       The director of a Unit, Center, or Department at the University

                        Committee                  The Employee Affairs Committee at the University established in                                       accordance with the provisions of these bylaws

                        Employee                    Any person appointed by a decision from the concerned authority in                                   a classified job or on a contract, but does not include those                                                   appointed against a daily stipend or remuneration

                        Worker                        Any person appointed by a decision from the concerned authority                                       against a daily stipend

                        Job Table                     A table of jobs allotted to the faculties, deanships, units, and                                               departments of the University issued by the Council at the beginning                                  of each fiscal year      

                        Category                     A group of jobs with grades, salaries, specifications, and                                                      responsibilities stipulated in these bylaws

                        Medical Authority      Specialized Medical Committee Accredited by the University


Article 3          These bylaws shall apply to all employees at the University or in any of its institutes or centers.


Article 4        University employees are classified into the following categories:

  1. a) Classified employees, who are appointed in classified permanent jobs whose titles, categories, grades, and salaries are stated in the Job Table, provided their service at the University is not less than two years.
  2. b) Contract employees, who are appointed on a contract made between them and the University for a fixed period of time. All terms of the contract shall apply to them in all matters related to their salaries, increments, leaves, transfer, and service termination. The provisions of these bylaws apply to them in as much as they are not in contradiction with the provisions and stipulations stated in their employment contracts.


Article 5         a) The University may hire persons, defined in these bylaws as ‘workers’, against daily wages in view of the financial resources allocated in the University budget for this purpose.

  1. b) The President may hire persons temporarily on the account of the established projects, such as research projects, or on the account of deposits. Their financial allowances shall be paid out of the allocations of those projects or from the deposits account and their services are terminated at the conclusion of the projects or the depletion (running out) of allocations.
  2. c) The provisions of the effective Jordan Labor Law shall apply to those hired in accordance with items (a) and (b) of this article.


Article 6          The administrative staff classified jobs at the University are categorized as follows:

1st Category: This category includes the leading administrative and highly specialized positions. No persons shall be appointed in or promoted to this category unless they hold at least the first university degree, in addition to the other qualifications and experiences stipulated in these bylaws, provided the required practical experience is not fewer than five years. The responsibilities of this category’s jobs include:

  1. Proposing the general policy for the Unit, Center, or Department in                   which they work.
  2. Preparing action plans for the programs, projects, and services                  performed by the Unit, Center, or Department, and following them up                               and supervising their execution.

2nd Category: This category includes the positions which are responsible for specialized works in the applied and natural sciences and humanities, such as the medical, engineering, economic, agricultural, administrative, legal, educational, accounting, and financial professions, and any other such professions, and for supervising these works. No persons shall be appointed in this category unless they hold at least the first university degree.

3rd Category: This category includes the positions which are responsible for basic works in administrative, clerical, accounting, and training fields, warehouse, supplies, and library affairs, artistic, handicraft, and vocational works, or any other such works, and for supervising these works. No persons shall be appointed in this category unless they hold at least a community college diploma or its equivalent.

4th Category: This category includes the positions which are responsible for allied professional handicraft works, and supervising their execution, or for performing certain tasks.


Article 7          The titles, categories, groups, qualifications, appointment conditions, grades, and salaries of university jobs shall be defined in the job classification table issued by the President upon a recommendation from the Committee.




Article 8      1. The President shall establish a committee called ‘Employee Affairs Committee’, consisting of five members, with the President’s Assistant as chair, and including in its membership the Human Resource Director, two University employees, and the concerned Dean or Director.

  1. The duration of this committee shall be three years, subject to renewal by the consent of    the President.
  2. The President may replace any of the members stipulated in item (1) of this article by    appointing a substitute for the remaining duration of their membership.
  3. The Committee shall recommend to the President the appointment, classification, tenure,    promotion, and modifying the status of employees, and shall look into any other matters         pertaining to their jobs.
  4. The Committee shall convene at the request of its chair, and the legal quorum for its meetings shall be achieved when the majority of its members, including the chair, are present. It shall take its decisions by the majority of votes; when there is a tie, the side on which the chair has voted predominates.
  5. The Human Resource Director at the University shall be the secretary of this committee. S/he shall prepare the meeting agenda, write its minutes and decisions, follow up their execution, and keep all documents and records related to them.


Article 9         Any person to be appointed in any administratively classified job at the University shall                            be:

  1. a) Jordanian;
  2. b) at least eighteen years old, based on an official document;
  3. c) holding the qualifications and experiences required for the job;
  4. d) free from contagious diseases, based on a decision from the Medical Authority. The concerned authority may, however, appoint a person who does not meet the physical fitness requirements in toto if they are capable of doing the job as long as this arrangement is not in contradiction with the public safety requirements;
  5. e) of good conduct and reputation; and
  6. f) not convicted of felony or misdemeanor encroaching upon honor, dignity, and public rules of conduct.


Article 10        Non-Jordanians may be appointed on a contract, if no Jordanians having the required                                qualifications to occupy the job are available, or in case there are agreements or                                          memoranda of understanding signed between the University and other foreign universities                       or scientific institutions, provided that they meet the stipulations stated in items (b), c), (d),               (e), and (f) of Article (9) of these bylaws, and that the effective laws of Jordan are                                   observed.


Article 11   The employee’s age shall be stated in their initial appointment decision. If their date of birth is unknown, it will be considered the first day of January of the year of birth, and the official document of birth submitted at the commencement of appointment shall not be subject to change or alteration, whatever the reasons.


Article 12   a) An employee shall be appointed at the University on an annual contract, subject to renewal           by the consent of both parties. They shall not be appointed on a classified job before the          elapse of at least two years.

  1. b) The President may, upon a recommendation from the Committee, terminate the      employee’s contract within a period of three months as of the commencement of their         work at the University without having to state the reasons.
  2. c) An employee may be tenured, after having been classified, as follows:
  3. after at least one year for the first-category employees.
  4. after at least two years for the second-category employees.
  5. after at least three years for the third- and fourth-category employees.
  6. d) If an employee, who had left work at the University, has been reappointed at the    University, they shall be considered as new employees.


Article 13     When an employee is appointed, their previous experience may be considered in such a way that one annual increment is added to the basic salary for each year of specialized experience gained after obtaining the academic qualification, based on which they have been appointed, in the field of the job in which they are to be appointed. The counted years of experience shall not, however, exceed fifteen years, with a fragment of a year exceeding nine months rounded to one year.


Article 14 If the employee obtains a new university qualification recognized by the University in the field of their work, after having obtained prior written consent of the President, their status may, by a decision from the President, upon a recommendation from the Committee, be altered in view of that qualification’s grade and salary. If, however, the employee’s grade is equal to that grade or higher, or if their salary is equal to or higher than the new grade’s salary, they may, based on instructions issued by the President, be awarded annual increments commensurate with the new qualification.


Article 15 a) The President shall appoint a director for each Unit, Center, or Department at the University for one year, subject to renewal.

  1. b) The President shall, based on a suggestion from the concerned Director and a recommendation from the President’s Assistant, appoint a Deputy Director, Assistant to the Director, head of a Division, and head of a Section for one year, subject to renewal.


Article 16   Tenure of an employee shall be considered in accordance with regulations issued by the President.


Article 17         The President may, upon a recommendation from the Committee, appoint persons of special extraordinary proficiency and experience at aggregate salaries on contracts stating their rights and responsibilities.


Annual Increment


Article 18           The concerned authority shall grant one annual increment according to the salary scale within the same grade in view of the employee’s proficiency and productivity, provided that their overall performance in their annual report is not less than ‘good’ and their duration of service at the University is not less than nine months in the case of the new employees. As for the employees who are on an unpaid study leave, or the ones on scholarships, they shall be entitled to the annual increment if the aggregate of their service after the last increment before or after their leave or scholarship is not less than nine months.


Article 19           Taking into consideration what is stated in Article (49) of these bylaws, the concerned authority shall withhold the annual increment for one year as of the due date if the overall performance of the employee in the annual report is ‘intermediate’ or below.


Article 20      An employee may ascend in the same grade year by year, and from one grade to the lowest category of the immediately higher grade, provided their overall performance in the annual report is ‘good’ or higher.


Promotion and Incentives


Article 21      An employee may be promoted to a higher grade, or transferred from one category to a higher within the same grade, according to the salary scale stipulated in the effective University Employee Salary and Increment Bylaws, if the following conditions are met:

  1. a) Their overall performance in the annual report for the last two years is not less than ‘excellent’.
  2. b) Taking into consideration Article (49) of these bylaws, no punishment of those stated in these bylaws has been inflicted on them in the years preceding the due date for promotion.
  3. c) The President may grant the distinguished employee an incentive in salary equal to one annual increment, provided this increment does not lead to promotion. However, an employee may not be granted more than one increment in grade, and is granted when the annual increment is due according to special instructions issued by the President.




Article 22        a) A director classified in the first category is transferred by a decision issued by the President.

  1. b) An employee of the second or third category is transferred by a decision from the President’s Assistant upon a recommendation from the concerned Director.
  2. c) An employee of the fourth category is transferred by a decision from the concerned Department Director within the same department. If they are transferred to another department, consent of the department into which they are transferred and the President’s Assistant is required, taking into consideration the mutual coordination among the concerned directors.
  3. d) The transfer of an employee shall not, in all cases stated in this article, have an impact on their category, grade, and the salary they deserve.




Article 23       If a position becomes vacant, or if its occupier absents themselves for a justified reason, another employee may, by a decision from the President, be deputized to perform the tasks and responsibilities of that position for a fixed period not exceeding three months.




Article 24         An employee is entitled to the following leaves according to the provisions of these bylaws:

  1. a) Annual leave.
  2. b) Unpaid leave.
  3. c) Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca) leave.
  4. d) Sick leave.
  5. e) Maternity leave.


Article 25         a) An employee is entitled to the following annual leave:

  1. (21) working days if they are of the first or second category.
  2. (14) working days if they are of the other categories.
  3. b) The annual leave is calculated as of the first day of January of each year following the appointment date, provided that a leave proportional to the period between the date of reporting to work after appointment and the beginning of the following year is calculated for the employee. Due leaves may not be carried over for more than one year.
  4. c) The annual leave may be granted all at once, or may be divided if circumstances of work render this necessary. The employee is entitled to their salary along with all allowances for the annual leave.
  5. d) The President may, for the interest of the University, assign an employee to work during their annual leave against a remuneration he determines, provided the amount of remuneration does not go below their salary during the assignment period, and the duration of the assignment does not exceed two thirds of the annual leave.


Article 26         The regular annual leave becomes due for the tenured employee as of the first day of the fiscal year. If their services end before the end of the fiscal year, their due leave is calculated proportionate to the duration of their work in that year.


Article 27         a) The President may, upon a recommendation from the Committee and the concerned Dean or Director, grant the tenured classified employee who has spent at least five consecutive years of actual work at the University an unpaid leave for one year, subject to renewal for one more year.

  1. b) Taking into consideration item (a) of this article, an employee shall not be granted another unpaid leave until a period of five years has elapsed after their return to work at the University upon the end of the previous leave.
  2. c) The unpaid leave granted to an employee shall not count as part of their service at the University for any purpose, including promotion, seniority, end-of-service gratuity, saving, and the annual increment.
  3. d) If an employee does not report to work upon the end of their leave mentioned above, their job shall be considered lost along with all the privileges awarded to them by the University.


Article 28         a) The President may, at his discretion, and upon a recommendation from the concerned Dean or Director, grant an employee an unpaid leave for a period not exceeding two months. This leave shall not count as a period of service acceptable for the purposes of promotion, seniority, end-of-service gratuity, saving, and the annual increment.

  1. b) An employee may be granted an exceptional leave at full pay for three days in the case of the death of one of their first-degree relatives, and one day for second-degree relatives.


Article 29  The work interest shall be taken into consideration when the regular annual leave or the unpaid leave is granted. The employee shall not leave work before obtaining the prior written consent to their leave, and request for leave shall be submitted at least three working days before the beginning of the leave.


Article 30     a) The President’s Assistant may, for compelling reasons, and upon a recommendation from the concerned Dean or Director, award the employee who has exhausted their annual leave, an accidental leave, not exceeding three days, only once a year at full pay.

  1. b) The President may, upon the recommendation of the concerned Dean or Director, and for compelling reasons, grant the employee who has exhausted their annual leave, an accidental unpaid leave not exceeding fourteen days only once a year. This leave shall be considered as an acceptable period of service for the purposes of promotion, seniority, end-of-service gratuity, saving, annual increment, and medical insurance.


Article 31  The President may, upon a recommendation from the concerned Dean or Director, grant an employee a leave not exceeding fourteen days at full pay to perform Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca), provided that the employee has been employed by the University for at least five consecutive years. This leave shall be granted only once throughout the employee’s work at the University.


Article 32      a) An employee may be granted disconnected sick leaves not exceeding in aggregate seven days a year upon a recommendation of a physician and the consent of the concerned Dean or Director. If the duration of the disconnected sick leaves has exceeded seven days in a year, the extra period shall be deducted from the employee’s annual leave due for that year. If they have exhausted the annual leave, the extra period shall be deducted from their salary.

  1. b) The connected sick leave shall be granted if it has exceeded seven days, but not more than a month, on the basis of a report from the Medical Authority. This leave shall not be deducted from the annual leave.
  2. c) If the employee does not recover within a month of illness, their sick leave shall be extended for the period the Medical Authority sees necessary, provided it does not exceed in aggregate twelve months. The Medical Authority shall indicate in their reports the period they believe needed for the recovery of the employee, and if they decide to reexamine the employee after the elapse of that period, the employee shall not be allowed to go back to work until the Medical Authority decides their ability to do so upon reexamination.
  3. d) All medical reports or sick leaves have to be authenticated by the Director of the Medical Center of the University.


Article 33      The classified employee, on a sick leave, shall be granted the following allowances:

  1. a) Full salary along with allowances for the first four months.
  2. b) Half salary along with allowances for the following four months.
  3. c) The ill employee shall be reexamined by the Medical Authority after the elapse of eight months of illness; if they are found to be recoverable in another four months, they shall be paid one fourth of their salary along with one fourth of their allowances during that period.
  4. d) If the ill employee has not recovered within twelve months from the beginning of the sick leave according to the provisions of items (a), (b), and (c) of Article (33), their services shall be terminated upon a decision from the authority concerned with appointment, in which case all their financial claims shall be paid in full.
  5. e) The leave stated in items (a), (b), and (c) of Article (33) shall begin as of the first medical report submitted by the employee and exceeds seven days.
  6. f) The sick leave stated in this article shall be considered an actual service for the employee.


Article 34      If the Medical Authority decides that the employee who has been affected by a disease while performing their work or because of it, without being negligent, they shall be granted a sick leave at full salary along with allowances during the period needed for their recovery, provided it does not exceed a whole year. If they have not recovered during that year, their services shall be terminated by the authority concerned with appointment, in which case all their financial claims shall be paid.

Article 35      The employee who is on an academic scholarship, or who has been granted a long sick leave, shall not be entitled to an annual leave for the duration of their scholarship or sick leave.


Article 36      a) If an employee falls ill while on an official mission outside the Kingdom or while they are abroad in a legal way, they shall be entitled to a sick leave, not exceeding one week, based on a report from one physician. The employee in this case has to notify their department in writing of their illness as soon as possible, and to send the medical report they have obtained to their department.

  1. b) If the employee’s illness lasts for more than a week while they are still outside the Kingdom, and they have obtained a medical report as stated in item (a) of this article, they have to obtain another medical report as to the continuance of their illness, signed by two physicians or a hospital director, and authenticated by the Jordanian Consul, if available. They also have to notify their department of their medical condition, and send it the relevant medical reports they have obtained as soon as possible to be reviewed by the Medical Authority for acceptance or denial. Upon return to the Kingdom, they have to present themselves for medical examination, provided the provisions of Article (35) of these bylaws are observed.


Article 37      A contract employee, who is on a sick leave, shall be granted the following claims if their sick leave falls within the duration of the contract signed with the University:

  1. a) Their full salary along with allowances for the first two months of illness.
  2. b) Half salary along with half allowances for the following two months of illness.
  3. c) If the ill employee has not recovered within four months from the date of illness, they shall be referred to the Medical Authority, and the concerned authority shall be entitled to grant them an unpaid sick leave not exceeding two months. If they have not recovered thereafter, their contract shall be considered terminated by law.


Article 38      a) A working woman shall have the right to get a total of ten weeks of maternity leave at full pay before and after delivery, provided the duration of leave occurring after delivery does not go below six weeks. It shall be banned to request her to report to work before the end of that period.

  1. b) A working woman shall, upon the end of the maternity leave stated in item (a) of this article, have the right to take, within a year of the delivery date, a paid period or periods for the purpose of feeding the newly-born baby, provided it does not in aggregate exceed one hour per day. In all cases, however, she shall be entitled to an unpaid leave not exceeding in aggregate six months from the end of the maternity leave. This unpaid leave shall not be considered a service acceptable for the purposes of promotion, seniority, end-of-service gratuity, saving, and the annual increment.

Article 39      If the service of an employee at the University ends other than by dismissal from employment or job loss, their salary and allowances for the leave they deserve at the end of their service shall be paid.


Article 40      Leaves are granted as follows:

  1. a) For the first-category employees by a decision from the President’s Assistant.
  2. b) For the other category employees and workers on daily wages by a decision from the concerned Dean or Director upon a recommendation from the immediate head.



Employee Tasks


Article 41      An employee shall have to perform all tasks and duties ascribed to them, and to abide by the provisions of laws, bylaws, regulations and decisions effective at the University. They shall have, therefore, to:

  1. a) themselves do the requirements of the job, and devote all official working hours to it. They may be assigned to work for extra hours beyond the official business hours, including holidays, if this is deemed necessary for the interest of the University.
  2. b) behave politely and with a sense of decorum in their relations with their superiors, subordinates, and colleagues, and in their dealings with faculty members, students, and citizens.
  3. c) perform their duties precisely, energetically, promptly, and faithfully, carry out the orders and directions of their superiors, and observe the administrative hierarchy in work communications.
  4. d) observe the interest of the University, preserve its properties and capital, not to give up any of its rights, inform their immediate superior about any transgression on it, negligence, or any measure or conduct that may encroach upon its interest.
  5. e) offer proposals that they consider beneficial to improve the work methods and enhance the performance level in the University.
  6. f) try to develop their scientific, practical, and professional abilities and proficiency, and get acquainted with the laws, bylaws, and regulations related to their work.


Article 42      An employee shall be banned from doing any of the following acts:

  1. a) Leaving work or ceasing to do it without the permission of their superior.
  2. b) Disclosing any information or data on matters whose nature requires them to be confidential, or keeping to themselves an official seal, or any document or official letter or a copy of it.
  3. c) Any act of misconduct which may encroach upon the reputation of the University or discredit its employees.
  4. d) Taking advantage of their job and its associated authorities for personal interest or profit, accepting gifts or tips from any person having financial relationship or interest with the University.
  5. e) Pursuing any partisan, political, sectarian, or factional acts, on or off campus, during any activity organized by the University or in which the University is involved.
  6. f) Working outside the University without obtaining the written consent of the President.
  7. g) Getting enrolled in any academic program without obtaining the written consent of the President.
  8. h) Posting, announcing, or writing any slogans, logos, or pictures having a partisan, political, sectarian, factional, ethnic, or racist characteristic on walls inside the University campus.



Performance Evaluation and Annual Reports


Article 43      a) The performance of employees shall be evaluated for all purposes stipulated in these bylaws, including due contract renewal, tenure, promotion, and incentives, on a special form approved by the President.

  1. b) The general performance of the employee is rated as ‘excellent’, ‘very good’, ‘good’, ‘intermediate’, or ‘weak’, provided this rating is justifiable.


Article 44      a) Contract employees shall be evaluated after three months of their appointment (first evaluation), and after nine months of their appointment (second evaluation), during the first year of the contract.

  1. b) The employee whose contract has been renewed for a second year shall be evaluated according to the first year’s evaluation schedule.
  2. c) Classified employees shall be evaluated only once in November of each year.


Article 45      a) Taking into consideration the administrative hierarchy, the employee shall fill out their evaluation form (self-evaluation), write down the grades and answers in the field of achievements and work development requirements.

  1. b) The form mentioned in (a) above shall be forwarded to the immediate director to write down their evaluation of the employee, who is subsequently allowed to look at the evaluation and sign it.
  2. c) The immediate director shall forward the evaluation form mentioned in (a) above to the Human Resource Department.
  3. d) The Committee shall examine the evaluation and record the final grade of each employee.
  4. e) As for directors, the self-evaluation form is first completed by the Director to grade their performance. The form is then forwarded to the President’s Assistant to write down his evaluation of the Director, who is subsequently allowed to look at the evaluation and sign it.
  5. f) The President’s Assistant shall forward the evaluation form mentioned in (e) above to the Human Resource Department.
  6. g) The Committee shall inform the director/employee of the result of the first evaluation, and identify their strength and weakness points in the first evaluation.
  7. h) For the purpose of the annual evaluation, the final evaluation is calculated as follows:
  8. 30% for the first evaluation; and
  9. 70% for the second evaluation.
  10. i) An employee shall have the right, after having been notified of the final result, to file their objection at the Personnel Department within a week of the notification date. If the presented reasons turned out to be convincing, the Committee shall reexamine the evaluation with the employee and their immediate director.
  11. j) An employee shall be allowed to look at their annual evaluation, and shall have the right to object to the grade they have received within fifteen days of the notification date. The immediate director shall forward the objection to his/her superior to take the proper decision.


Article 46      a) Taking into consideration the authorities stipulated in Article (50) of these bylaws, an employee shall be subject to the following punishments:

  1. Forewarning, for the employee who gets an ‘intermediate’ grade.
  2. Initial warning, for the employee who gets a ‘weak’ grade.
  3. Ultimatum, for the employee who gets two consecutive ‘weak’ grades.
  4. b) The services of the employee who gets three consecutive ‘weak’ grades shall be considered terminated by law, even if they have been tenured at the University, by a decision from the competent authority concerned with appointment.


Article 47      The employee’s report may not be withdrawn or modified after it has been sent to the University Human Resource Department.


Article 48      The President shall issue the employee evaluation forms and instructions.


Disciplinary Punishments and Procedures


Article 49      a) If an employee commits a violation to the effective University laws, bylaws, regulations, and decisions, or an act or conduct which may encroach upon or hinder their responsibilities and authorities, or a violation to the code of ethics, or a breach of their job responsibilities, or any of the acts stipulated in Article (42) of these bylaws, they shall be subject to the following disciplinary punishments:

  1. Forewarning.
  2. First warning.
  3. Second warning.
  4. Ultimatum.
  5. Discount from the basic salary for a period not exceeding three days per month.
  6. Denial of the annual increment for a period not exceeding one year.
  7. Dismissal from employment with all financial rights paid.
  8. Expulsion, along with depriving them from the gratuity and compensation, or from the University’s contribution in the saving fund, or from both.
  9. b) Gradation in punishments shall not be binding to the administration in case the violation is so tremendous that the University work or employees are affected.
  10. c) No more than one punishment of those stipulated in item (a) of this article shall be inflicted for each case of misconduct committed by an employee.
  11. d) The tougher punishment in the gradation shall be inflicted on the employee in case the same violation is repeated.


Article 50      The disciplinary punishments stipulated in item (a) of Article (49) of these bylaws shall be inflicted for the misconduct committed by the employee in accordance with the following authorities:

  1. a) Department directors may inflict the punishments stipulated in (a-1) of Article (49) on employees in their department.
  2. b) The Dean, Unit Director, or Center Director, as the case may be, may inflict the punishments stipulated in (1) and (2) of Article (49-a) on the employees in their Faculty or Unit.
  3. c) The President’s Assistant may, upon a recommendation from the concerned director, inflict the punishments stipulated in (3-6) of Article (49-a) on all employees in the University.
  4. d) The President may, upon a recommendation from the President’s Assistant, inflict the disciplinary punishments stipulated in (1-6) of Article (49-a) on all employees in the University. The President may refer the employee to the Disciplinary Council of First Instance if he sees that the violation committed by the employee requires a punishment of dismissal from employment or expulsion. The Disciplinary Council of First Instance or the Appellate Disciplinary Council may inflict any of the punishments stipulated in Article (49) of these bylaws.


Article 51      a) Two disciplinary councils shall be established at the University at the beginning of each academic year, the Disciplinary Council of First Instance and the Appellate Disciplinary Council. Each council shall be composed of a chair and two members to be appointed by the Council of Deans for one year subject to renewal, and shall hold its meetings at the request of its chair.

  1. b) The President may appoint one or more standby members on each of the First Instance and Appellate councils to replace any original member missing their sessions.


Article 52      If a violation to job duties and responsibilities is attributed to an employee, the President shall establish an investigation committee comprised of three University employees before the employee is referred to the Disciplinary Council of First Instance. The committee chair shall defend its report before the Disciplinary Council.


Article 53      Each of the two disciplinary councils convenes at the request of its chair and the presence of all its members, its proceedings shall be confidential, and its decisions are taken by the majority.


Article 54      a) The employee referred to the Disciplinary Council shall be notified in writing of the violation attributed to them to their place of work at the University, or their place of residence, at least seven days prior to the date of the session set to look into the violation. They shall have the right to respond in writing to what is attributed to them within that period.

  1. b) The employee referred to the Disciplinary Council of First Instance shall have the right to review all papers in the disciplinary violation file and to attend all meetings of the council to defend themselves or to appoint another person for that purpose.
  2. c) The Disciplinary Council of First Instance shall be held to look into the disciplinary violation within two weeks of the date of referring the violation to it.


Article 55      The Disciplinary Council of First Instance may call upon witnesses or experts for a hearing session upon their taking the legal oath, and may carry out an investigation into the violation presented before it, including the physical examination and seeking the assistance of experts, to be able to take the proper decision concerning the violation.


Article 56      If the employee referred to the Disciplinary Council of First Instance absents themselves without an excuse acceptable by this council, the disciplinary measures shall be inflicted upon them in absentia.


Article 57      a) An employee who has been dismissed from employment or expelled by a decision from the Disciplinary Council of First Instance may appeal to the Appellate Disciplinary Council within two weeks of the date of the decision if it was taken in their presence, or of the date of notification if the decision was taken in absentia. The appeal shall be in writing and be submitted to the President’s office against an official receipt.

  1. b) The Appellate Disciplinary Council shall look into the appeal presented to it, and shall be convened for this purpose within a period not exceeding two weeks of the date of the appeal and issue a decision. The employee shall have the right to defend themselves and present their testimony, either directly or via a deputy, and the University shall have the right to deputize a person to represent it in the council and to present its testimony.


Article 58      No decision concerning the promotion of the employee referred to the Disciplinary Council of First Instance or accepting their resignation shall be taken until the decisive final decision has been taken in their case.


Article 59      a) If the President, the Disciplinary Council of First Instance, or any committee investigating a disciplinary violation, finds out that the violation being looked into or investigated involves a penal crime, the President shall refer the case to the concerned attorney general to take legal action, and subsequently all disciplinary measures shall be ceased until the final court decision has been issued in the penal crime.

  1. b) A judgment in the penal case entailing the employee’s non-responsibility or acquittal of the penal accusation attributed to them shall not prevent the University from taking disciplinary measures against them according to these bylaws.
  2. c) If an employee has been referred to investigation, or to the Disciplinary Council of First Instance, or to any legal authority, the President shall have the right to suspend the work of this employee, and to stop their salary, partially or completely, until a final decision has been issued in their case. The employee’s resignation in this case shall not be accepted until the decisive final decision of the disciplinary or legal measures taken against them has been issued.


Article 60      a) If the final decision of the Disciplinary Council or the decisive legal sentence has entailed the acquittal of the employee, referred to any of these two authorities, of the conduct violation or charge attributed to them, as the case may be, they shall be entitled to their whole salary along with all rights and privileges for the suspension period.

  1. b) But if the prosecution of the employee before any of the two authorities, stipulated in item (a) of this article, has resulted in their conviction and the infliction of a disciplinary punishment on them, other than the dismissal from employment or expulsion from job, they shall be entitled to their whole salary along with all rights and privileges for the suspension period, provided it does not exceed one month. If the suspension has exceeded one month, they shall be entitled to half salary and allowances for the period exceeding one month, but not exceeding six months. If it has exceeded six months, they shall not have the right to any salaries or allowances.
  2. c) The employee on whom a decision of dismissal from employment or expulsion from job has been issued shall not be entitled to any portion of their salaries and allowances as of the date of their referral to the Disciplinary Council, the Attorney General, or a court of law to be prosecuted for the conduct violation they have committed, or the crime attributed to them, as the case may be, provided that they are not asked to return the sums of money they received as salaries and allowances during the suspension period, according to the provisions of Article (59c) of these bylaws.


Article 61      The President, or whomever he deputizes, shall deliver, in writing, all notifications related to the disciplinary measures stipulated in these bylaws, and all decisive sentences issued in the disciplinary violations, to the concerned employee.


End of Service


Article 62      The employee’s service at the University shall end in any of the following cases:

  1. a) Acceptance of resignation.
  2. b) Completing age of 60 years, for male employees, and 55 years for female employees. The President may, upon a recommendation from the Committee, extend their service year by year.
  3. c) Inability to continue working at the University for medical reasons preventing them from performing their duties upon a report from the Medical Authority.
  4. d) Losing the Jordanian nationality.
  5. e) Job loss.
  6. f) Dismissal from employment.
  7. g) Expulsion from job.
  8. h) Losing one of the appointment conditions stipulated in these bylaws.
  9. i) Decease, in which case the University shall immediately pay their salary for the month in which they have deceased, in addition to three more monthly salaries and allowances.


Article 63         a) An employee submits their resignation in writing. It shall be approved or denied by a decision from the authority entitled to appoint employees within thirty days of the date of submitting it; otherwise, it shall be considered legally accepted.

  1. b) The employee must continue performing their job until they receive a written notification of accepting the resignation. If, however, they have stopped working before being notified of accepting the resignation, or before the elapse of the period referred to in item (a) of this article, they shall be legally considered losing their job.


Article 64         a) An employee is considered losing their job if they absent themselves from work for a period of ten consecutive days without obtaining a legal leave or having an acceptable excuse, and without notifying their immediate superior during the period of absence in any possible way. In this case, the employee shall be warned in writing via registered mail at the address stated in their personal file, via electronic means, and through an announcement in at least one of the local newspapers, to return to work; otherwise, they will be considered losing their job.

  1. b) The decision of considering the employee losing their job shall be issued by the authority entitled to appoint employees, and it shall go into effect as of the first day of the employee’s absence from work.
  2. c) The employee who has been considered losing their job shall have the right to object to the decision within fifteen days of its date of issuance, including the reasons they have relied on in their objection. If the authority concerned with appointment finds the reasons convincing, it shall cancel the decision, and the employee shall, consequently, regain their job.
  3. d) The employee who has been considered losing their job shall not be reappointed except after the elapse of at least three years of the job-loss decision, and the obtainment of a decision duly taken by the competent authority upon a recommendation to reappoint them from the Committee.


Article 65         An employee shall be dismissed from employment by a decision taken by the authority concerned with appointment if three different punishments of those stated in items (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6) of Article (49a) of these bylaws are inflicted on them in a period of three consecutive years.


Article 66         a) An employee shall be expelled in any of the following cases:

                              1- If a decision has been issued by the Disciplinary Council of First Instance or the Appellate Disciplinary Council.

                              2- If they have been sentenced by a court of law for a felony or misdemeanor encroaching upon honor, such as bribery, embezzlement, theft, counterfeiting, breach of trust, false testimony, or any other crime violating the public rules of conduct, or has been sentenced to at least six months in prison by a competent court of law for committing a crime. The employee shall, in any of the cases stated in this item, be considered legally expelled as of the date on which the sentence has been given the decisive status.

  1. b) An employee who has been expelled from their job shall not be reappointed at the University.


Article 67         An employee whose job at the University ends for any reason shall pay all the financial obligations due to the University, and return all supplies they have before leaving work.


General Provisions


Article 68         1. The President shall determine the official working hours for all employees at the University.

  1. The President, President’s Assistant, Dean, or Director may, in cases deemed necessary for the interest of the University, charge employees, individually or in groups, to work overtime after the official working hours or during official holidays, in accordance with regulations issued for this purpose.


Article 69      The organizational chart for the University shall be determined by a decision issued by the President.


Article 70      The Board of Trustees of the University shall issue the regulations necessary for the execution of the provisions of these bylaws, provided they do not contradict with or violate their provisions.

Rule Title
Faculty bylaw
Rule Body

Bylaws No. (1) of 2012

The American University of Madaba

Faculty Bylaws

Issued on the Basis of

the Higher Education Council Resolution No. (46) dated 29/1/2012


Article 1

These Bylaws shall be named “The American University of Madaba Faculty Bylaws of 2012”, and shall go into effect as of 29/1/2012.

Article 2

The following words and phrases shall have, wherever they appear in these bylaws, their specified meanings unless otherwise indicated in context:

University The American University of Madaba

Council University Council of Deans

President University President

Committee Appointment and Promotion Committee

Article 3 The Council forms from amongst its members a committee called “Appointment and Promotion Committee”, consisting of the President, as chair, and (6) members holding the rank of Professor, to deal with issues pertaining to faculty members in accordance with the stipulations of these Bylaws.

Article 4 University faculty members are appointed, promoted, tenured, granted sabbatical and unpaid leaves, delegated, seconded, transferred to a higher category within the same rank, their resignations accepted, and their services terminated by a decision issued by the Council upon a recommendation from the Committee and both faculty and department councils.3


Appointment and Tenure

Article 5 Faculty members to be appointed at the University shall have:

a) Obtained an academic degree or a professional certificate in their fields of study that qualifies them to teach at the University, provided that such a degree or certificate was preceded by the General Secondary School Certificate or its equivalent and the Bachelor’s degree;

b) Obtained the academic degrees referred to in (a) of this article through regular study requiring full attendance in recognized universities;

c) Competence to take up university tasks;

d) Physical fitness, as per a medical report issued by the medical authority accredited by the University; and

e) No previous conviction of misdemeanor or felony encroaching upon honor, dignity, and public rules of conduct.

Article 6

Instructors to be appointed at the University, except for those to be appointed in the Faculty of Arts and Design, shall have:

a) Obtained the Master’s degree or its equivalent from a recognized university in the field of study in which they are to be appointed; and

b) Worked after obtaining the Master’s degree for no less than three consecutive years in teaching at a recognized university or university institute and published at least one research article during that period.

Article 7

a) Assistant Professors to be appointed at the University shall have obtained the Ph.D. degree or its equivalent from a recognized university, or a valid professional or technical certificate in the field of study equivalent to the Ph.D. degree from a recognized academic or professional institution, and have at least one research article published or accepted for publication in an accredited journal after obtaining the Ph.D. degree.

b) Taking what is stipulated in paragraph (a) of this article into consideration, Assistant Professors to be appointed in the Faculty of Arts and Design or the Department of Architecture shall have produced, after obtaining the degree, at least one object d’art or work of architecture that meets the criteria to be met in the objects d’art or works of architecture accepted for the purpose of promotion.

Article 8

Associate Professors to be appointed at the University shall have:

a) Obtained the academic degree stipulated in Article (7) of these Bylaws;

b) Held the rank of “Assistant Professor” for at least (5) years at a recognized university or professional or technical institute at the university level; and

c) Published valuable research leading to the advancement of knowledge, provided that this research was carried out after obtaining the academic qualification stipulated in Article (7) of these Bylaws, meet the requirements and specifications required by the University 4

for promotion to the rank of ‘Associate Professor’, and be evaluated in accordance with the procedures followed by the University.

Article 9 Professors to be appointed at the University shall have:

a) Obtained the academic degree stipulated in Article (7) of these Bylaws;

b) Held the rank of “Associate Professor” for at least (5) years at a recognized university or scientific institute at the university level; and

c) Published, while holding the rank of ‘Associate Professor’, valuable research leading to the advancement of knowledge, provided that this research meet the requirements and specifications required by the University for promotion to the rank of Professor, and be evaluated in accordance with the procedures followed by the University.

Article 10 a) If a faculty member is appointed at the University in accordance with these Bylaws, the maximum probation period based on the academic rank at which they are appointed shall be as follows:

- Six years for the rank of ‘Instructor’.

- Eight years for the rank of ‘Assistant Professor’ or ‘Associate Professor’.

- Three years for the rank of ‘Professor’.

b) If a faculty member was appointed prior to the issuance of these Bylaws, the maximum period of their probation shall be calculated as of the date of issuance of these Bylaws, provided that their previous period prior to the issuance of these Bylaws is counted.

c) If a decision to grant tenure to the faculty member has not been issued during their probation period stipulated in paragraph (a) of this article, their service shall legally be considered terminated.

d) The Council may extend the probation period for any faculty member year by year for a period not exceeding (3) three years at most.

Article 11

a) In view of Article (10a) of these Bylaws, faculty members shall be considered for tenure status if they:

1- Are Jordanian;

2- Have been successful in teaching and university work;

3- Have been promoted to a higher rank at the University, unless they are instructors, in which case promotion is substituted for by transfer to category (A) of the rank of ‘Instructor’;

4- Have not received the penalty of ‘warning’; otherwise, their tenure is delayed for one year; and

5- Have not received the penalty of ‘ultimatum’; otherwise, their tenure is delayed for three years.


1. The President may, for reasons convincing to him, terminate the services of a faculty member during the probation period, provided that they are notified of this decision at 5 least three months prior to the end of their service. Such faculty members may not be reappointed at the University.

2. The President may, in cases he considers appropriate and justified, not abide by the temporal condition for notifying faculty members of the termination of their service stipulated in (b1) of this article.

c) Faculty members whose service at the University was not legally terminated may be reappointed, in which case they are placed on probation anew in accordance with these Bylaws.

Article 12 The probation period for faculty members shall be considered part of their actual service at the University.

Article 13 a) The annual increment for faculty members holding the rank of ‘Assistant Professor’ or higher shall be suspended by a decision issued by the Council if their published work acceptable for promotion has stopped for two years, unless they have been assuming an administrative position at the level of dean or higher during that period.

b) The faculty member’s service shall be legally terminated in any of the following cases:

1. If they are appointed at the rank of ‘Assistant Professor’ or ‘Associate Professor’ in accordance with the stipulations of these Bylaws but are not tenured within eight years of their appointment.

2. If they have been tenured but have not had a single article of research published or accepted for publication for the past five years, unless they have been assuming an administrative position during that period.

Transfer and Promotion

Article 14 Assistant and Associate Professors shall be transferred from one category to a higher one within the same rank when they have seniority in the category from which the transfer is requested for at least five years. Instructors, on the other hand, are required to have seniority in salary for at least six years after obtaining the academic qualification on the basis of which they have been appointed. In all cases, however, faculty members are required to have published research works during their actual service at the University, provided that they meet the conditions and specifications of research works required for promotion.

Article 15 a) Faculty members are promoted to the rank of ‘Associate Professor’ or ‘Professor’ if they:

1Have had seniority in the rank from which they are to be promoted for at least five years, with at least three years of which at the University. This period may, however, be reduced to four years if the faculty member has accumulated twice the points needed for promotion.

2Have been successful in teaching.

3Have been successful in their relations with others in their university work.6

4Have been active in community service and development.

5Have, while occupying the rank from which to be promoted, had valuable research work in their field of specialization published, or accepted for publication, in accredited journals, provided that part of the research work has been published while they are at the University. Exceptional professional or artistic works undertaken while holding the rank may be considered as part of the scientific work accepted for promotion.

6Have submitted scientific work that meets the minimum requirements for promotion established by the Council.

b) 1. Taking the promotion regulations into consideration, the Council takes a decision concerning promotion in view of the results arrived at in the referees’ reports.

2. Should there be a discrepancy in the referees’ reports and recommendations, the Council may take the decision that it deems appropriate concerning promotion.

Article 16 The Council may, on the basis of a recommendation submitted by the President, name a faculty member as ‘Honorary Professor’ if they have spent at least fifteen years in the service of the University while holding the rank of ‘Professor’, have contributed during their work at the University exceptional services leading to its growth and development, and if their services ended as a result of their becoming seventy years old or upon their own request. The honorary professor keeps all their academic rights, and benefits from all services offered by the University. The University, on the other hand, may benefit from their experience in teaching and supervision, among others, against a remuneration determined by the President.

Faculty Tasks

Article 17 Faculty members are entitled, in their academic work, to full freedom of thinking, expression, publication, and exchange of ideas, as long as these activities are in line with the effective laws and bylaws.

Article 18 a) The tasks of University faculty members include:

1Teaching and evaluation.

2Undertaking theoretical and applied research and studies.

3Community service and development.

4Supervising university dissertations, student research articles, reports, social and scientific activities, and providing proper directions to them.

5Full attendance to their academic duties in serving the University.

6- Academic advising.

7Participation in University councils and committees, and in those where the University is involved.7

8Any other matters they are requested to participate in as part of their service to the University.

b) Faculty members are not allowed to accept any work outside the University before obtaining prior written approval from the President, upon a recommendation from the dean of the faculty and in accordance with special regulations issued for this purpose.

Article 19 a) The number of weekly working hours for faculty members shall be (40) hours, distributed among teaching, scientific research, community service and development, and the other university tasks. The faculty tasks shall be determined by the department chair and the faculty dean, and their performance is subsequently evaluated in view of their productivity.

b) Taking what is stated in paragraph (a) of this article into consideration, the maximum teaching load for faculty members shall be (9) nine credit hours for the Professor, (12) twelve credit hours for the Associate and Assistant Professors, and (15) fifteen credit hours for the Instructor.

c) The President may reduce the teaching load for the faculty member who assumes academic or administrative responsibilities in accordance with special regulations issued by him.

Vacations and Leaves

Article 20 a) The annual vacation for faculty members shall be as follows:

1- Eleven weeks for faculty members.

2- Eight weeks for faculty members assuming administrative responsibilities.


b) The annual leave stated in paragraph (a) of this article shall be distributed among semesters, and it may not be carried over to the following year.

c) Faculty members assigned a teaching load in the Summer Session shall be considered as full-time faculty members for the purposes of holding department and faculty council meetings.

d) The President may assign work to faculty members during their annual vacation.

Article 21 a) Tenured faculty members holding the rank of ‘Professor’ or ‘Associate Professor’ may be awarded a sabbatical leave for a whole year, undivided or divided into two semesters, for every six years spent in University service, provided they submit an outline of the scientific, professional, or artistic project(s) they would undertake during the leave. In their sabbatical leave, faculty members shall receive their salaries along with all allowances.

b) Faculty members who have been awarded sabbatical leaves may, upon the consent of the President, work during their sabbatical leaves in universities or scientific research centers, or related institutions, within and without Jordan.

c) Sabbatical leaves are considered as actual service for all purposes except counting them for the purpose of getting another sabbatical leave.8

d) The faculty member who has been awarded a sabbatical leave shall submit to the dean of their faculty, upon the end of that leave, the scientific or artistic work(s) they have completed during the leave to be evaluated by the Scientific Research Council in view of the principles laid out in the original outline mentioned in (a) of this article. The work(s) and the evaluation shall then be forwarded to the President for approval. Should they not be approved, all amounts of money paid by the University shall be recovered, and the sabbatical leave shall be considered taken without counting it for the purposes of promotion, end-of-service gratuity, saving, or for fulfilling the temporal requirements for getting an alternate assignment or another leave.

e) Resignation of a faculty member from work at the University while on a sabbatical leave or before the elapse of one year of actual work at the University after the end of the sabbatical leave shall not be accepted unless the whole amount of money paid to them is recovered. In this case, the sabbatical leave shall not count towards the end-of-service gratuity and saving.

Article 22 a) Tenured faculty members may, after spending at least five years of work at the University, be awarded a leave without pay for one semester or one year, subject to renewal, provided it does not exceed five consecutive years. They may not be awarded such a leave again, according to this article, unless twice the duration of the previous leave has elapsed.

b) A faculty member who is appointed as president of a Jordanian university is exempt from the temporal condition referred to in (a) of this article.

c) A faculty member who is appointed as a cabinet minister is exempt from the tenure and temporal conditions.

d) In special cases, however, the President may, at his discretion, grant a faculty member an exigent leave without pay for a period not exceeding two semesters.

e) Unpaid leaves granted to faculty members may not count as part of the actual service at the University for the purposes of receiving a sabbatical leave, promotion, end-of-service gratuity, and saving, but they count towards seniority in salary only if the leave is spent at a university or university-level scientific institute recognized by the University.

Article 23 The President may, upon consultation with the faculty dean and department chair, grant faculty members a leave not exceeding fifteen days to perform Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca), provided that this leave is granted only once throughout their work at the University.

Article 24 Sick and exigent leaves and the conditions under which they are granted shall be defined by regulations issued by the President.

Delegation, Alternate Assignment, and Missioning

Article 25 Faculty members may be delegated to perform the tasks of another job inside the University.9

Article 26 a) Tenured faculty members may be loaned to another university, government department or an international organization for one semester or more, provided that the duration of the loan in any case does not exceed three years. The same faculty member may not be loaned another time until the elapse of twice the duration of the previous loan.

b) Taking the provisions of paragraph (c) of this article into consideration, the period of the loan of a faculty member is considered part of their actual service at the University for the purposes of promotion, end-of-service gratuity, saving, and the sabbatical leave.

c) No salaries, allowances, expenses, or any other costs, whatever their type or reason, shall be carried by the University during the loan period, including the end-of-service gratuity, the University contribution in the savings fund and social security.

Article 27 a) Faculty members may be sent on scientific missions outside the University by a decision issued by the President upon a recommendation from the faculty council and department council. The period spent on the mission is considered part of their actual service at the University for the purposes of promotion, end-of-service gratuity, saving, and the sabbatical leave.

b) The President shall issue, upon consultation with the Council, the necessary regulations to organize matters related to missioning, including the financial matters.

Visiting Professors and Lecturers

Article 28 a) Faculty members may be employed on a contract basis or against a monthly stipend at the rank of Visiting Professor, Visiting Associate Professor, or Visiting Assistant Professor if they have:

1. Obtained the academic degree stipulated in Article (7) of these Bylaws.

2Held the academic rank at a university recognized by the University and met the conditions of the rank at the University.

b) The services of the faculty members appointed in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (a) of this article shall not be considered for the purposes of promotion, end-of-service gratuity, saving, and housing.

Article 29 The President may, upon the recommendation of both the faculty and department councils, approve the appointment of full-time lecturers to work at the University in accordance with the conditions he deems necessary to be included in the contract.

Article 30 Full-time lecturers appointed at the University may be appointed as faculty members if they hold the Ph.D. degree or its equivalent, meet the conditions for appointment stipulated in Article (5), and have published at least two research articles while working at the University. Their services at the University as well as the research articles they have published while serving as full-time lecturers at the University may be considered for promotion.10

Article 31 a) The President may, upon the recommendation of the faculty dean in consultation with the department council, appoint part-time lecturers for teaching or training jobs at the University for a semester or more, in accordance with instructions issued by the President.

b) The President may invite people from outside the University to deliver lectures or to conduct research, teaching, or training at the University for a specified period of time, in accordance with instructions issued by him.

c) The President may give permission to people or local authorities to offer voluntary services to the University in accordance with regulations issued by him for this purpose.

Termination of Service

Article 32 a) The faculty member’s service at the University shall be terminated as of the date specified in the decision issued for this purpose, or the date of the occurrence of the event upon which the service is terminated, in each of the following cases:

1- Acceptance of resignation.

2- Completing 70 years of age, in which case the faculty member’s service is terminated as of the end of the academic year in which they become 70 years old.

3- End of service by law due to not getting tenured.

4- Job loss.

5- Termination of contract.

6- Dismissal from service.

7- Expulsion.

8- Losing one of the appointment conditions mentioned in these Bylaws.

9- Decease.

b) If the faculty member’s service ends due to decease, the University shall immediately pay their salary and allowances for the month in which they have died, in addition to their salary and allowances for the following month.

c) A faculty member whose service at the University ends due to their completing the age of 70 years may be reappointed on a contract basis as a full-time lecturer in accordance with regulations issued by the President for this purpose.

Article 33 a) A faculty member shall submit their resignation in writing to the dean of their faculty at least (3) months prior to the beginning of any academic semester. The President, however, may not abide by this temporal condition if there is a justification for that.

b) The faculty member shall be notified of the decision concerning their resignation within a period not exceeding (8) weeks of its submission date; otherwise, it shall be considered denied.

c) The faculty member who has submitted their resignation shall continue doing their work until it is accepted; otherwise, their job is considered lost.11

Article 34 Faculty members lose their jobs if they absent themselves from work without an excuse acceptable to the Council for more than three consecutive weeks, in which case they may not be reappointed at the University.

Violations and Disciplinary Measures

Article 35 Faculty members shall carry out their duties and tasks, abide by the effective laws, bylaws, regulations, and decisions, and refrain within this context from doing the following acts, which are subject to punishment:

a) Working outside the University without obtaining the written consent of the President.

b) Carrying out any deed contradicting their university duties and tasks.

c) Getting involved in any partisan, sectarian, or factional activities within the University.

d) Serving as members of councils of institutions and boards of directors of companies, unless they are delegated by the University or have received its consent.

e) Committing any act that may harm the reputation of the University or any of its employees.

Article 36 If a faculty member violates the effective laws, bylaws, regulations, and decisions, they shall be subject to any of the following disciplinary measures:

a) Forewarning: If this penalty is imposed on a faculty member twice in three consecutive years, it shall be raised in the third time to the penalty of ‘warning’.

b) Warning: If this penalty is imposed on a faculty member, their promotion shall be delayed for two years as of the Council’s decision date to promote them, and their annual salary increment shall be suspended for the same duration if they hold the rank of ‘Professor’. If this penalty is imposed twice in five consecutive years, it shall be raised in the third time to the penalty of ‘ultimatum’.

c) Ultimatum: If this penalty is imposed on a faculty member, their promotion shall be delayed for four years as of the Council’s decision date to promote them, and their annual salary increment shall be suspended for the same duration if they hold the rank of ‘Professor’. If they commit any violation thereafter, they shall be referred to the Disciplinary Council.

d) Dismissal from service, and receiving all their financial rights.

e) Dismissal from the University, along with depriving them from the University financial contribution to the savings fund. In this case, they may not be reappointed at the University.

Article 37 Taking the provisions of Article (35) of these Bylaws into consideration, the disciplinary penalties stated in Article (36) of these Bylaws shall be imposed by the following authorities:

a) The department chair may impose the penalty of ‘forewarning’.12

b) The faculty dean may impose the penalties of ‘forewarning’ and ‘warning’. Faculty members on whom the penalty of ‘warning’ has been imposed may submit an appeal to the President within seven days as of the date of notification.

c) The President may impose the penalties of ‘forewarning’, ‘warning’, and ‘ultimatum’.

d) The Disciplinary Council may impose any of the penalties stated in Article (36) of these Bylaws, in accordance with what it finds out to be suitable to the circumstances of the violation referred to it.

Article 38 a) No disciplinary penalty shall be imposed on a faculty member by anyone holding a lower academic rank, in which case the recommendation for imposing the penalty shall be referred to the holder of the higher academic rank having the right to impose it.

b) No disciplinary penalty shall be imposed, aggravated, or commutated before hearing the faculty member and allowing them to defend themselves in front of those authorized to look into the disciplinary procedures taken against them.

Article 39 a) The Disciplinary Council of First Instance shall formed by the Council from five University faculty members holding the rank of ‘Professor’, and on whom no penalty has been imposed, for a period of two years, subject to renewal. The Council shall appoint a chair to this Disciplinary Council from among its members. The Council may also exempt any of them from the membership of the Disciplinary Council or accept their request to be exempted.

b) The Appellate Disciplinary Council shall be formed by the Council from one of the Vice-Presidents, as chair, and four University faculty members holding the rank of ‘Professor’, and on whom no penalty has been imposed, for a period of two years, subject to renewal. The Council may exempt any of them from the membership of this Disciplinary Council or accept their request to be exempted.

c) The Council may appoint one or more standby members in each of the two disciplinary councils to substitute for any original member who absents themselves from the sessions of either of them with an acceptable excuse.

Article 40 Both disciplinary councils hold their meetings in response to a call from their chairs. The meeting is considered legal when all members attend it, and its decisions are taken by a majority of four out of five members, or a majority of three members provided the chair is one of them.

Article 41 a) A faculty member referred to the Disciplinary Council shall be provided with a copy of the violation declaration attributed to them. This copy shall be delivered to their workplace at the University or their place of residence at least seven days before the date of the session in which the violation is to be reviewed. The faculty member shall have the right to respond to that declaration in writing during that period.13

b) A faculty member referred to the Disciplinary Council shall have the right to review all papers contained in the declaration file, and to attend the Disciplinary Council sessions to defend themselves.

Article 42 a) The President may refer any violation involving a penal crime to the concerned attorney general to take legal action, and shall have to stop all disciplinary measures until the final judgment has been issued in the penal crime.

b) A judgment in the penal case entailing the faculty member’s non-responsibility or acquittal of the penal accusation shall not prevent the University from taking disciplinary measures against them according to these Bylaws.

Article 43 a) The President may suspend the work of a faculty member in any of the following cases:

1- If they have been referred to the Disciplinary Council.

2- If they have been referred to the attorney general at the request of the University.

3- If they have been referred to court as a result of committing any felony or misdemeanor encroaching upon honor, dignity, or public rules of conduct.

b) The President may determine the percentage of the salary and allowances to be paid to the suspended faculty member, provided it does not exceed 50%.

Article 44 a) The Disciplinary Council shall convene to look into the disciplinary case within a period of two weeks of the date of referring the case to it.

b) The sessions of the two disciplinary councils shall be confidential, including the session in which the decision is announced.

Article 45 The Council shall issue the necessary regulations to execute the articles of these Bylaws.

Rule Title
Regulations for Scientific Trips
Rule Body

Regulations No (16) of 2012

Regulations for Scientific Trips

at the American University of Madaba

Issued on the Basis of Article “17-B-11” of the Law of Jordanian Universities

No. 20 of 2009 and its Amendments

Article 1 These regulations shall be named “Regulations for Scientific Trips at the American University of Madaba of 2012”. They shall go into effect after they have been duly approved.

Article 2 The words and phrases below shall have, wherever they appear in these regulations, their specified meaning unless otherwise indicated in context:

University American University of Madaba

President President of the University

Faculty Dean Dean of any faculty at the University

Article 3 The University is keen on supporting scientific trips, and on encouraging them as an inseparable component of the academic study at the University, and one aspect of scientific activities that provide students with multifarious opportunities to develop scientific knowledge and to acquire practical experience through observation and examination.

Article 4 Academic departments shall determine the courses that require scientific trips, stating the nature of those trips, their destinations, and conditions, provided such trips are necessary to fulfill the study of those courses.

Article 5 The department chair shall inform the faculty deanship of the courses that require scientific trips, along with a description of the proposed trips.

Article 6 Scientific trips shall be organized after getting the University President’s approval upon a proposal from the concerned department and a recommendation from the faculty dean.

Article 7 Scientific trips shall be organized according to the following schedule:

a) One-day internal trips: at least two weeks prior to the date of the trip.

b) More than one day internal trips: at least five weeks prior to the date of the trip.

c) External trips: at least eight weeks prior to the date of the trip.

Article 8 Applications for scientific trips must include the following information:

a) Authority supervising the trip.

b) Nature, type, and objectives of the trip.

c) Duration and program of the trip.

d) Estimated cost of the trip.

e) Number of participants in the trip.

Article 9 a) The scientific trip shall be confined to the students of the course to which the trip is related. No other students shall be allowed to participate in the trip except those who have successfully completed the course but did not have the chance to participate in the scientific trip related to that course.

b) No student shall be allowed to participate in a trip for the same course more than once.

Article 10 a) The supervisor of the scientific trip shall be the course instructor; however, assistant supervisors may be appointed if the number of participants exceeds (25) students.

b) A female supervisor shall be appointed in mixed scientific trips whose duration exceeds one day.

Article 11 The transportation and travel allowances shall be paid to the officially appointed supervisors in accordance with the Transportation and Travel Bylaws effective at the University.

Article 12 The University shall contribute no more than 75% of the total cost of the student scientific trip.

Article 13 The University shall allocate the necessary amounts of money to cover its contributions in the scientific trips for the different departments.

Article 14 The faculty dean shall notify the Dean of Student Affairs, in an official letter containing a list of the students participating in the trip, of the scientific trips before they are carried out.

Article 15 Student trips are part and parcel of University life; anything banned and forbidden on campus shall be banned and forbidden during a student trip.

Article 16 Participants in student trips shall totally abide by the oral and written instructions issued by the trip supervisor; any violation committed by a student during a trip shall be subject to punishment in accordance with the disciplinary bylaws effective at the University.

Article 17 Participants in more than one day internal and external trips shall submit a proof of their parents’ approval for them to participate in the trip.

Article 18 No student trips shall be organized except in accordance with these regulations.

Article 19 The President and the Dean of Student Affairs shall be responsible for the execution of the provisions of these regulations. In the case of disagreement on interpreting their articles, the matter shall be referred to the Council of Deans to issue the required interpretation.

Article 20 The Council of Deans shall decide on all cases not covered by these regulations.

Rule Title
Regulations for Student Excursions
Rule Body

Regulations No (15) of 2012

Regulations for Student Excursions

at the American University of Madaba

Issued on the Basis of Article “17-B-11” of the Law of Jordanian Universities

No. 20 of 2009 and its Amendments


Article 1 These regulations shall be named “Regulations for Student Excursions at the American University of Madaba of 2012”. They shall go into effect after they have been duly approved.

Article 2 The words and phrases below shall have, wherever they appear in these regulations, their specified meaning unless otherwise indicated in context:

Kingdom Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

University American University of Madaba

President President of the University

Deanship Deanship of Student Affairs

Supervisor Excursion Supervisor

Student Regular student registered at the University

Article 3 The University is keen on supporting student excursions, and on encouraging them as an inseparable component of the integrated university life and one of the general features of student activities that provide students with multifarious opportunities to develop their personalities and help them acquire scientific knowledge and assume rational responsibility. The Deanship, therefore, works in cooperation with concerned faculties, societies, student union and clubs to organize all kinds of excursions. To achieve these goals, the University aims, through organizing student excursions, at the following:

  1. Acquainting students with historical and cultural sites in the Kingdom and Arab and foreign countries.
  2. Strengthening existing ties among University family members: students, faculty, and staff.
  3. Developing student interests in tours and travels.
  4. Providing proper opportunities for students to meet with other Arab and foreign university students.
  5. Providing proper opportunities for students outstanding in student activities to represent the University in cultural, sports, and artistic festivals, tournaments, and meetings organized within or without the Kingdom.

Article 4

  1. a) General Excursions refer to the excursions organized by the University with the intention of visiting the archeological and touristic sites, and of getting students acquainted with the cultural landmarks and the economic and cultural development within and without the Kingdom.
  2. b) Special Excursions refer to the excursions organized by the University for students participating in sports, artistic, and public service activities, with the intention of achieving the goals of such activities.
  3. c) Student Exchange Programs refer to the excursions organized to implement agreements signed between the University and Arab and foreign teaching and educational institutions and commissions.




Article 5 Student excursions shall be organized through:

  1. a) Deanship of Student Affairs.
  2. b) Student clubs at the University.

Article 6

The Deanship of Student Affairs excursions shall follow the following procedures:

  1. The Deanship of Student Affairs shall announce for their general and special excursions, which are part of an annual program prepared by the Deanship, to all concerned students within a sufficient period of time before the date of the excursion.
  2. The announcement for the excursion shall include all necessary information related to it.
  3. Selection of students to participate in the excursion shall be done in accordance with the conditions issued by the Deanship for each excursion.

Article 7

The student clubs excursions shall follow the following procedures:

  1. a) Decision to undertake the excursion shall be taken by the student club board.
  2. b) The Dean of Student Affairs’ approval shall then be obtained.
  3. c) The excursion shall be announced to students, with all related information included.
  4. d) General and special excursion applications shall be received from the concerned department at the Deanship, and subsequently submitted to the Dean of Student Affairs’ office.
  5. e) Applications shall be submitted according to the following schedule:
  6. One-day internal excursions: at least a week prior to the date of the excursion.
  7. More than one day internal excursions: at least ten days prior to the date of the excursion.
  8. External excursions to Arab countries: at least five weeks prior to the date of the excursion.
  9. External excursions to foreign countries: at least eight weeks prior to the date of the excursion.


  1. f) Applications shall include the following information:
  2. Excursion type.
  3. Excursion’s duration and program.
  4. Estimated cost of the excursion and proposed participation fee.
  5. g) A list of the names of students participating in the excursion shall be submitted by the club to the Dean of Student Affairs’ office before the start of the excursion (as stipulated by the Deanship).
  6. h) This list shall be sent by the Deanship in an official letter to the excursion supervisor to abide by it.

Article 8

The excursion supervisor shall be a faculty member or one of the appointed supervisors in the Deanship.

Article 9

Excursion supervisors shall be appointed according to the following arrangement:

  1. a) One-day internal excursions: at least one supervisor for each 25 students.
  2. b) More than one day internal excursions: at least one supervisor for each 25 students, in addition to a female supervisor if the excursion is mixed.
  3. c) External excursions: one general supervisor and one supervisor for each 25 students, in addition to a female supervisor if the excursion is mixed.
  4. d) All internal excursion supervisors shall be appointed by the Deanship.
  5. e) External excursion supervisors shall be appointed by a recommendation from the Dean of Student Affairs and approval of the President.

Article 10

Internal and external supervisors shall be responsible for the following:

  1. a) Prior preparation for the excursion and supervision over its administrative and financial affairs.
  2. b) Setting up the general program, and issuing the special regulations, for the excursion and supervising its execution.
  3. c) Staying constantly with the students in the travel means, its class, and place of residence within and without the Kingdom.
  4. d) Submitting the necessary reports to the Deanship upon the end of the excursion.

Article 11 Financial matters pertaining to the student contributions in the special excursions shall be decided by the President upon a recommendation from the Dean of Student Affairs.

Article 12 The Dean of Student Affairs shall, upon a recommendation from the concerned department in the Deanship, determine the fee for the students’ participation in the excursion. The following points shall be taken into consideration before determining the fee:

  1. a) The University’s contribution towards the cost of the excursion.
  2. b) Internal and external travel costs, accommodation costs, and entrance fees for tourist sites, theaters, among other places listed on the excursion’s general program.
  3. c) Facilities provided by the competent authorities in the country to which the excursion is planned.

Article 13 All sums of money saved from any excursion as a result of the delegation having been hosted by the competent authorities in Arab and foreign countries shall be transferred to the activities budget to be used when a return visit is made to the University.

Article 14 Transportation and travel allowances shall be paid to internal and external excursion supervisors in accordance with the Transportation and Travel Bylaws effective at the University.

Article 15 Student excursions are part and parcel of University life; anything banned and forbidden on campus shall be banned and forbidden during a student excursion.

Article 16 Participants in student excursions shall totally abide by the oral and written instructions issued by the excursion supervisor; any violation committed by a student during the excursion shall be subject to punishment in accordance with the disciplinary bylaws effective at the University.

Article 17 Participants in more than one day internal and external excursions shall submit a proof of their parents’ approval for them to participate in the excursion.

Article 18 No student excursions shall be organized except in accordance with these regulations.

Article 19 The President and the Dean of Student Affairs shall be responsible for the execution of the provisions of these regulations. In the case of disagreement on interpreting their articles, the matter shall be referred to the Council of Deans to issue the required interpretation.

Article 20 The Council of Deans shall decide on all cases not covered by these regulations.

Rule Title
Student Conduct Code at the American University of Madaba
Rule Body


Student Conduct Code at the American University of Madaba


  1. Preamble

The American University of Madaba (AUM) is committed to facilitating academic and personal growth of its students and to providing them with a stimulating and safe campus atmosphere. By entering AUM, students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the University standards of personal and educational integrity; to assume responsibility for their actions; to recognize and uphold University regulations; to be respectful of the rights and welfare of members of the University community as well as its guests. In sum, the student’s conduct shall not threaten (physically, mentally or emotionally) the health, safety or welfare of members of the University or its guests.

Students attending AUM are obliged to comply with several responsibilities, including, but not limited to the following:

(a) Obeying local and national laws;

(b) Avoiding the misuse or harm of property which belongs to the university, any member of the university community or its guests;

(c) Not to practice any form of discrimination or intimidation.

Students are encouraged to utilize all University services and facilities to elevate their academic knowledge, personal skills and hobbies; widen their cultural knowledge; and become a more diverse and tolerant community.

The Student Conduct Code is not a substitute for criminal or civil judicial proceedings. It is intended to be an integral part of AUM’s learning experience, which can result in helping students to change their behavior, enhance the level of their maturity and responsibility. The Student Conduct Code guarantees the rights of students to exercise their rights on any issue that concerns them and to appeal any accusation that might be filed against them.

Students are responsible for obtaining all published materials and updates from the Office of Student Affairs relating to this Code. Any question of interpretation or application of this Student Conduct Code shall be referred to the Dean of Student Affairs.

1.1 The goals of the Student Conduct Code are:

  • To promote a campus environment that supports the educational mission of the University;
  • To protect the University community from disruption and harm;
  • To encourage appropriate standards of individual and group behavior; and
  • To foster ethical standards and engaged citizens.



1.2 The Student Conduct Code fulfills this mission by providing programs and services that:

  • Develop, disseminate, interpret and enforce campus regulations;
  • Teach students about appropriate behavior and community membership;
  • Foster students' intellectual, ethical and cultural development;
  • Intervene and effectively address behavior that violates the Code; and
  • Offer educational and leadership opportunities for students who adhere to the Code.

1.3 Professional Conduct

As part of its commitment to integrity and respect in the community in which it operates, AUM expects that its students will conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner at all times, both when interacting within the university community and when representing the University at events outside the institution. In this regard, students will not at any time engage in unduly disruptive, threatening, unethical, disrespectful or abusive conduct toward other members of the University community, including fellow students, instructors and staff, and their conduct should be compatible with the requirements of their environmentally friendly campus.

  1. Non-Discrimination Policy

AUM prohibits discrimination against any member of the University community on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, genetic information, marital status, parental status or disability. Accordingly, equal opportunity of employment and admission shall be extended to all qualified persons. The University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and promotes fair treatment practices in employment and admission, which provides specific contractual rights and remedies consistent with local laws, regulations and orders for ethnic minorities, women and persons with disabilities.

  1. Equal Rights Policy

All students are to be treated equally and have the same right to access and use University facilities regardless of race, age, sex, color, religion, marital status, national origin or ancestry or disability.

Article I: Student Bill of Rights

Students have certain rights as members of the University community, in addition to those rights and privileges guaranteed by the laws and constitution of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Under any circumstances, the University shall respect and take full responsibility not to deny these rights to students. Students have the responsibility not to deny these rights to other members of the University community. Under all circumstances, the University shall not compromise the rights and privileges granted to students and students will not be subject to questioning or discipline for exercising any of these rights and privileges as listed below:

  1. Learning Environment

The University should provide a healthy, safe, experiential, exploratory and welcoming campus environment to enable students to develop intellectual and academic freedom. Furthermore, the teaching process should preserve the rights of students for respect and dignity, and the University is obligated to assist students and provide the necessary tools to enhance the learning process.

  1. Rights in the Classroom

Students have the right to be told clearly at the beginning of the course about the content of the course, study plan, teaching/learning methodology and how their performance and competence will be evaluated. Students have the right to be updated consistently, concisely and carefully about their performance in the tasks assigned by the instructor such as exams, in-class activities, homework, projects, etc. Students have the right to be evaluated according to the criteria clearly stated in the syllabus at the beginning of the course without prejudice or favoritism. To assure perpetual quality teaching, students have the right to evaluate faculty members for each class taken.

  1. Freedom from Discrimination and Harassment

Students have the right to a campus life free of any form of discrimination or harassment. Students must be viewed and treated equally by all University officials and other students, irrespective of their race, age, sex, color, religion, marital status, national origin or ancestry or disability.

  1. Disabled Student Rights

Disabled students have the right to access and utilize all facilities and services provided by the University. The University administrative team should engage disabled students to participate in all activities and potential opportunities.

  1. Right of Due Process

Students have the right to due process to defend themselves against any allegation involving the possible violation of any item of the Code.

  1. Privacy and Confidentiality

Students have the right not to share or disclose any private or confidential matters about their personal beliefs or views to any member of the University community. Students also have the right to refuse any unauthorized search of or seizure from their person.

  1. Student Records

Students have the right to the protection of their educational records from unauthorized disclosure, tampering or soliciting.

  1. 2TThe Right of Expression

The University recognizes each student's right to free speech. In keeping with this recognition, the student media shall be free of censorship and advanced approval of material, provided that its student leadership develops written editorial policies, ethical operating procedures and provides accurate and balanced news coverage that conforms to the highest academic and journalistic standards, local laws and the Mission of the University.

  1. Right to Contribute to University Governance

Students have the right to contribute to the making of institutional policy generally affecting their social or academic affairs. Students have the right to participate in the formation of standards of student conduct and the student disciplinary procedures by serving as members of appropriate committees such as the Student Affairs Committee of the Faculty Council. Furthermore, Students have the right to be represented by student clubs.

Article II: Forbidden Conduct

  1. Academic Misconduct

All forms of academic misconduct, including, but not limited to, cheating, attempting to cheat, deliberate absence from lectures, fabrication, plagiarism, facilitating academic misconduct and unauthorized possession or disposition of academic materials.

  1. Acts of Dishonesty

Dishonesty, including but not limited to furnishing false or misleading information to any University official, forgery, alteration or misuse of any University document, record, fund or identification.

  1. Disorderly Conduct

Actions or attempted actions that obstruct, interfere or could result in harm to any member of the University community or its guests, regardless of its actual intent.

  1. Disruption

Any action which restricts, obstructs or interferes with any academic, athletic or administrative function or attempts to do so.

  1. Smoking Policy

Smoking is prohibited inside of all University buildings, including dormitories and offices. Members of the University community who choose to smoke must do so only outdoors in designated areas of the campus.

  1. Abuse and Endangerment

Physical, mental, psychological or verbal abuse, intimidation or conduct which threatens or endangers the health, welfare or safety of any person on campus, including self-abuse, is prohibited on University premises.

  1. Harassment

Verbal or physical transgression of an individual or group based upon their race, age, sex, color, religion, marital status, national origin or ancestry, disability, veteran status is forbidden by the non-discrimination policy of the University.

  1. Hazing

It is forbidden to make people do unusual, difficult or dangerous things which could endanger their mental or physical health or safety, as a precondition to joining a group, organization or club.

  1. Drug Policy

The University strictly forbids the use, possession, transfer and/or sale of narcotic and other unlawful drugs.

  1. Alcohol Policy

The University strictly forbids the use, possession, transfer and/or sale of alcoholic beverages of any type on University premises.

  1. Firearms/Harmful Tools

Possession or use of firearms, dangerous weapons, flammable devices, explosives, chemicals, knives or other harmful tools on University premises is strictly forbidden unless it is authorized for use in coursework and is carefully supervised.

  1. Unauthorized Access

Students are not permitted in any open or closed area of the Campus that has been designated as off limits by the University or any authorized University official. Students are not allowed to be present in University buildings, steam tunnels or on University property at times or places where such presence is prohibited.

  1. Property theft or misuse of property

Theft, attempted theft, misuse and/or damaging of property belonging to the University or any member of the University community is forbidden. Such actions will be disciplined internally and could also result in legal charges being filed against the person or people responsible.

  1. Violations of the Law

Actions which violate the laws and traditions of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan are forbidden on University premises and could also result in external charges being filed.

  1. Sexual Misconduct

Actions including, but not limited to, indecent behavior, posting of photographs/images of a sexual nature, engaging in intimate activity, viewing or promoting unethical videos.

  1. Gambling

Playing games for gain or any other form of betting.

  1. Dress Code

Students are expected to hold to a high level of decency and morality and are expected to dress in an appropriate manner on campus. A student’s attire should never be crude, provocative or offensive in any way. Therefore, indecent or culturally inappropriate clothing is prohibited from the educational environment.

  1. Misuse of Technology

Any form of misuse or abuse of University computers or other technological resources.

  1. Bullying

Bullying and hounding are particularly vicious forms of physical and/or mental abuse and will be treated as such.

  1. 2TRiots

Participation in or attendance at riots or mass disturbances on the city streets or on any area of the Campus.

  1. 2TDefiance of Authority

Defiance, belligerence toward or lying to a University security officer, faculty member or other University official, who, in the line of duty, issues an order or asks for identification or information.

Students are expected to carry University identification cards at all times and must identify themselves to University officials upon request.

Any student found to have committed, or attempted to commit, any of the following deeds is subject to disciplinary sanctions.

Honor Code Pledge

As a student at the American University of Madaba, I pledge to commit myself to honesty and integrity. I pledge to read the Student Conduct Code and become aware of all misconducts detailed therein and shall refrain from all acts of academic and behavioral misconduct. I swear to respect the safety and welfare of all members of the University community and its guests.


Student name                                                                                                  Signature

Rule Title
Faculty Regulations
Rule Body

Regulations No. (6) of 2012

Faculty Regulations

at the American University of Madaba

Issued on the Basis of Article “17-B-11” of the Law of Jordanian Universities

No. 20 of 2009 and its Amendments

Article 1 These regulations shall be named “Faculty Regulations at the American University of Madaba of 2012”. They shall go into effect after they have been duly approved.

Article 2 The words and phrases below shall have, wherever they appear in these regulations, their specified meaning unless otherwise indicated in context:

University American University of Madaba

Council Council of Deans of the University

President University President

Committee Appointment and Promotion Committee

Research Scientific research acceptable for promotion

International Journal A scientific, refereed, periodical, specialized, and indexed journal, having an international editorial board, researchers, and distribution, and is cited at Thomson ISI or its equivalent

Recognized Journal A scientific, refereed, periodical, and specialized journal, recognized by the University

Bylaws Faculty Bylaws of the University No. (1) of 2012


Article 3 a) Taking the conditions mentioned in Article (5) of the Bylaws into consideration, faculty members to be appointed at the University shall have obtained their academic degrees through regular study requiring full attendance, with an average not less than ‘Good’ in the Bachelor’s degree, except in special cases approved by the Council upon the recommendation of the Committee.

  1. b) The Council may set up any other conditions deemed necessary to ensure the fitness of the candidate for appointment and their ability to undertake university work.3

Article 4 a) For the appointment of a faculty member at the University, the academic rank they held in any other university recognized by the University may be accepted provided they have obtained that rank in accordance with the promotion criteria followed by the University. Their seniority in the rank shall be calculated in such a way that each year spent there is equal to a year at the University if they have obtained the seniority at a Jordanian state university; otherwise, the Committee shall decide on the number of years to be counted.

  1. b) Taking paragraph (a) of this article into consideration, the Committee shall decide on whether or not the research activities of the candidate qualify them for appointment in the rank they are applying for at the University.

Article 5 For the ‘Instructor’ at the University to be appointed at the rank of ‘Assistant Professor’, they shall have obtained the academic qualification stipulated in Article (7) of the Bylaws, provided they submit their resignation from their current position at the University.

Article 6 Faculty members may not vote in the department council or faculty council on any appointment unless they hold a rank equal to or higher than the rank to be occupied.

Article 7 The chairperson of the department forwards the department council’s recommendation for appointment to the faculty dean within a period not exceeding two weeks of the date on which the application was forwarded to them. Should the dean not receive the department’s recommendation during the specified period, they shall review the application directly before the faculty council within a period not exceeding two weeks.

Article 8 a) The appointed faculty members shall report to work as of the date stated in their appointment decision. Should the need arise for them to start prior to that date, their work shall be against a stipend determined by a decision issued by the President. The President may also approve, at his discretion, the deferment or delaying of the commencement of work due to unforeseen circumstances for at most two semesters.

  1. b) The faculty members appointed for teaching shall inform their chairperson in writing of the commencement of their work, and the chairperson shall inform the Dean in writing of the commencement or not of their work within a week at most. The Dean shall subsequently inform the President of this matter in no more than ten days.
  2. c) Should the appointees not report to their work in three weeks at the most of the date specified for the commencement of their work, they shall be considered as abstaining from work, and their appointment decision shall be considered annulled unless they submit an excuse acceptable to the President.

Article 9 a) Amendment of the faculty member’s rank or salary may be looked into if they submit a petition to this effect within six months of the date of their appointment at the University.

  1. b) The rank shall be amended by a decision taken by the Council upon a recommendation from the Committee on the basis of a recommendation from the concerned faculty and department councils.4
  2. c) The salary shall be amended by decision taken by the President upon a recommendation from the Committee.

Article 10 Faculty members shall have to submit an annual report including information about their achievements, activities and contributions, and their research articles that have been published or accepted for publication to the chairperson by the end of the first semester of the academic year.

Article 11 The dean of each faculty shall forward the names of untenured faculty members in that faculty to the concerned departments to recommend or not the extension of their probation period and the termination of the work of any faculty member, using a form called “Extension of the Faculty Member Probation Period” that is to be filled in by the concerned dean and department chair with the items stated in Article (27) of these regulations.

Article 12 The faculty dean shall present the department council recommendations concerning the extension of the probation period before the faculty council, and then submits the recommendation of the faculty council along with the documents referred to in Article (11) of these regulations to the President, who in turn shall forward it to the Council to decide on the extension or not of the probation period.

Article 13 Renewal of contracts shall follow the same process in terms of procedure and reports as in the case of probation period extension.

Article 14 Joint appointments shall be subject to the following principles and conditions:

  1. a) The faculty member who wishes to be appointed in another department of their faculty or any of the departments of another faculty shall submit an official application to their department chair.
  2. b) Joint appointments shall be decided by the Council upon a recommendation from the Committee on the basis of a recommendation from the concerned department and faculty councils.
  3. c) Taking paragraph (e) of this article into consideration, the jointly appointed faculty members shall have all the rights and assume all responsibilities in the department in which they are jointly appointed.
  4. d) The joint appointment for the faculty members in the other department shall be considered legally terminated upon the termination of their appointment in the original department for any reason.
  5. e) All academic, administrative, and financial affairs of the faculty member shall be taken care of in their original department.5

Full-time Lecturers

Article 15 a) Full-time lecturers to be appointed at the University shall meet the conditions stated in Article (3) of these regulations.

  1. b) Despite what is mentioned in paragraph (a) of this article, and in special cases subject to the discretion of the President, full-time lecturers capable of undertaking teaching or research activities may be appointed in the University faculties and scientific centers irrespective of the academic degrees they hold.
  2. c) Full-time lecturers shall be appointed on contracts specifying work requirements, salary, and any other agreed upon conditions.
  3. d) Voting on the appointment of full-time lecturers shall be conducted in the same method as if they were to be appointed as faculty members.

Article 16 a) Evaluation of full-time lecturers shall be conducted in the same way faculty members are evaluated.

  1. b) The appointment of the full-time lecturer holding the Ph.D. degree at the rank of ‘Assistant Professor’ is conditioned by having one research article published (or accepted for publication), provided that the article was not extracted from university dissertations and the full-time lecturer is its single or first author. Their evaluation for any of the paragraphs of the chairperson’s and dean’s report should also not go below three (3) points.


Article 17 a) Faculty members seeking the transfer from one category to a higher category within the same rank shall meet the following conditions:

  1. Having seniority in salary in the category they are classified in for at least five years.
  2. Having actually published research work during their actual service at the University equal to at least four (4) points, and they should be the main author of work equal to at least two (2) points.
  3. Their evaluation in any of the paragraphs of the chairperson’s report and the dean’s report should not go below three (3) points.
  4. b) The application for transfer from one category to another within the same rank shall be submitted to the department chair, accompanied by an original copy of each research work, to be reviewed by the department council. The chair shall submit the department council’s report to the faculty dean, who shall present it before the faculty council for examination. The dean shall subsequently submit the application to the President for the transfer procedure to be completed.
  5. c) The research work submitted for the purpose of transfer shall be subject to the same conditions applicable to the research work submitted for the purpose of promotion, except for the procedures followed in evaluating the research work.6
  6. d) The decision to transfer the faculty member from one category to another within the same rank shall be effective as of the date of the Council’s decision.
  7. e) The leave without pay given to the faculty member shall not count for the purpose of transfer from one category to another.
  8. f) Should the Council decide not to approve the transfer, the applicant may submit a new application for transfer upon the elapse of at least six months of the date of that decision.


General Requirements for Promotion

Article 18 To be promoted to a higher rank, faculty members shall meet the following conditions:

  1. a) Having seniority in the rank from which they are to be promoted for at least five years.
  2. b) Having been successful in teaching.
  3. c) Having been successful in their relations with others in university work.
  4. d) Having been active in community service and development.
  5. e) Having valuable scientific research work, leading to the development of knowledge in their field of specialization, published (or accepted for publication) while holding the rank from which they are to be promoted.
  6. f) Having at least 60% of the work submitted for promotion directly related to their field of study, teaching, or research.
  7. g) Having at least 50% of the research work required for promotion actually published while working at the University.

Article 19 a) Assistant or Associate Professors may apply for promotion to a higher rank eight months prior to the completion of the legal period required for the higher rank if they have met the other legal conditions required for holding the higher rank.

  1. b) Promotion to a higher rank shall be effective as of the date of the Council’s decision to promote the faculty member, or the date on which the legal period for processing the promotion application expires if the promotion procedure is completed before the end of that period.

Article 20 a) The upper limit on the number of research works published or accepted for publication in any one journal shall not exceed 50% of the research work required for promotion.

  1. b) The following types of works may be accepted without having to undergo preliminary evaluation:
  2. Research papers published or accepted for publication in international or accredited journals.
  3. Research papers published in international or accredited specialized and refereed conference proceedings.
  4. Papers extracted from dissertations and published in conference proceedings or internationally refereed or accredited journals.7
  5. Patents registered locally or internationally.
  6. Case reports, reviews, and notes published in international or accredited journals.
  7. c) The following types of works may be accepted after having undergone preliminary evaluation through the Deanship of Scientific Research upon the recommendation of the department and faculty scientific research committees:
  8. Authored, translated, or verified books.
  9. Works of art or architecture.
  10. A chapter in a book.
  11. Reports on medical cases, legal judgments, specialized studies as part of a project, or computer programs.

d) Research work submitted for promotion shall meet the following criteria: Research Work

Upper Limit Accepted for Promotion

Authored, translated, or verified books

Two books

A chapter in a book

One chapter

Research papers published in international, specialized and refereed conference proceedings

Two papers

Papers extracted from dissertations

Two papers

Specialized studies as part of a project

Two studies

Research papers published in local/regional, specialized and refereed conference proceedings

Two papers

Rule Title
Employee Bylaws
Rule Body

Employee Bylaws


American University of Madaba (AUM)




© AUM 2012


American University of Madaba Employee Bylaws


Issued on the Basis of Article (35) of the Law of Jordanian Universities No. 20 of 2009 and its Amendments



Article 1         These Bylaws shall be named “American University of Madaba Employee Bylaws of 2012”. They shall go into effect after they have been duly approved.


Article 2         The following words and phrases shall have, wherever they appear in these bylaws, their specified meanings unless otherwise indicated in context:


                        University                   American University of Madaba

                        Council                        University Council

                        President                     University President

                        Faculty                                   Any faculty or deanship at the University

                        Dean                            Faculty Dean or Dean of Student Activities at the University

                        President’s Assistant   President’s Assistant for Administrative and Executive Affairs

                        Unit                             Main administrative unit in the administrative, technical or service                                       organization at the University which includes two or more                                                   departments

                        Center                         Any center established at the University

                        Department                 A subdivision of a Unit comprising two or more Divisions

                        Division                       A subdivision of a Department comprising two or more Sections

                        Section                                    A subdivision of a Division

                        Director                       The director of a Unit, Center, or Department at the University

                        Committee                  The Employee Affairs Committee at the University established in                                       accordance with the provisions of these bylaws

                        Employee                    Any person appointed by a decision from the concerned authority in                                   a classified job or on a contract, but does not include those                                                   appointed against a daily stipend or remuneration

                        Worker                        Any person appointed by a decision from the concerned authority                                       against a daily stipend

                        Job Table                     A table of jobs allotted to the faculties, deanships, units, and                                               departments of the University issued by the Council at the beginning                                  of each fiscal year      

                        Category                     A group of jobs with grades, salaries, specifications, and                                                      responsibilities stipulated in these bylaws

                        Medical Authority      Specialized Medical Committee Accredited by the University


Article 3          These bylaws shall apply to all employees at the University or in any of its institutes or centers.


Article 4        University employees are classified into the following categories:

  1. a) Classified employees, who are appointed in classified permanent jobs whose titles, categories, grades, and salaries are stated in the Job Table, provided their service at the University is not less than two years.
  2. b) Contract employees, who are appointed on a contract made between them and the University for a fixed period of time. All terms of the contract shall apply to them in all matters related to their salaries, increments, leaves, transfer, and service termination. The provisions of these bylaws apply to them in as much as they are not in contradiction with the provisions and stipulations stated in their employment contracts.


Article 5         a) The University may hire persons, defined in these bylaws as ‘workers’, against daily wages in view of the financial resources allocated in the University budget for this purpose.

  1. b) The President may hire persons temporarily on the account of the established projects, such as research projects, or on the account of deposits. Their financial allowances shall be paid out of the allocations of those projects or from the deposits account and their services are terminated at the conclusion of the projects or the depletion (running out) of allocations.
  2. c) The provisions of the effective Jordan Labor Law shall apply to those hired in accordance with items (a) and (b) of this article.


Article 6          The administrative staff classified jobs at the University are categorized as follows:

1st Category: This category includes the leading administrative and highly specialized positions. No persons shall be appointed in or promoted to this category unless they hold at least the first university degree, in addition to the other qualifications and experiences stipulated in these bylaws, provided the required practical experience is not fewer than five years. The responsibilities of this category’s jobs include:

  1. Proposing the general policy for the Unit, Center, or Department in                   which they work.
  2. Preparing action plans for the programs, projects, and services                  performed by the Unit, Center, or Department, and following them up                               and supervising their execution.

2nd Category: This category includes the positions which are responsible for specialized works in the applied and natural sciences and humanities, such as the medical, engineering, economic, agricultural, administrative, legal, educational, accounting, and financial professions, and any other such professions, and for supervising these works. No persons shall be appointed in this category unless they hold at least the first university degree.

3rd Category: This category includes the positions which are responsible for basic works in administrative, clerical, accounting, and training fields, warehouse, supplies, and library affairs, artistic, handicraft, and vocational works, or any other such works, and for supervising these works. No persons shall be appointed in this category unless they hold at least a community college diploma or its equivalent.

4th Category: This category includes the positions which are responsible for allied professional handicraft works, and supervising their execution, or for performing certain tasks.


Article 7          The titles, categories, groups, qualifications, appointment conditions, grades, and salaries of university jobs shall be defined in the job classification table issued by the President upon a recommendation from the Committee.




Article 8      1. The President shall establish a committee called ‘Employee Affairs Committee’, consisting of five members, with the President’s Assistant as chair, and including in its membership the Human Resource Director, two University employees, and the concerned Dean or Director.

  1. The duration of this committee shall be three years, subject to renewal by the consent of    the President.
  2. The President may replace any of the members stipulated in item (1) of this article by    appointing a substitute for the remaining duration of their membership.
  3. The Committee shall recommend to the President the appointment, classification, tenure,    promotion, and modifying the status of employees, and shall look into any other matters         pertaining to their jobs.
  4. The Committee shall convene at the request of its chair, and the legal quorum for its meetings shall be achieved when the majority of its members, including the chair, are present. It shall take its decisions by the majority of votes; when there is a tie, the side on which the chair has voted predominates.
  5. The Human Resource Director at the University shall be the secretary of this committee. S/he shall prepare the meeting agenda, write its minutes and decisions, follow up their execution, and keep all documents and records related to them.


Article 9         Any person to be appointed in any administratively classified job at the University shall                            be:

  1. a) Jordanian;
  2. b) at least eighteen years old, based on an official document;
  3. c) holding the qualifications and experiences required for the job;
  4. d) free from contagious diseases, based on a decision from the Medical Authority. The concerned authority may, however, appoint a person who does not meet the physical fitness requirements in toto if they are capable of doing the job as long as this arrangement is not in contradiction with the public safety requirements;
  5. e) of good conduct and reputation; and
  6. f) not convicted of felony or misdemeanor encroaching upon honor, dignity, and public rules of conduct.


Article 10        Non-Jordanians may be appointed on a contract, if no Jordanians having the required                                qualifications to occupy the job are available, or in case there are agreements or                                          memoranda of understanding signed between the University and other foreign universities                       or scientific institutions, provided that they meet the stipulations stated in items (b), c), (d),               (e), and (f) of Article (9) of these bylaws, and that the effective laws of Jordan are                                   observed.


Article 11   The employee’s age shall be stated in their initial appointment decision. If their date of birth is unknown, it will be considered the first day of January of the year of birth, and the official document of birth submitted at the commencement of appointment shall not be subject to change or alteration, whatever the reasons.


Article 12   a) An employee shall be appointed at the University on an annual contract, subject to renewal           by the consent of both parties. They shall not be appointed on a classified job before the          elapse of at least two years.

  1. b) The President may, upon a recommendation from the Committee, terminate the      employee’s contract within a period of three months as of the commencement of their         work at the University without having to state the reasons.
  2. c) An employee may be tenured, after having been classified, as follows:
  3. after at least one year for the first-category employees.
  4. after at least two years for the second-category employees.
  5. after at least three years for the third- and fourth-category employees.
  6. d) If an employee, who had left work at the University, has been reappointed at the    University, they shall be considered as new employees.


Article 13     When an employee is appointed, their previous experience may be considered in such a way that one annual increment is added to the basic salary for each year of specialized experience gained after obtaining the academic qualification, based on which they have been appointed, in the field of the job in which they are to be appointed. The counted years of experience shall not, however, exceed fifteen years, with a fragment of a year exceeding nine months rounded to one year.


Article 14 If the employee obtains a new university qualification recognized by the University in the field of their work, after having obtained prior written consent of the President, their status may, by a decision from the President, upon a recommendation from the Committee, be altered in view of that qualification’s grade and salary. If, however, the employee’s grade is equal to that grade or higher, or if their salary is equal to or higher than the new grade’s salary, they may, based on instructions issued by the President, be awarded annual increments commensurate with the new qualification.


Article 15 a) The President shall appoint a director for each Unit, Center, or Department at the University for one year, subject to renewal.

  1. b) The President shall, based on a suggestion from the concerned Director and a recommendation from the President’s Assistant, appoint a Deputy Director, Assistant to the Director, head of a Division, and head of a Section for one year, subject to renewal.


Article 16   Tenure of an employee shall be considered in accordance with regulations issued by the President.


Article 17         The President may, upon a recommendation from the Committee, appoint persons of special extraordinary proficiency and experience at aggregate salaries on contracts stating their rights and responsibilities.


Annual Increment


Article 18           The concerned authority shall grant one annual increment according to the salary scale within the same grade in view of the employee’s proficiency and productivity, provided that their overall performance in their annual report is not less than ‘good’ and their duration of service at the University is not less than nine months in the case of the new employees. As for the employees who are on an unpaid study leave, or the ones on scholarships, they shall be entitled to the annual increment if the aggregate of their service after the last increment before or after their leave or scholarship is not less than nine months.


Article 19           Taking into consideration what is stated in Article (49) of these bylaws, the concerned authority shall withhold the annual increment for one year as of the due date if the overall performance of the employee in the annual report is ‘intermediate’ or below.


Article 20      An employee may ascend in the same grade year by year, and from one grade to the lowest category of the immediately higher grade, provided their overall performance in the annual report is ‘good’ or higher.


Promotion and Incentives


Article 21      An employee may be promoted to a higher grade, or transferred from one category to a higher within the same grade, according to the salary scale stipulated in the effective University Employee Salary and Increment Bylaws, if the following conditions are met:

  1. a) Their overall performance in the annual report for the last two years is not less than ‘excellent’.
  2. b) Taking into consideration Article (49) of these bylaws, no punishment of those stated in these bylaws has been inflicted on them in the years preceding the due date for promotion.
  3. c) The President may grant the distinguished employee an incentive in salary equal to one annual increment, provided this increment does not lead to promotion. However, an employee may not be granted more than one increment in grade, and is granted when the annual increment is due according to special instructions issued by the President.




Article 22        a) A director classified in the first category is transferred by a decision issued by the President.

  1. b) An employee of the second or third category is transferred by a decision from the President’s Assistant upon a recommendation from the concerned Director.
  2. c) An employee of the fourth category is transferred by a decision from the concerned Department Director within the same department. If they are transferred to another department, consent of the department into which they are transferred and the President’s Assistant is required, taking into consideration the mutual coordination among the concerned directors.
  3. d) The transfer of an employee shall not, in all cases stated in this article, have an impact on their category, grade, and the salary they deserve.




Article 23       If a position becomes vacant, or if its occupier absents themselves for a justified reason, another employee may, by a decision from the President, be deputized to perform the tasks and responsibilities of that position for a fixed period not exceeding three months.




Article 24         An employee is entitled to the following leaves according to the provisions of these bylaws:

  1. a) Annual leave.
  2. b) Unpaid leave.
  3. c) Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca) leave.
  4. d) Sick leave.
  5. e) Maternity leave.


Article 25         a) An employee is entitled to the following annual leave:

  1. (21) working days if they are of the first or second category.
  2. (14) working days if they are of the other categories.
  3. b) The annual leave is calculated as of the first day of January of each year following the appointment date, provided that a leave proportional to the period between the date of reporting to work after appointment and the beginning of the following year is calculated for the employee. Due leaves may not be carried over for more than one year.
  4. c) The annual leave may be granted all at once, or may be divided if circumstances of work render this necessary. The employee is entitled to their salary along with all allowances for the annual leave.
  5. d) The President may, for the interest of the University, assign an employee to work during their annual leave against a remuneration he determines, provided the amount of remuneration does not go below their salary during the assignment period, and the duration of the assignment does not exceed two thirds of the annual leave.


Article 26         The regular annual leave becomes due for the tenured employee as of the first day of the fiscal year. If their services end before the end of the fiscal year, their due leave is calculated proportionate to the duration of their work in that year.


Article 27         a) The President may, upon a recommendation from the Committee and the concerned Dean or Director, grant the tenured classified employee who has spent at least five consecutive years of actual work at the University an unpaid leave for one year, subject to renewal for one more year.

  1. b) Taking into consideration item (a) of this article, an employee shall not be granted another unpaid leave until a period of five years has elapsed after their return to work at the University upon the end of the previous leave.
  2. c) The unpaid leave granted to an employee shall not count as part of their service at the University for any purpose, including promotion, seniority, end-of-service gratuity, saving, and the annual increment.
  3. d) If an employee does not report to work upon the end of their leave mentioned above, their job shall be considered lost along with all the privileges awarded to them by the University.


Article 28         a) The President may, at his discretion, and upon a recommendation from the concerned Dean or Director, grant an employee an unpaid leave for a period not exceeding two months. This leave shall not count as a period of service acceptable for the purposes of promotion, seniority, end-of-service gratuity, saving, and the annual increment.

  1. b) An employee may be granted an exceptional leave at full pay for three days in the case of the death of one of their first-degree relatives, and one day for second-degree relatives.


Article 29  The work interest shall be taken into consideration when the regular annual leave or the unpaid leave is granted. The employee shall not leave work before obtaining the prior written consent to their leave, and request for leave shall be submitted at least three working days before the beginning of the leave.


Article 30     a) The President’s Assistant may, for compelling reasons, and upon a recommendation from the concerned Dean or Director, award the employee who has exhausted their annual leave, an accidental leave, not exceeding three days, only once a year at full pay.

  1. b) The President may, upon the recommendation of the concerned Dean or Director, and for compelling reasons, grant the employee who has exhausted their annual leave, an accidental unpaid leave not exceeding fourteen days only once a year. This leave shall be considered as an acceptable period of service for the purposes of promotion, seniority, end-of-service gratuity, saving, annual increment, and medical insurance.


Article 31  The President may, upon a recommendation from the concerned Dean or Director, grant an employee a leave not exceeding fourteen days at full pay to perform Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca), provided that the employee has been employed by the University for at least five consecutive years. This leave shall be granted only once throughout the employee’s work at the University.


Article 32      a) An employee may be granted disconnected sick leaves not exceeding in aggregate seven days a year upon a recommendation of a physician and the consent of the concerned Dean or Director. If the duration of the disconnected sick leaves has exceeded seven days in a year, the extra period shall be deducted from the employee’s annual leave due for that year. If they have exhausted the annual leave, the extra period shall be deducted from their salary.

  1. b) The connected sick leave shall be granted if it has exceeded seven days, but not more than a month, on the basis of a report from the Medical Authority. This leave shall not be deducted from the annual leave.
  2. c) If the employee does not recover within a month of illness, their sick leave shall be extended for the period the Medical Authority sees necessary, provided it does not exceed in aggregate twelve months. The Medical Authority shall indicate in their reports the period they believe needed for the recovery of the employee, and if they decide to reexamine the employee after the elapse of that period, the employee shall not be allowed to go back to work until the Medical Authority decides their ability to do so upon reexamination.
  3. d) All medical reports or sick leaves have to be authenticated by the Director of the Medical Center of the University.


Article 33      The classified employee, on a sick leave, shall be granted the following allowances:

  1. a) Full salary along with allowances for the first four months.
  2. b) Half salary along with allowances for the following four months.
  3. c) The ill employee shall be reexamined by the Medical Authority after the elapse of eight months of illness; if they are found to be recoverable in another four months, they shall be paid one fourth of their salary along with one fourth of their allowances during that period.
  4. d) If the ill employee has not recovered within twelve months from the beginning of the sick leave according to the provisions of items (a), (b), and (c) of Article (33), their services shall be terminated upon a decision from the authority concerned with appointment, in which case all their financial claims shall be paid in full.
  5. e) The leave stated in items (a), (b), and (c) of Article (33) shall begin as of the first medical report submitted by the employee and exceeds seven days.
  6. f) The sick leave stated in this article shall be considered an actual service for the employee.


Article 34      If the Medical Authority decides that the employee who has been affected by a disease while performing their work or because of it, without being negligent, they shall be granted a sick leave at full salary along with allowances during the period needed for their recovery, provided it does not exceed a whole year. If they have not recovered during that year, their services shall be terminated by the authority concerned with appointment, in which case all their financial claims shall be paid.

Article 35      The employee who is on an academic scholarship, or who has been granted a long sick leave, shall not be entitled to an annual leave for the duration of their scholarship or sick leave.


Article 36      a) If an employee falls ill while on an official mission outside the Kingdom or while they are abroad in a legal way, they shall be entitled to a sick leave, not exceeding one week, based on a report from one physician. The employee in this case has to notify their department in writing of their illness as soon as possible, and to send the medical report they have obtained to their department.

  1. b) If the employee’s illness lasts for more than a week while they are still outside the Kingdom, and they have obtained a medical report as stated in item (a) of this article, they have to obtain another medical report as to the continuance of their illness, signed by two physicians or a hospital director, and authenticated by the Jordanian Consul, if available. They also have to notify their department of their medical condition, and send it the relevant medical reports they have obtained as soon as possible to be reviewed by the Medical Authority for acceptance or denial. Upon return to the Kingdom, they have to present themselves for medical examination, provided the provisions of Article (35) of these bylaws are observed.


Article 37      A contract employee, who is on a sick leave, shall be granted the following claims if their sick leave falls within the duration of the contract signed with the University:

  1. a) Their full salary along with allowances for the first two months of illness.
  2. b) Half salary along with half allowances for the following two months of illness.
  3. c) If the ill employee has not recovered within four months from the date of illness, they shall be referred to the Medical Authority, and the concerned authority shall be entitled to grant them an unpaid sick leave not exceeding two months. If they have not recovered thereafter, their contract shall be considered terminated by law.


Article 38      a) A working woman shall have the right to get a total of ten weeks of maternity leave at full pay before and after delivery, provided the duration of leave occurring after delivery does not go below six weeks. It shall be banned to request her to report to work before the end of that period.

  1. b) A working woman shall, upon the end of the maternity leave stated in item (a) of this article, have the right to take, within a year of the delivery date, a paid period or periods for the purpose of feeding the newly-born baby, provided it does not in aggregate exceed one hour per day. In all cases, however, she shall be entitled to an unpaid leave not exceeding in aggregate six months from the end of the maternity leave. This unpaid leave shall not be considered a service acceptable for the purposes of promotion, seniority, end-of-service gratuity, saving, and the annual increment.

Article 39      If the service of an employee at the University ends other than by dismissal from employment or job loss, their salary and allowances for the leave they deserve at the end of their service shall be paid.


Article 40      Leaves are granted as follows:

  1. a) For the first-category employees by a decision from the President’s Assistant.
  2. b) For the other category employees and workers on daily wages by a decision from the concerned Dean or Director upon a recommendation from the immediate head.



Employee Tasks


Article 41      An employee shall have to perform all tasks and duties ascribed to them, and to abide by the provisions of laws, bylaws, regulations and decisions effective at the University. They shall have, therefore, to:

  1. a) themselves do the requirements of the job, and devote all official working hours to it. They may be assigned to work for extra hours beyond the official business hours, including holidays, if this is deemed necessary for the interest of the University.
  2. b) behave politely and with a sense of decorum in their relations with their superiors, subordinates, and colleagues, and in their dealings with faculty members, students, and citizens.
  3. c) perform their duties precisely, energetically, promptly, and faithfully, carry out the orders and directions of their superiors, and observe the administrative hierarchy in work communications.
  4. d) observe the interest of the University, preserve its properties and capital, not to give up any of its rights, inform their immediate superior about any transgression on it, negligence, or any measure or conduct that may encroach upon its interest.
  5. e) offer proposals that they consider beneficial to improve the work methods and enhance the performance level in the University.
  6. f) try to develop their scientific, practical, and professional abilities and proficiency, and get acquainted with the laws, bylaws, and regulations related to their work.


Article 42      An employee shall be banned from doing any of the following acts:

  1. a) Leaving work or ceasing to do it without the permission of their superior.
  2. b) Disclosing any information or data on matters whose nature requires them to be confidential, or keeping to themselves an official seal, or any document or official letter or a copy of it.
  3. c) Any act of misconduct which may encroach upon the reputation of the University or discredit its employees.
  4. d) Taking advantage of their job and its associated authorities for personal interest or profit, accepting gifts or tips from any person having financial relationship or interest with the University.
  5. e) Pursuing any partisan, political, sectarian, or factional acts, on or off campus, during any activity organized by the University or in which the University is involved.
  6. f) Working outside the University without obtaining the written consent of the President.
  7. g) Getting enrolled in any academic program without obtaining the written consent of the President.
  8. h) Posting, announcing, or writing any slogans, logos, or pictures having a partisan, political, sectarian, factional, ethnic, or racist characteristic on walls inside the University campus.



Performance Evaluation and Annual Reports


Article 43      a) The performance of employees shall be evaluated for all purposes stipulated in these bylaws, including due contract renewal, tenure, promotion, and incentives, on a special form approved by the President.

  1. b) The general performance of the employee is rated as ‘excellent’, ‘very good’, ‘good’, ‘intermediate’, or ‘weak’, provided this rating is justifiable.


Article 44      a) Contract employees shall be evaluated after three months of their appointment (first evaluation), and after nine months of their appointment (second evaluation), during the first year of the contract.

  1. b) The employee whose contract has been renewed for a second year shall be evaluated according to the first year’s evaluation schedule.
  2. c) Classified employees shall be evaluated only once in November of each year.


Article 45      a) Taking into consideration the administrative hierarchy, the employee shall fill out their evaluation form (self-evaluation), write down the grades and answers in the field of achievements and work development requirements.

  1. b) The form mentioned in (a) above shall be forwarded to the immediate director to write down their evaluation of the employee, who is subsequently allowed to look at the evaluation and sign it.
  2. c) The immediate director shall forward the evaluation form mentioned in (a) above to the Human Resource Department.
  3. d) The Committee shall examine the evaluation and record the final grade of each employee.
  4. e) As for directors, the self-evaluation form is first completed by the Director to grade their performance. The form is then forwarded to the President’s Assistant to write down his evaluation of the Director, who is subsequently allowed to look at the evaluation and sign it.
  5. f) The President’s Assistant shall forward the evaluation form mentioned in (e) above to the Human Resource Department.
  6. g) The Committee shall inform the director/employee of the result of the first evaluation, and identify their strength and weakness points in the first evaluation.
  7. h) For the purpose of the annual evaluation, the final evaluation is calculated as follows:
  8. 30% for the first evaluation; and
  9. 70% for the second evaluation.
  10. i) An employee shall have the right, after having been notified of the final result, to file their objection at the Personnel Department within a week of the notification date. If the presented reasons turned out to be convincing, the Committee shall reexamine the evaluation with the employee and their immediate director.
  11. j) An employee shall be allowed to look at their annual evaluation, and shall have the right to object to the grade they have received within fifteen days of the notification date. The immediate director shall forward the objection to his/her superior to take the proper decision.


Article 46      a) Taking into consideration the authorities stipulated in Article (50) of these bylaws, an employee shall be subject to the following punishments:

  1. Forewarning, for the employee who gets an ‘intermediate’ grade.
  2. Initial warning, for the employee who gets a ‘weak’ grade.
  3. Ultimatum, for the employee who gets two consecutive ‘weak’ grades.
  4. b) The services of the employee who gets three consecutive ‘weak’ grades shall be considered terminated by law, even if they have been tenured at the University, by a decision from the competent authority concerned with appointment.


Article 47      The employee’s report may not be withdrawn or modified after it has been sent to the University Human Resource Department.


Article 48      The President shall issue the employee evaluation forms and instructions.


Disciplinary Punishments and Procedures


Article 49      a) If an employee commits a violation to the effective University laws, bylaws, regulations, and decisions, or an act or conduct which may encroach upon or hinder their responsibilities and authorities, or a violation to the code of ethics, or a breach of their job responsibilities, or any of the acts stipulated in Article (42) of these bylaws, they shall be subject to the following disciplinary punishments:

  1. Forewarning.
  2. First warning.
  3. Second warning.
  4. Ultimatum.
  5. Discount from the basic salary for a period not exceeding three days per month.
  6. Denial of the annual increment for a period not exceeding one year.
  7. Dismissal from employment with all financial rights paid.
  8. Expulsion, along with depriving them from the gratuity and compensation, or from the University’s contribution in the saving fund, or from both.
  9. b) Gradation in punishments shall not be binding to the administration in case the violation is so tremendous that the University work or employees are affected.
  10. c) No more than one punishment of those stipulated in item (a) of this article shall be inflicted for each case of misconduct committed by an employee.
  11. d) The tougher punishment in the gradation shall be inflicted on the employee in case the same violation is repeated.


Article 50      The disciplinary punishments stipulated in item (a) of Article (49) of these bylaws shall be inflicted for the misconduct committed by the employee in accordance with the following authorities:

  1. a) Department directors may inflict the punishments stipulated in (a-1) of Article (49) on employees in their department.
  2. b) The Dean, Unit Director, or Center Director, as the case may be, may inflict the punishments stipulated in (1) and (2) of Article (49-a) on the employees in their Faculty or Unit.
  3. c) The President’s Assistant may, upon a recommendation from the concerned director, inflict the punishments stipulated in (3-6) of Article (49-a) on all employees in the University.
  4. d) The President may, upon a recommendation from the President’s Assistant, inflict the disciplinary punishments stipulated in (1-6) of Article (49-a) on all employees in the University. The President may refer the employee to the Disciplinary Council of First Instance if he sees that the violation committed by the employee requires a punishment of dismissal from employment or expulsion. The Disciplinary Council of First Instance or the Appellate Disciplinary Council may inflict any of the punishments stipulated in Article (49) of these bylaws.


Article 51      a) Two disciplinary councils shall be established at the University at the beginning of each academic year, the Disciplinary Council of First Instance and the Appellate Disciplinary Council. Each council shall be composed of a chair and two members to be appointed by the Council of Deans for one year subject to renewal, and shall hold its meetings at the request of its chair.

  1. b) The President may appoint one or more standby members on each of the First Instance and Appellate councils to replace any original member missing their sessions.


Article 52      If a violation to job duties and responsibilities is attributed to an employee, the President shall establish an investigation committee comprised of three University employees before the employee is referred to the Disciplinary Council of First Instance. The committee chair shall defend its report before the Disciplinary Council.


Article 53      Each of the two disciplinary councils convenes at the request of its chair and the presence of all its members, its proceedings shall be confidential, and its decisions are taken by the majority.


Article 54      a) The employee referred to the Disciplinary Council shall be notified in writing of the violation attributed to them to their place of work at the University, or their place of residence, at least seven days prior to the date of the session set to look into the violation. They shall have the right to respond in writing to what is attributed to them within that period.

  1. b) The employee referred to the Disciplinary Council of First Instance shall have the right to review all papers in the disciplinary violation file and to attend all meetings of the council to defend themselves or to appoint another person for that purpose.
  2. c) The Disciplinary Council of First Instance shall be held to look into the disciplinary violation within two weeks of the date of referring the violation to it.


Article 55      The Disciplinary Council of First Instance may call upon witnesses or experts for a hearing session upon their taking the legal oath, and may carry out an investigation into the violation presented before it, including the physical examination and seeking the assistance of experts, to be able to take the proper decision concerning the violation.


Article 56      If the employee referred to the Disciplinary Council of First Instance absents themselves without an excuse acceptable by this council, the disciplinary measures shall be inflicted upon them in absentia.


Article 57      a) An employee who has been dismissed from employment or expelled by a decision from the Disciplinary Council of First Instance may appeal to the Appellate Disciplinary Council within two weeks of the date of the decision if it was taken in their presence, or of the date of notification if the decision was taken in absentia. The appeal shall be in writing and be submitted to the President’s office against an official receipt.

  1. b) The Appellate Disciplinary Council shall look into the appeal presented to it, and shall be convened for this purpose within a period not exceeding two weeks of the date of the appeal and issue a decision. The employee shall have the right to defend themselves and present their testimony, either directly or via a deputy, and the University shall have the right to deputize a person to represent it in the council and to present its testimony.


Article 58      No decision concerning the promotion of the employee referred to the Disciplinary Council of First Instance or accepting their resignation shall be taken until the decisive final decision has been taken in their case.


Article 59      a) If the President, the Disciplinary Council of First Instance, or any committee investigating a disciplinary violation, finds out that the violation being looked into or investigated involves a penal crime, the President shall refer the case to the concerned attorney general to take legal action, and subsequently all disciplinary measures shall be ceased until the final court decision has been issued in the penal crime.

  1. b) A judgment in the penal case entailing the employee’s non-responsibility or acquittal of the penal accusation attributed to them shall not prevent the University from taking disciplinary measures against them according to these bylaws.
  2. c) If an employee has been referred to investigation, or to the Disciplinary Council of First Instance, or to any legal authority, the President shall have the right to suspend the work of this employee, and to stop their salary, partially or completely, until a final decision has been issued in their case. The employee’s resignation in this case shall not be accepted until the decisive final decision of the disciplinary or legal measures taken against them has been issued.


Article 60      a) If the final decision of the Disciplinary Council or the decisive legal sentence has entailed the acquittal of the employee, referred to any of these two authorities, of the conduct violation or charge attributed to them, as the case may be, they shall be entitled to their whole salary along with all rights and privileges for the suspension period.

  1. b) But if the prosecution of the employee before any of the two authorities, stipulated in item (a) of this article, has resulted in their conviction and the infliction of a disciplinary punishment on them, other than the dismissal from employment or expulsion from job, they shall be entitled to their whole salary along with all rights and privileges for the suspension period, provided it does not exceed one month. If the suspension has exceeded one month, they shall be entitled to half salary and allowances for the period exceeding one month, but not exceeding six months. If it has exceeded six months, they shall not have the right to any salaries or allowances.
  2. c) The employee on whom a decision of dismissal from employment or expulsion from job has been issued shall not be entitled to any portion of their salaries and allowances as of the date of their referral to the Disciplinary Council, the Attorney General, or a court of law to be prosecuted for the conduct violation they have committed, or the crime attributed to them, as the case may be, provided that they are not asked to return the sums of money they received as salaries and allowances during the suspension period, according to the provisions of Article (59c) of these bylaws.


Article 61      The President, or whomever he deputizes, shall deliver, in writing, all notifications related to the disciplinary measures stipulated in these bylaws, and all decisive sentences issued in the disciplinary violations, to the concerned employee.


End of Service


Article 62      The employee’s service at the University shall end in any of the following cases:

  1. a) Acceptance of resignation.
  2. b) Completing age of 60 years, for male employees, and 55 years for female employees. The President may, upon a recommendation from the Committee, extend their service year by year.
  3. c) Inability to continue working at the University for medical reasons preventing them from performing their duties upon a report from the Medical Authority.
  4. d) Losing the Jordanian nationality.
  5. e) Job loss.
  6. f) Dismissal from employment.
  7. g) Expulsion from job.
  8. h) Losing one of the appointment conditions stipulated in these bylaws.
  9. i) Decease, in which case the University shall immediately pay their salary for the month in which they have deceased, in addition to three more monthly salaries and allowances.


Article 63         a) An employee submits their resignation in writing. It shall be approved or denied by a decision from the authority entitled to appoint employees within thirty days of the date of submitting it; otherwise, it shall be considered legally accepted.

  1. b) The employee must continue performing their job until they receive a written notification of accepting the resignation. If, however, they have stopped working before being notified of accepting the resignation, or before the elapse of the period referred to in item (a) of this article, they shall be legally considered losing their job.


Article 64         a) An employee is considered losing their job if they absent themselves from work for a period of ten consecutive days without obtaining a legal leave or having an acceptable excuse, and without notifying their immediate superior during the period of absence in any possible way. In this case, the employee shall be warned in writing via registered mail at the address stated in their personal file, via electronic means, and through an announcement in at least one of the local newspapers, to return to work; otherwise, they will be considered losing their job.

  1. b) The decision of considering the employee losing their job shall be issued by the authority entitled to appoint employees, and it shall go into effect as of the first day of the employee’s absence from work.
  2. c) The employee who has been considered losing their job shall have the right to object to the decision within fifteen days of its date of issuance, including the reasons they have relied on in their objection. If the authority concerned with appointment finds the reasons convincing, it shall cancel the decision, and the employee shall, consequently, regain their job.
  3. d) The employee who has been considered losing their job shall not be reappointed except after the elapse of at least three years of the job-loss decision, and the obtainment of a decision duly taken by the competent authority upon a recommendation to reappoint them from the Committee.


Article 65         An employee shall be dismissed from employment by a decision taken by the authority concerned with appointment if three different punishments of those stated in items (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6) of Article (49a) of these bylaws are inflicted on them in a period of three consecutive years.


Article 66         a) An employee shall be expelled in any of the following cases:

                              1- If a decision has been issued by the Disciplinary Council of First Instance or the Appellate Disciplinary Council.

                              2- If they have been sentenced by a court of law for a felony or misdemeanor encroaching upon honor, such as bribery, embezzlement, theft, counterfeiting, breach of trust, false testimony, or any other crime violating the public rules of conduct, or has been sentenced to at least six months in prison by a competent court of law for committing a crime. The employee shall, in any of the cases stated in this item, be considered legally expelled as of the date on which the sentence has been given the decisive status.

  1. b) An employee who has been expelled from their job shall not be reappointed at the University.


Article 67         An employee whose job at the University ends for any reason shall pay all the financial obligations due to the University, and return all supplies they have before leaving work.


General Provisions


Article 68         1. The President shall determine the official working hours for all employees at the University.

  1. The President, President’s Assistant, Dean, or Director may, in cases deemed necessary for the interest of the University, charge employees, individually or in groups, to work overtime after the official working hours or during official holidays, in accordance with regulations issued for this purpose.


Article 69      The organizational chart for the University shall be determined by a decision issued by the President.


Article 70      The Board of Trustees of the University shall issue the regulations necessary for the execution of the provisions of these bylaws, provided they do not contradict with or violate their provisions.

Rule Title
The code of conduct and ethics
Rule Body

The code of conduct and ethics in American University of

Madaba 2019

The code of conduct and ethics in American University of Madaba



Article (1): This code is called "code of conduct and ethics in American University of Madaba and operates from the date of approval of the Board of deans at the University.


Article (2): The following terms be wherever in this code have the meanings assigned to them as follows, unless the context indicates otherwise:

                              The University: American University of Madaba.

President: University President

Employee: University working either academically or administratively or technically.

Student: Any student of the university.

System: System of the faculty or staff of the University.

Department: Any department of the university.


Article (3): The effectiveness of this code

  1. This code takes effect on all employees of the university.
  2. Every employee must sign a document that they would commit to this code. A copy of the commitment should be kept in the job file of every employee.
  3. This code is based on the foundations and principles of Justice, equality of opportunity, transparency, accountability, professionalism, impartiality, sense of belonging to the homeland and the University and the determination to accomplish the latter’s mission and goals, and take responsibility. The employee should be committed to the rules of this code in addition to the foundations and principles underlying it.
  4. Any breach of the provisions of this code entails accountability and disciplinary actions and sanctions in accordance with the provisions of the regulations in force at the University.


Article (4)This code aims at:

  1. Establishing ethical standards, rules and basic principles of job ethics, values and culture of high professionalism among the staff of the University and entrenching the bases of good practices and rational wisdom through raising the consciousness of the employees and orienting them towards good career ethics and self-discipline frameworks that govern the workflow and which is consistent with current effective laws and regulations, and through clarifying their duties and responsibilities and their roles in improving the services and strengthening the credibility of the University.
  2. Enforcing the sense of trust among the beneficiaries of the University’s services and increasing the respect and appreciation of its role in providing services in the best possible way.


Article (5)Employees’ responsibilities and duties:

  1. Employees are required to perform their job duties and tasks actively and to seek honesty, integrity, precision and professionalism and impartiality to the maximum of its possibilities, and to serve only the goals and objectives of the University and the public interests.
  2. To ensure familiarity with the laws and regulations in force and applying them without any bypassing, violation or negligence.
  3. To devote official working hours to perform the tasks and duties of their job, and to refrain from doing any other different activity.
  4. To constantly seek means to improve performance and develop professional abilities and explore latest information in their respective fields of work and their respective departments, and make suggestions on ways to create and sustain healthy work environment.
  5. To refrain from any actions or practices violating etiquette and ethical conduct, and to refrain from abusing political opinions or religious beliefs of others inside or outside the University or incitement against them.
  6. To facilitate investigation and inspection by specialized authorities by all possible means and to provide information and answer questions in their possession to responsible investigators and inspection missions, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force at the University.
  7. Not to strike or incite others to strike. And to refrain from organizing mass petitions on the jobs or subscribe to organize such activities whatever were the underlying reasons and motives. Employees should follow means of
  8. Paying all the money the employee owes the university in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in the University without delay.


Article (6)Dealing with others

  1. Upon dealing with those receiving services the employee should,
  2. Respect the rights and interests of others without exception, dealing with the public with respect, tact and civility, neutrality, impartiality and objectivity without discrimination based on race, gender or religious or political beliefs, social status or physical status or age or any form of discrimination.
  3. Seek to gain trust of the public through integrity, responsiveness and good behavior in all its work in accordance with the laws and regulations and the instructions in force.
  4. Complete transactions required at the speed and precision required and within their respective jurisdiction, and to answer inquiries and complaints of their service recipients accurately, objectively and quickly, and explain reasons that caused transactions were not approved or delayed.
  5. Provide information required for the service recipients on the work and activities of their concerned departments accurately and quickly without deceiving or misleading and according to the legislations in force, and guide them to the complaints mechanism in case they wish to file complaints to the authorities concerned.
  6. Give priority of attention and care for people with special needs and to provide aid and assistance to them on the basis of equality.
  7. Treating documents and personal information on individuals with confidentially and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and not to exploit this information for personal purposes.
  8. Refrain from any action that adversely affects public confidence in the university.
  9. In dealing with his superiors, a staff member:
  10. Abide by the orders of his superiors, guidance and instructions according to the administrative hierarchy, and if those orders and instructions were contrary to legislations in force, the employee should inform his superior in writing on the misconduct. They should not commit to implementing the orders and instructions concerned unless implementation is confirmed by the superior in writing, and in this case they should report the misconduct to University administration, and in all cases the employee should refuse to execute instructions if the violation included is considered a misdemeanor or felony punishable under the penal code or any other legislation in place.


  1. Dealing with their superiors with respect and not try to make any preferential treatment through deceit or patronage.
  2. Not deceive or mislead their superiors and refrain from concealing information related to work with the aim of influencing the decisions taken, or impeding the workflow. They should cooperate with their superiors and provide opinion and advice and expertise objectively and truthfully, and put information they possess in the interest of good work.
  3. To inform their superiors on any misconduct or difficulty they face in their work.
  4. To keep their new direct boss fully and accurately aware on subjects and documents including those dangling uncompleted in order ensure continuity of work.


  1. Regarding interaction with colleagues employees should,
  2. Deal with respect, tact and honesty with their colleagues, and maintain healthy and friendly relationships with them without discrimination and be keen to respect their privacy and refrain from exploiting any information about their private lives with the intention to offend.
  3. Collaborate with colleagues and share high professional and objective opinions with them and provide assistance wherever possible to solve problems facing them, and be careful to spread the positive attitudes among colleagues to help improve work performance and improve the work environment and correct institutional culture each in the respective department.
  4. Refrain from any behavior or immoral acts or practices that may violate public morals and ethical conduct, and the obligation of men to respect women as a colleague, business partner, and vice versa.


  1. Regarding interaction with subordinates, staff members should:
  2. Develop capacities of those working under his supervision and motivating them to improve their performance, and to be a good role model for subordinates to work on compliance with laws and regulations in force.
  3. Transfer of knowledge and experience to their subordinates and encourage them to increase information exchange and knowledge transfer among themselves.
  4. Supervising and objectively evaluating those working under his/her supervision and provide training opportunities on compliance with laws and regulations in force.
  5. Reject any pressure from a third party leading to treating subordinates in preferential ways.
  6. Respect for the rights of subordinates and collaborate with them professionally without favoritism or discrimination.
  7. Be written subordinates instructions if you receive written notice from his subordinate that his orders or instructions issued by the violation of the legislation in force.


  1. Regarding interaction with students:
  2. Dealing with students on the basis of Justice and equality and avoids favoritism and nepotism.
  3. Teaching and training of students for their cognitive skills and patience and perseverance, and directing students to the departing from dependency and directing them to rely on themselves in the study and scientific research.
  4. Taking care of students and guiding them and encourage them to be good citizens and able to achieve progress and prosperity of the homeland and supreme values in all honesty and sincerity.



  1. Guiding students to free and creative thinking by seeking to use intellect and sound logical scientific methods.
  2. To be a role model for the students in his behavior and his actions in his modesty and manners.
  3. Refrain from accepting gifts and benefits from students to prevent defamation of the employee, and to preserve the integrity of his character inside and outside the University.
  4. To commit to objectivity and impartiality in dealing with students, colleagues and superiors and staying away from cliquish, tribal, regional, racist and partisan practices and be careful not to stir such divisions.


Article (7): Maintaining secrecy of information disclosure mechanisms, the employees should,

  1. Non-disclosure of official information and documents and the documents obtained or accessed while on the job, whether in writing or orally or electronically, and on which special confidentiality instructions or decisions or legislations have been issued so that they must be kept hidden in nature, even after the end of their terms of service, except when they obtain written approval from the President in that regard.
  2. Refrain from making any comment or statement or intervention on topics still under study or deliberation.
  3. Inform the University administration if they are summoned to testify in courts, unless the testimony concerns information that cannot be shared by law and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
  4. Fully and accurately disclose all official information that requires disclosure because of the nature of their job.


Article (8): Accepting or requesting gifts and privileges and other benefits:

  1. Employees should not to accept or ask for any gifts or hospitality or other benefits of any kind, whether direct or indirect as those may have a direct or indirect impact on objectivity in carrying out his duties or that will affect his decisions, or had compelled him to commit to something meeting
  2. when the employee is in a State where they cannot refuse gifts, hospitality or other benefits not included in paragraph (a) of this article, or when they believe that the acceptance of certain types of hospitality would do well to the University, the employee should notify their direct supervisor in writing. The supervisor then should inform the employee in writing whether the gifts, hospitality or other benefits should be rejected or kept by the University, or be donated to a charity, or left for the employee concerned to decide on what to do with it.
  3. The University opens a record of the gifts given listing the incoming presents in paragraph (b) of this article and how to treat them; whether to retain them in the University or giving them away or keeping them by the employee.


Article (9):   Employees’ Conflict of Interest

  1. Employees should refrain from any activity that would lead to real, apparent or possible conflict between their personal interests on the one hand and their job responsibilities and duties on the other.
  2. Employees should refrain from performing any actively that does not fit their objective and impartial performance of their tasks, or it could lead to preferential treatment for ordinary or well-defined persons upon dealing with the University, or it could hurt the reputation of the University or jeopardize its relationship with the public.
  3. Employees should immediately inform their direct supervisor in writing in the event of a conflict of interests with anyone during their work for the University, or in the event of a conflict between personal interests and the interests of the University, or if they experience pressures that may interfere with their official tasks, or raise doubts about the objectivity that should guide their proper performance. They should clarify the nature of the relationship and the kind of conflict. The direct supervisor should then undertake the required procedures. In all cases, employees should consider the interests of the University upon dealing with this conflict.
  4. Employees should not use their job directly or indirectly for financial gains or anything of value to the private interest of them or their families.
  5. Not use or employ information obtained while performing official functions after his work at the University, as a means of personal benefits for oneself or others directly or indirectly, or to offend others, and do not disclose information to give the privilege of being unfair or unreasonable to others.
  6. Employees should obtain the required warranties and approvals in accordance to relevant current laws and regulations, in case they wish to participate in fundraisings, prizes or contributions in kind to charitable institutions. Their direct supervisor has the authority to order the employees to reduce, adjust, or terminate any activities upon noticing that such doings may result in real, apparent, or possible conflict of interests.
  7. Employees should avoid close relationships with individuals or organizations whose interests depend primarily on decisions of their circle department.
  8. Direct supervisors should inform the employees intending to leave their jobs about the commitments included in this article.


Article (10): Employee’s Praiseworthy, Merit, Competitiveness and Fairness:


  1. Employees should follow relevant procedures upon selecting, recruiting, training, promoting , rewarding, assessing, transferring or seconding personnel or any other matters related to their jobs with absolute transparency and integrity freed from any considerations related to kinship or friendship or concepts of personal gain, without any discrimination based on gender, race, age, religion, following principles of competitive merits and praiseworthy with full compliance with the terms and procedures adopted.
  2. Inform the Chair in writing of any laws and regulations and the instructions window that have seen it during his work in the area of selection, appointment, promotion, training, performance appraisal and the like, and to validate superior communication and take action with stakeholders to ensure Rectified in accordance with laws and regulations and deliberate actions.
  3. Abstain altogether, whether directly or indirectly, from preferential treatment to anyone through connections, favoritism or patronage.



Article (11): Maintaining University’s Property:

  1. Employees should maintain the University's money, properties, rights and interests and not give up on any of its right and report their direct supervisors on any abuse, neglect or action that may hurt it.
  2. Employees should not use University’s property for private gains or for promotion of goods or services for personal benefit or the benefit of a third party.
  3. The employee who is provided with a computer:
  4. Take all necessary actions to maintain the computer.
  5. Do not download soft wares on the machine only after necessary reviewsThe information technology center at the University.
  6. Make sure to turn the machine engine off before leaving the workplace.
  7. Maintaining the confidentiality of the information on their devices through use of passwords and not disclose them to others.
  8. Do not use the device for entertainment and not to download games and entertainment programs.
  9. Not to get into other people's computers and try to get information from them.


  1. Use the device for the purpose of developing skills and abilities in line with the interests of their jobs.
  2. Do not use the device for doing personal work.
  3. Rationalize the use of printers as much as possible.


  1. The employee who has access to the Internet should:
  2. Commit to use it for purposes related to their jobs, including for the purpose of developing abilities and skills related to the nature of their work and in the interest of official work.
  3. Follow the terms and requirements of the intellectual property rights to the files and programs and paying attention to conditions of their license of their use.
  4. Consult the department concerned with information systems immediately upon noticing any abnormal things in the uses of the Internet.
  5. Do not download text and images which contain immoral or racist, or containing extremist political views or incite violence and hatred, or any illegal activities.
  6. Do not download files that are not related to the nature of their work directly such as videos and multimedia files, movies, songs, or music and the like.
  7. Do not use the device and the Internet to try to engage and compromise other networks, and not to use the Internet to send confidential or political material containing threats and harassment to others.


  1. A staff member who dedicates his email address:
  2. Do not use email to create and distribute messages containing promotional materials, personal, or immoral, or those involving extreme political views or racist comments about religious beliefs and practices, gender, age or race, and if any message of this kind from any employee arrives the employee must inform that the department of information systems directly.
  3. Not to send messages that arrive and contain jokes or pictures or movie files and oversized images
  4. Not to redirect incoming messages that may contain viruses or files had suspected viruses, employees must in this case seek the help of the department of the information systems.
  5. Not to open any incoming messages that are unknown or unpredictable, even if the message is from someone known to the employee, as well as not to open or download any files attached to the suspected source.
  6. Use email to develop abilities and skills according to job requirements


Article (12): The University’s obligations (duties) toward the employees:

  1. To clearly define the tasks and responsibilities of the employees what they are expected to accomplish.
  2. To deal with the employees in all matters related to their job conditions based on praiseworthy, merit and competitiveness and equal opportunities.
  3. To secure good and safe working conditions, and ensure that no discrimination could occur against them on their job sites.
  4. To provide appropriate training and ongoing opportunities to improve job opportunities and career support in accordance with the provisions and regulations in force at the University and as appropriate.
  5. To guarantee freedom of opinion and expression in the context of legal provisions and in accordance with the provisions of this code.
  6. To ensure right to grievance or complaint on any wrong decision taken against them in accordance with the provisions and regulations.







Article (13): General Regulations:


  1. The employee must see this blog and its contents and abide by its provisions.
  2. On College staff and recipients of services to access this blog.




I the undersigned................................................................ , have read and understood the code of conduct for employees in the University "and will commit to implementing them and I am aware that I bear all responsibility in case of violating the code items listed above.


Signature:................................................................... Date: ........../..........................

Rule Title
Financial Bylaw
Rule Body

Financial Bylaw 


Financial Bylaw at the American University of Madaba

Bylaw number (3) for the year 2012

Issued in accordance with the provisions of Article 35

Of the Jordanian Universities Law No. 20 of 2009 and its Amendments


Chapter One

Name of the Bylaw and its Terms

Article 1

This bylaw shall be titled (Financial Bylaw at the American University of Madaba for the Year 2012), and it will be in effect upon its endorsement by the Higher Education Council.

Article 2

Unless context indicates otherwise, the following terms and expressions, wherever mentioned in this bylaw, shall have the following designated meanings below:

University                                      :       American University of Madaba

Board of Trustees                        :       Board of Trustees of the University

Board                                                :       The Board of the Directors Representing the Owner

President                                        :       President of the University

President Assistant                    :       President Assistant for Administrative & Executive Affairs

Department                                   :       Any administrative, scientific center, or Institute at the University

Director                                           :     Director of any administrative department, scientific center or institute at the University

Financial Director                        :       Director of the Financial Department at the University

Financial Employee                    :       An accountant, treasurer, auditor, bookkeeper at the University, & any Employee Assigned to collect, keep, or spend money

Employee                                       :       Any person working at the University as a member the teaching faculty and administrative staff

Budget Committee                     :       A Committee Formed to Follow up on the Budget Issues

Expenditure                                   :       All Amounts Allocated to Meet the University’s Due Obligations

Advance                                          :       amount disbursed in advance to accomplish specific operation or perform designated tasks to fulfil the University obligation due to contracts, agreements or guarantees to cover frequent petty expenses

Article 3

The provisions of this bylaw shall apply to all University financial affairs.



Chapter Two

Duties and Responsibilities

Article 4:

The President is responsible for the University’s funds and shall order their disbursement thereof in accordance with its annual budget and the decisions of its competent councils. He may delegate in writing any of the powers vested on him to any of his deputies, assistants, deans or directors at the University each according to the bounds of one’s position. The President may annul such delegation in writing.

Article 5

The Financial Department at the University shall be the party in charge of all financial transactions at the University. It shall seize University’s funds, collect them, and disburse its financial dues in accordance with University bylaws, regulations, and decisions issued accordingly.

Article 6

  1. The Financial Director is accountable to the President for all the University accounts, transactions, their records, maintaining University funds, and verifying the application of the provisions of the present bylaw.
  2. Financial Employees are responsible for performing their financial functions, and organizing financial entries, accounts, and records in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.
  3. Each Financial Employee at the University is personally accountable for any material loss to the University caused by his failure, mistake or negligence. In such case, the University shall collect it from him or her in a manner it deems appropriate.


Chapter Three


Article 7

The President, at the onset of every fiscal year, shall form the Budget Committee headed by the President Assistant and comprised by the membership of the Financial Director, and the Director of the Logistics Department, and two university employees.

Article 8

The University shall have its own independent annual budget.

Article 9

  1. The University's annual budget consists of its estimated revenues and expenditures for a fiscal year beginning on the first day of January and ending on the last day of December of the same year.
  2. The budget is organized in chapters, sections, and articles.

Article 10

  1. The President shall issue the annual budget preparation procedures, its appendices, submission date, and accompanying data by the deans and the directors concerned, and under the supervision of the Financial Director, no later than November of each year so that the Board of Trustees may endorse it one month before the start of the University fiscal year.
  2. After discussing it with the Board, the President shall present the draft budget to the Board of Trustees for endorsement one month prior to the start of the fiscal year, and then he shall submit it to the Higher Education Council for approval.
  3. If the annual University budget is not approved before the beginning of the fiscal year, expenditure shall continue in monthly appropriations of which the President shall issue payment orders in the ratio of (1:12) of the budget of the previous fiscal year to cover the recurrent expenses and the rotated financial obligations provided that amounts spent in this manner shall be reimbursed from the new endorsed budget.

Article 11

Subject to Article (12) of this Bylaw, no allocations shall be utilized in the budget or its annexes other than for the purposes specified therein in such budget or annexes.

Article 12

During the fiscal year, additional allocations may be assigned to the budget annex in cases determined by the Board of Trustees, provided that they follow the same procedures and stages when the annual University budget is prepared, organized and endorsed with the exception of the provisions pertaining to submission dates.

Article 13

Allocated funds may be transferred according the following powers:

  1. From one chapter to another by a decision of the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the President.
  2. From one section to another within the same chapter by a decision of the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the President.
  3. From one article to another within the same section by a decision of the President upon the recommendation of the President Assistant, the dean, or the competent director.
  4. In all cases of fund transfer as stated in this Article, the Financial Director shall be consulted wherein the transfer does not conflict with the financial obligations incurred by the budget, and to ensure that there is sufficient savings permitting transfer.

Article 14

Savings realized in the budget of any year shall be utilized to finance operational and capital offsets in the budget of the following year, and it shall be entered under (former financial savings).

Article 15

Revenue received for any previous fiscal year shall be credited to the current fiscal year. Expenditures committed in any previous financial year and not paid to the beneficiaries during that year shall be credited to the current year's budget under the entry of (previous commitments).



Article 16

The expenditure shall be spent within the budgeted allocations, based on financial orders issued by the President or his authorized representative in writing.


Chapter 4


Article 17

  1. The President shall issue the instructions concerning procedures for disbursement, auditing of transactions, division of expenses, the nature of the expenses, clarification of supporting documents for disbursement, and the manner of organizing and preparing the receipt vouchers.
  2. Disbursement is performed according to financial documents they have been audited and authorized by the signature of the Financial Director as appropriate.

Article 18

  1. Salaries, allowances and wages shall be paid three days before the end of each month. The President, in cases he deems fit, may pay them beforehand.
  2. Salaries and allowances of the delegates in scientific missions or training courses abroad shall be paid in accordance with instructions issued by the Board of Trustees for this purpose.
  3. University contractors and the seconded staff may be paid their deserved full summer vacation salaries, allowances, bonuses, compensation, and vacation allowances on the onset of or within the summer vacation, provided that their contracts or seconded loans end by the end of summer vacation, they have fulfilled their obligations to the university, and they have completed the clearance procedures as required. Furthermore, vacation allowances can be paid to those whose services have ended. The President may deduct part of these allowances to secure any unforeseen obligations on the part of any employee.

Article 19

Value of foreign purchases shall be paid abroad by letters of credits, money transfer, and electronic cards. Transfers may be made in one payment or payments to the account in advance provided that guarantees are taken to ensure the delivery of the purchases within the prescribed specifications and the specified times.

Article 20

  1. No expense may be disbursed unless the commodities are supplied or the task is carried out and the documents that reinforce disbursement of the expense are submitted, with exception of the following cases:
  2. The payment scheduled in advance in accordance with any contract or agreement in exchange for an advance payment guarantee.
  3. Advances scheduled for emergency purposes.
  4. Training fees, subscription fees for periodicals and magazines, contributions to local, regional and international organizations and associations and refundable insurances.
  5. Expense shall be paid with a check, bank transfer, electronic card, or letter credits.

Article 21

If it is not possible to consolidate the payments or expenses which exceed one hundred (100) JD in documents or receipts for any reason, the person who made the expenditure must submit a written certificate with his signature showing the amount of this expenditure and that it is paid for the benefit of the university or for related works. Such testimony shall be certified by the President and shall be permitted in exceptional or extraordinary cases and the same person shall not repeat it without justification accepted by the Financial Director.

Article 22

The President shall issue instructions specifying the persons authorized to sign checks, remittances and documentary credits issued by the University, and their powers and the categories of their signatures.


Chapter Five


Article 23

The Financial Director shall prepare the forms of major and minor receipts and vouchers with specific financial values as appropriate.

Article 24

Fund shall be credited to the University's account under official receipt vouchers; the payer shall be given a copy thereof. All receipts of such funds shall be recorded in the appropriate chapter or article pertaining to such accounts in the general budget for the current fiscal year. The President shall issue instructions of the procedures for collecting, recording, keeping and depositing such funds.

Article 25

  1. University funds shall be deposited in a private account in banks approved by the President, and disbursement from this account may be carried out by the signature of the President, or his authorized representative, on the checks and orders directed at the banks. However, it is not permissible to use the university's money after collecting it and before depositing it for any reason.
  2. The President shall limit the maximum cash amount permitted to be kept in the treasury of the Financial Department.
  3. Deferred checks are deposited for their maturity in the bank for their collection.
  4. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (b) of this Article, the Finance Department shall reserve the right to retain any amount of money, if it is not possible to deposit the amount in the approved bank due to the reception of the amount by the university after the end of the banks' normal working hours, provided that the concerned person obtains a written approval from the Financial Manager to retain the amount, and that the amount shall be deposited with the Bank on the following working day.

Article 26

Money credited to the University account shall be returned to the payer in the following cases:

  1. If approved by the University regulations and the instructions and decisions issued thereunder.
  2. If the money has been obtained unlawfully or wrongly, it shall be refunded in this case with the approval of the Financial Director and according to the established instructions of the University if it does not exceed (2500 JD) two thousand and five hundred Dinars. If the amount exceeds that, it shall be refunded with the approval of the President upon the recommendation of the Financial Director.


Chapter Six

Advances and Trusts

Article 27

The President shall be authorized to issue a financial advance for any of the following purposes:

  1. An advance for a scientific mission, training course, health insurance, dissertation printing cost, travel ticket expenses or other expenses determined in accordance with the regulations and decisions in force at the University, provided that the advance payment is repaid from the amounts due to the person who has received the advance.
  2. A salary advance for newly appointed faculty members at the University during the first two months of their appointment, provided that the advance does not exceed twice their monthly salary, and shall be repaid from their salaries in six installments starting from the month following the date the advance is paid.

Article 28

  1. The President may, as appropriate, issue a permanent or temporary advance to any of the employees of the University upon the recommendation of the President Assistant, and within the budget allocations, on condition that it is spent for the official purposes, as follows:
  2. An advance of permanent expenses not exceeding (300 JD) three hundred Dinars, for those whose work requires continuous petty cash expenses. It is repaid under the invoices or approved claims or documents.
  3. An advance of temporary expenses for purchases or services not exceeding (500 JD) five hundred Dinars and it payable after the end of the purchase or the performance of services under bills, receipts or enhanced documents.
  4. An advance of permanent expenses to the President Assistant not exceeding 2000 JD two thousand Dinars payable periodically under invoices, approved requests or documents.
  5. The Dean of Scientific Research may recommend to the President to issue a scientific research grant, from the allocated scientific research fund, to any of the researchers who have obtained financial support for their research in accordance with the regulations and instructions in force at the University, provided that the amount does not exceed (2500 JD) two thousand and five hundred Dinars, and it shall be duly repaid.
  6. In special cases, the President may approve the disbursement of a temporary advance in excess of the amounts provided for in item (2) of paragraph (A) of this Article.

Article 29

The employee to whom the advance payment has been made shall be liable for the value of the advance from his or her own money. He or she shall prove that the money has been spent for its intended purposes by means of reinforcing documents and receipts, and provide proof of its cash balance. The Financial Director or his authorized representative shall monitor the movement of this advance and verify that it has been used for its intended purposes.

Article 30

  1. Taking into account what is otherwise stated in this bylaw, the advance payment shall be made before the end of the fiscal year. In case of non-payment, it shall be deducted from the salary of the beneficiary in one lump sum. If this is not enough, the advance shall be paid from the salary of the next month.
  2. If the beneficiary of the advance is outside Jordan upon the due date of its settlement, it shall be directly paid upon his return.
  3. A temporary advance shall be paid immediately after the end of the purpose for which it was disbursed. In all cases, the retention period of the advance shall not exceed one month from the date of its disbursement.
  4. Upon termination of the service of the employee to whom the advance payment has been made, the advance or its balance shall be recovered at once.

Article 31

Any amount paid to the University not stated in its budget or received for the benefit of any other party, shall be credited to a trust account. Details of this amount shall be recorded in the Register of Trusts. This amount shall be subject to the provisions of the present bylaw in the manner of its reception, entry and the validity of its disbursement. As for other trusts that are received by the University under special conditions, they shall be subject, in terms of their return or disbursement, to those conditions, whether they were returned by themselves, or in a manner that fulfills the interests of the University.

Article 32

Any trust that is not claimed after five years from the date of its receipt shall be credited to the university account, provided that the owner of the trust is notified to retrieve it, an announcement is placed in a prominent place at the university, or by any other means determined by the president before the end of that period.


Chapter Seven

Account, Records, Forms & Cards

Article 33

  1. With the approval of the President Assistant, the Financial Director shall determine types and forms of records, forms and cards that must be maintained, used and organized to verify and control financial affairs of the University in accordance with the established accounting principles.
  2. University accounts shall be organized and the basis their bookkeeping determined according to an accounting plan consistent with the classification and numbering of the budget.

Article 34

Used bonds, forms, financial records shall be kept at the university for a period no less than seven years following the end of their use. They may be disposed of thereafter in accordance with the instruction issued by the President. Furthermore, he may consent to deliver any of these records and documents to the competent authorities for documentation.


Chapter Eight

Internal & External Audit and Reports

Article 35

  1. The Department of Internal Audit and Control shall be established in the university, and it shall directly be accountable before the President. It shall supervise the implementation of the items of University budget ranging from revenues, expenses, contracts and obligations, and ensure the proper functioning of the procedures in accordance with the applicable bylaws and. It shall also ensure that financial operations are consistent with international accounting standards, and submit quarterly reports, as well as an annual report to the President.
  2. The University shall maintain the accounts and financial transactions regulating it operation in accordance with the accepted accounting principles. The accounts and final reports extracted from them are subject to auditing by a legal accountant appointed by the Board for such purpose.

Article 36

The Director of the Internal Audit and Control Department shall discuss any possible violation with the concerned director prior to confirming it as a violation and including it in the reports of the department.


Chapter Nine

General Provisions

Article 37

  1. The Financial Director shall submit to the president a financial report every three months showing the financial conditions of the University with respect to revenues and expenditures.
  2. The President shall submit to the Council of the Board of Trustees the final financial report and the closing account no later than three months after the end of the fiscal year.

Article 38

The President shall determine, in accordance with instructions issued by him upon recommendation by the President Assistant, the positions for which the occupants are required to provide financial guarantees. The instructions shall specify the amounts and conditions of such guarantees.

Article 39

The Director of Finance and the Director of Internal Audit and control shall be provided with a copy of each contract or agreement, which imposes rights, duties or financial dues on the university for relying upon them in the implementation of that contract.

Article 40

A doubtful debt shall be written off at the end of the fiscal year in accordance with the following powers:

  1. By a decision of the President, if the amount does not exceed (1000 JD) thousand Dinars.
  2. By a decision of the Board of Trustees and with the approval of the Board, if the amount exceeds (1000 JD) thousand Dinars and does not exceed (5000) five thousand Dinars.
  3. By a decision of the Board, if the amount exceeds (5000 JD) thousand Dinars.

Article 41

Any financial employee who has in his possession securities or documents with financial values belonging to the University shall secure them in the accredited bank or in a special safe at the university.

Article 42

In case of a shortage or a financial deviation or misappropriation of university funds or falsification of records and books, the employee in charge of such funds, records, books and bonds shall inform the financial manager who shall in turn inform the president so that he can carry out the appropriate measures.

Article 43

The President may approve disbursement of the following appropriations and issue the regulations that control their disbursement:

  1. Scientific trips for students.
  2. Hospitality expenses, concerts and events.
  3. Scholarships and awards for outstanding students.
  4. Conferences held within the university.
  5. Attendance of conferences, travel allowances and daily-paid jobs.
  6. Compensation for employees the nature of whose work requires disbursement.

Article 44

The Board of Trustees shall issue executive regulations required to apply this bylaw.

Article 44

The Board of Trustees shall take decisions concerning cases not stated in this bylaw.

Rule Title
Grants and Incentive Regulations
Rule Body

Grants and Incentive Regulations at the American University of Madaba No (4) 2019

Issued in accordance of Article (10) of the Jordanian Universities Law No. 18 for the year 2018


Article (1)


These regulations shall be called "Grants and Incentive Regulations at the American University of Madaba 2019" and shall come into effect as of the date of approval by the University Board of Trustees.


Article (2)


The following words and phrases shall, wherever they appear in the present directives, have the meanings stated against them unless the context states otherwise:

University: The American University of Madaba

Council: The University Board of Trustees

President: The president of the university

Dean: The Dean of Students Affairs

Faculty Dean: Dean of the faculty in which the students is enrolled

Students: The student registered and regular student at the university

University Activity: Any extra-curricular activity decided by the university.

Employee: Any faculty member or an administrative staff member at the university excluding  employees on daily wages or remuneration.

Article (3)

Grants and incentives aim at:

  1. Attracting academically, athletically and artistically outstanding students.
  2. Encouraging university students to excel and be creative in their studies.
  3. Strengthening ties between students and the university.
  4. Encouraging student to participate in extracurricular activities.


Article (4)

  1. A Committee shall be formed under the chairmanship of the President or his deputy and the membership of the following:
    1. Assistant President for Administrative and Executive Affairs
    2. Dean of Student Affairs
    3. Finance director
    4. Admission and Registration Director / Reporter
    5. Two members from the university employees selected by the President at the beginning of each academic year.


  1. The Committee shall meet at the invitation of its Chairman. Its meeting shall be legal in the presence of the majority of its members provided that the Chairman of the Committee shall be among them. Its decisions shall be taken by a majority vote of its present members.
  2. The committee shall take over the following tasks;
  3. Laying out a plan for the grants and incentives of students.
  4. Recommending to the council any amendments or suggestions to the regulations of the grants and incentive regulations at the University.

Article (5)

The University shall offer grants and incentives to the following categories of students:

  1. Academically, athletically, scientifically, and artistically outstanding students.
  2. Offspring of the university employee
  3. Siblings and parents of students enrolled in the university in the same period.
  4. The students who are offered grants from the Sponsor.

Grants for Academically Outstanding Students

Article (6)

  1. Subject to the provisions of Article ( 7 ) of these Regulations, the following provisions shall be applied to Jordanian students:


  1. The new academically outstanding student who enrolls at the university shall be offered a semester grant covering the fees of the credit hours if his/her average in the Jordanian high school is as follows:
  2. Full grant if the student’s average is 98% or above
  3. Half grant if the student’s average is 95% – 97.9%
  4. 35% grant if the student’s average is 90% - 94.9%
  5. 25% grant if the student’s average is 80% - 89.9%
  6. 15% grant if the student’s average is 70% - 79.9%
  7. 10% grant if the student’s average is 60% - 69.9%


  1. A new academically outstanding student who enrolls at the university will receive a semester grant covering the credit hours he / she registers if he / she graduated with IG, BS, IB, SAT2 diplomas with the same average mentioned in clause (A) of this article on the basis of a certified equasion by Ministry of Education.


  1. Clause (A) of this article may be applied to students of non-Jordanian nationality.


Article (7)

  1. The grant provided for in Article (6) of these regulations shall be withheld in the following cases:
    1. If the student’s cumulative average in two consecutive semesters is less than 70% in in the cases stated in Article (6) A 1 (b, c) ,and if the student’s cumulative average in two consecutive semesters is less than 65% in the cases stated in Article (6) A 1 (d, e, f),the Summer Session is not counted for this purpose.
    2. If the student's load in the semester is less than 15 credit hours except for the semester the student is expected to graduate. The credit hours registered by the student outside his / her study plan shall not be counted.
    3. These grants or any other grants approved by the university shall not be applied to students who have chosen to study a semester or a full academic year at a university participating in the memorandum of understanding for students exchange; insteadhe / she shall pay the full tuition fees.
    4. The course of "Military Sciences" shall not be subject to any discount.


  1. The full grant shall be withheld if the student’s cumulative average in two consecutive semesters is less than 60%, and the Summer Session is not counted for this purpose.
  2. The student shall be entitled to benefit from the grant in case the reasons of withholding it are removed.
  3. The full grant shall be withheld if the student is given any disciplinary punishment of the degree of a warning.
  4. This article shall be applied to all the grants offered by the university.

Article (8)

Subject to the provisions of Article (9) of these Regulations:

  1. An academically outstanding student shall be offered the following financial incentives according to the case applicable to the student:




95% or above

30 credit hours or more



90%or above

60 credit hours or more



95 % or above

60 credit hours or more



90% or above

90 credit hours or more



95 % or above

90 credit hours or more



90 %or above

120 credit hours or more



95 % or above

120 credit hours or more



90 % or above

150 credit hours or more


  1. The financial grants described in item (A) of this article are issued or credited at the end of the semester in which the student achieves the excellence indicated above.

Article (9)

The following general principles are adopted to help students benefit from the incentives referred to in Article (8) of these regulations:

  1. A student must have been enrolled for two semesters at the university.
  2. Any load of the students in the semester in which he / she excelled must not be less than (15) credit hours except for the semester in which the student is expected to graduate.
  3. He / she must not have been given any disciplinary punishment of a warning degree or above.


Grants for Offspring of the University’s employees

Article (10)

Subject to the provisions of Article (11) of these Regulations, Offspring of the university employees shall be given a discount rate for the fees of the hours registered in each semester based on their accumulative average, provided that they have registered for no less than (12) credit hours within their study plan during that semester:


Discount %

Cumulative Average %



The First Semester



60 – 67.9%



68% - 75.9%



76% - 89.9%



90% and above



Article (11)

  1. Subject to the provisions of clause (b) of this Article, the grants provided in Article (10) of these regulations shall be applied during the period in which the employee is on his job at the University only.
  2. The grants provided in Article (10) of these regulations shall be applied to the offspring of the employees who have served at the University for a period of not less than ten years unless their service at the University ends due to a disciplinary action or loss of their jobs.
  3. The period of unpaid leaves shall be excluded from the period stated in clause (B) of this article.



Other University Grants

Article (12)

  1. Admitted siblings, husbands, and the parents of regular students at the University shall receive a 10% discount of the fees of the registered hours for each student until graduation.
  2. The third sibling shall be granted a discount of 15% on the credit hours tuition fees.
  3. The fourth sibling shall be granted a discount of 20% on the credit hours tuition fees.


Honoring Academically Outstanding Students

Article (13)

  1. Two lists shall be established at the University: The first is the "Honor List of Academically Outstanding Students at the Faculty / Faculty Honor List", and the second is the "Honor List of Academically Outstanding Students at the University / University Honor List ". These lists aim to reward academically outstanding students and encourage them to exert more continuous scientific effort.


  1. The first list referred to in paragraph (A) of this Article shall include the names of outstanding students in a semester who meet the following conditions:
  2. His / Her cumulative semester average is not less than 90%.
  3. His / her study semester load is not less than (15) credit hours.
  4. He / she has not been subject to a disciplinary punishment of the warning degree or above.
  5. The second list referred to in paragraph (A) of this Article shall include the names of outstanding students in a semester who meet the following conditions:
  6. His / Her cumulative semester average is not less than 95%.
  7. His / her study semester load is not less than (15) credit hours.
  8. He / she has not been subject to a disciplinary punishment of the warning degree or above.

Article (14)

The Director of the Admissions and Registration Department shall be assigned to prepare a list of the students who meet the conditions stated in clauses (b) and (c) of Article (13) of these regulations.

Article (15)

  1. Names of outstanding students who meet the requirements in clauses (b) and (c) of Article (13) of these regulations shall be in the Faculty’s list, and / or the University honor list.



Honoring Outstanding Students in University Activities

Article (16)

A list of outstanding students in university activities shall be established at the University, listing the names of outstanding students in one or more university activities in each semester who meet the following conditions:


  1. Participating in at least one university activity.
  2. Achieving an outstanding activity on individual or social level inside or outside the University, for example but not limited, Winning one of the top three places in a local, regional or international competition.


Article (17)

The Dean shall prepare a list of the students who meet the requirements of Article 16 of these regulations, together with a detailed report on their outstanding achievements in the university activities.

Article (18)

A certificate of appreciation shall be awarded to each student whose name is in the list of outstanding students in university activities.

Grants of Outstanding Athletes

Article (19)

The President shall form one or more committees either of qualified and specialist staff of the University or otherwise, and shall undertake the following:

  1. Conducting a personal interview with the candidates for the sports grant.
  2. Taking a skill test.
  3. Submitting lists consisting of the final results of all applicants and the names of candidates for grants, both new students and regular students who applied for the scholarship.

Standards and Degrees of Sports Excellence

Article (20)

The student is considered an outstanding athlete according to the following criteria:

  1. A superior athletic of first degree:


  1. Anyone who has been a member of a national team, and represented the Kingdom at an Olympic, regional, and Arab tournament, or at least one external tournament in a game of sports supervised by a sports federation of the Ministry of Youth or the Supreme Council of Youth.
  2. Anyone who was a member of a military team or a school team in the Kingdom schools, and represented Jordan in at least one international event.
  3. Anyone who was awarded the Golden, Silver or Bronze level of the Hassan Youth Award.
  1. A superior athletic of second degree:


  1. Anyone who was a member of a team of a premier or a first division club ,in a group or individual game, supervised by a sports federation of the federations of the Ministry of Youth or the Supreme Council for Youth.
  2. Anyone who was a player in one of the teams of directorate of education in the Kingdom.


  1. A superior athletic of third degree:
  2. A student who is a team member in a first class sport club, playing a group or individual sport, sponsored by a sports union or federation which is supervised by the Ministry of Youth or the Higher Council for Youth.
  3. Anyone who was a member of a military team, or a teacher, won the first place in a sports championship of the directorate of education in the Kingdom.
  4. Anyone who has been enrolled at the university for at least two semesters, and has become a key player, in one of the sports teams of the university, and proved outstanding competence, based on a report from the dean, and his participation in the university national and international championships.


Terms and Conditions of Applying to Sports Grants

Article (21)

The following conditions are required to apply for the grant:

  1. Submitting an application according to the form designed for this purpose.
  2. Meeting one of the criteria of sports excellence under a certificate of superior athletic or its equivalent.
  3. Passing the student personal interview or skill test in his/her superior sports teams.



Terms and Conditions of Continued Sports Grants

Article (22)

The following conditions shall be required to ensure the continuation of the grant:

  1. Commitment to practice sports activity with the university team inside and outside the university, according to the programs launched by the Deanship.
  2. The applicant shall not have any valid disciplinary penalty in his record on the level of a warning or above.


Criteria of Superlative Sports Excellence

Article (23)

  1. Adopting the following criteria of accepting applicants for sports excellence:


  1. 20% for General Secondary School Certificate.
  2. 20% for the level of sports excellence certificate (first, second or third degree).
  3. 20% of the level of the need priorities of the university teams (the nature of the game and the position in which the candidate plays.
  4. 40% for the practical test of the skills of the game.


    b.Scores assigned to the level of sports excellence certificates shall be defined as follows



Level of Certificate

ِA national team player who has already represented the Kingdom


The national team player


A player winning the first place in a group game or the player who won first place in the official championship at the level of the Kingdom in an individual game..


A school team player or club player winning the second place in a group game or a player winning the second place in the official championship at the level of the Kingdom in an individual game..


A player of the Directorate of Education winning the first place in the official championship at the level of the Kingdom, or a player of the club winning the third place in a group game or a player winning the third place in the official tournament at the level of the Kingdom in an individual game.


A player of the Directorate of Education winning the second place in the official tournament at the level of the Kingdom, or a player in the school team winning first place in the official championship at the level of the Directorate, or a club player winning one of the positions that follow the third place in the official championship at the level of the Kingdom in the game.


A player in the school team winning the third place in the official championship at the level of the Directorate.


A player of the Directorate of Education winning the third place in the official tournament at the level of the Kingdom, or a school team player winning the second place in the official championship at the level of the Directorate..



   c.The Testing Committee shall decide on cases not mentioned in the table above.


Ratio of Sports Excellence Grants

Article (24)

  1. Athletes excelling according to the above criteria and conditions shall be awarded the following incentive grants:
  2. The excelling first class athlete shall be awarded a grant covering 40% of the credit hour tuition fees.
  3. The excelling second class athlete shall be awarded a grant covering 30% of the credit hour tuition fees.
  4. The excelling third class athlete shall be awarded a grant covering 20% of the credit hour tuition fees.


  1. Upon the recommendation of the President and the Dean, the Board may increase the ratio prescribed in clause (A) of this Article for outstanding students, provided that they shall not exceed (10%) of the credit hour tuition fees.


Artistic Excellence Grants

Article (25)

The President shall form one or more committees either of qualified and specialist staff of the University or otherwise, and shall undertake the following:

  1. Conducting a personal interview with the candidates for the artistic grant.
  2. Taking a skill test.
  3. Evaluating the technical work of the candidates.
  4. Submitting lists consisting of the final results of all applicants and the names of candidates for grants, both new students and regular students who applied for the scholarship.

Standards and Degrees of Artistic Excellence

Article (26)

The student shall be considered artistically outstanding according to the following criteria:

  1. A first class artistic excellence.


  1. Involving in one of the artistic groups at the level of the Directorate of Education in the Kingdom, which include: playing musical instruments, choir, theatrical representation, folk art, expressive dance, poetry, plastic arts, sculpture and photography.
  2. Being a member of one of the well-known artistic groups inside or outside the Kingdom, which participated in one of the local or international festivals or exhibitions which include the following groups: singing, playing, folk art, acting and expressive dancing, poetry, plastic arts, sculpture and photography.


  1. A second class artistic excellence:

Obtaining a training certificate in playing a musical instrument from one of the official accredited institutes inside or outside the Kingdom.


  1. A third class artistic excellence.
  2. Having the artistic talents mentioned in clause (A) of this article, and passed the skill test prepared by the Deanship at the beginning of each academic year successfully, and proved outstanding competence, and pledged to commit to participate in the activities of the Department throughout the years of study.


Terms and Conditions of Applying to Artist Grants

Article (27)

The following conditions are required to apply for the grant:


  1. Submitting an application according to the form designed for this purpose.
  2. Meeting one of the criteria of artistic excellence under a certificate of outstanding artist or its equivalent certified by the school or the concerned institute according to the type of his excellence
  3. Passing the student personal interview or skill test in his/her artistic excellence teams.


Terms and Conditions of Continued Artist Grants

Article (28)

The following conditions shall be required to ensure the continuation of the grant:

  1. Commitment to practice artistic activity with the university team inside and outside the university, according to the programs launched by the Deanship.
  2. The applicant shall not have any valid disciplinary penalty in his record on the level of a warning or above


Criteria of Superlative Sports Excellence

Article (29)

Adopting the following criteria of accepting applicants for sports excellence:

  1. 20% for General Secondary School Certificate.
  2. 20% for the level of artistic excellence certificate (first, second or third degree).
  3. 20% of the level of the need priorities of the University concerning the nature of the artistic excellence.
  4. 40% for the artistic levels of the applicants.


Ratio of Artistic Excellence Grants

Article (30)

  1. Artists excelling according to the above criteria and conditions shall be awarded the following incentive grants:
  2. The excelling first class artist shall be awarded a grant covering 40% of the credit hour tuition fees.
  3. The excelling second class artist shall be awarded a grant covering 30% of the credit hour tuition fees.
  4. The excelling third class artist shall be awarded a grant covering 20% of the credit hour tuition fees.


  1. Upon the recommendation of the President and the Dean, the Board may increase the ratio prescribed in clause (A) of this Article for outstanding students, provided that they shall not exceed (10%) of the credit hour tuition fees. 




General Provisions of Sports, Artistic and Scientific Excellence Grants

Article (31)

  1. Applications for granting artistic, sports and scientific excellence shall be submitted to the Dean, who shall verify their conformity with the standards and conditions and shall submit them to the President.
  2. The number of grants awarded is (30) scholarships per academic year at the maximum, not exceeding 5% of the number of admissions per academic year, and shall distributed as follows:
    • A maximum of thirteen grants for sports excellence.
    • A maximum of thirteen grants for artistic excellence.
    • A maximum of four grants for winners of international academic awards.


Grants for Winners of International Academic Awards

Article (32)

  1. The following grants shall be awarded upon a decision by the Council of Deans:
  2. Grant of 40% of the credit hour fee to the first place winners.
  3. Grant of 30% of the credit hour fee to the second place winners
  4. Grant of 20% of the credit hour fee to the third place winners
  5. In order to have a continued grant, the student shall continue to practice the distinctive activity to which he / she is entitled throughout the course studies at the university.


  1. The President shall form a committee of qualified and specialist staff of the University which aims at the following:


  1. Evaluating the applications submitted to differentiate between the applicants and select the most suitable ones for the grant and determine the ratio of the grant.
  2. Submitting a list of the candidates for the grant to the to the President to discuss the matter with the Council of Deans
  3. Submitting a recommendation to the Board of Deans at the end of each semester showing the continuation or non-continuation of the student in practicing the distinctive activity that to practice the distinctive activity to which he / she is entitled him for the grant, for the purposes of continuing or not continuing to benefit from the grant.


Grants of the Sponsor

Article (33)

The University allocates (60) grants every academic year to the Sponsor according to the following conditions:

  1. The grant shall target only needy students.
  2. The grant shall not exceed 60 scholarships per academic year distributed to all faculties and departments.
  3. The grants of the Sponsor shall subject to the terms and conditions of these regulations.
  4. The grant should not exceed 75% of the credit hour fees and according to the status of the required specialty.
  5. Any grant offered under this Article shall take into account any deductions or grants offered to the applicant in accordance with these Instructions. The grant shall not collectively exceed the percentage stated in clause (d) of this Article.


General Provisions

Article (34)

  • Students may not receive more than one grant; discount or incentive at the same time and in the same semester and the higher grant or incentive shall be credited to them.
  • The student may not benefit from the discount offered to the siblings, husbands, parents and offspring of the university staff at the same time, and shall be awarded only the highest grant.
  • Subject to the provisions of clause (a) and (b) of this Article, incentives may be combined (as stated in Article 8 of these Regulations with the discounts and grants mentioned in these Regulations.
  • The student shall not be entitled to any of the grants mentioned in these regulations in the case of obtaining full or partial grant by an official or non-official body.

Article (35)

  1. The provisions of all grants, incentives, discounts and exemptions shall not be applied to repeated courses, remedial courses, or courses taken by the student from outside his / her study plan, students shall pay for these courses on their own..
  2. The provisions of all grants, incentives, discounts and exemptions shall not be applied to the courses studied by the student in the summer session.

Article (36)

  1. At the beginning of the academic year, the President shall form a special committee headed by one of his deputies, the membership of the Dean of Student Affairs, the assistant president for Administrative Affairs, and two university employees, who may be added when necessary, to study the financial aid cases of the new or old students.
  2. The Committee shall implement its work in strict confidentiality and submit its recommendations directly to the President.
  3. The President shall decide on the recommendation of the Committee to grant appropriate discounts to the student, provided that they shall not exceed 25% of the tuition fees of credit hours.

Article (37)

The Council may organize and approve additional grants and agreements in this regard at the beginning of each academic year upon the recommendation of the President as follows:

  1. Offering grants to the people of Madaba Governorate in support of the local community.
  2. Signing agreements between the university and the various schools in connection with offering grants to school students.
  3. Signing agreements between the university and embassies and official institutions in the Kingdom.
  4. Signing agreements between the University and external institutions, provided that they are approved by the Higher Education Council in accordance with the Jordanian Universities Law.
  5. Allocating grants to the Sponsor as stated in Article (33) of these regulations


Article (38)

Grants and incentives shall be issued in accordance with the regulations and financial regulations applicable at the University.

Article (39)

The previous regulations shall be applied to the offspring of the employees registered in the university before these regulations came into effect.

Article (40)

The President, the Dean and Financial Director, shall be responsible for implementing these regulations

Article (41)

The board shall decide on cases where no provision has been made thereon in the above regulations.

Article (42)

These regulations shall invalidate any former decisions or other regulations that contradict with these regulations.

Rule Title
Regulations of private free study
Rule Body

Regulations of private free study at the American University in Madaba No. (10) for 2019


Regulations for private free study at the American University of Madaba No. (10)

for 2019 are issued by the Council of Deans based on the provisions of Article (16/B) of

the Jordanian Universities Law No. (18) for 2018



Article 1:

These instructions are called "Private Free Study Instructions at the American University of Madaba for 2019", and are effective after they are approved.


Article (2):

The following words and phrases, wherever they occur in these instructions, have the meanings assigned to them below, unless the context indicates otherwise:


University              : American University in Madaba

The Council           : Council of Deans

The President          : The President of American University of Madaba

Semester                 : First or second semester of each academic year

The academic year : Two compulsory semesters and one optional summer term

Student                    : Students outside the university who accepted to enroll into private free study as well as individuals who want to enrich their academic knowledge.


Article 3:

Persons from the following categories may be enrolled in private free study in any subject offered by the university:

  • Students who study at universities or university institutes in Jordan or graduates of these universities and institutes who wish to study certain subjects at the university for one or more semesters for the purposes of completing their graduation requirements from their universities or for the purposes of obtaining a certificate of practice or equivalence of the certificate.


  • Individuals who wish to deepen their specialized knowledge in order to improve their performance and skills in the work or jobs they do, or who wish to enrich their cultural or academic knowledge.


  • Students of universities that are linked to the university exchange agreements.


  • Students who wish to attend the university in the future and who have no power to make the university accept them as regular students.


Article 4:

  • Conditions for admission to private free study:
  • Students should hold Jordanian General Secondary School Certificates or an equivalent diploma. Student who registered to study at recognized universities or higher institutes is excluded from this requirement.
  • There should be a vacancy in the subject that the student wishes to study


  • Students are granted documents showing the materials they studied and their grades in each of them at their request after paying all the required fees.


Article (5):

Students who do not meet the conditions for admission to the subjects they wish to register for study may register as auditing students and they are not required to sit for exams are given a document in this meaning.


Article 6:

The bachelor's degree regulations effective at the University are followed to decide on the maximum course load.


Article (7):

Taking into account article (5) above, students are subject to conditions of attendance, examinations, marks, withdrawal, passing the course and discipline included in the university's regulations and instructions.


Article 8:

Applications for private free study are submitted to the Director of Admission and Registration, who submits his/her recommendation to the Dean of the College offering the courses applied for, and who requests the President’s approval.


Article 9:

  1. Taking into account the instructions for awarding a bachelor's degree at the university, if the students are admitted to the university as regular students and have successfully completed course of private free study at the university, these courses may count for their graduation if they are part of the study plans concerned for the major in which they are accepted, provided that they have fulfilled the conditions for admission to regular study when enrolling in free private study and to pay the difference in the price of credit hours in the field specified to which they have been admitted.


  1. The grades of these courses are calculated into the GPA (or accumulative average?) of the student.


Article (10):

The student benefits from all the services available at the university and is granted a special university identity.


Article (11) :*

The student's credit hour’s fees are equal to the credit hour’s fees approved for regular study plus other fees.

Article 12:

The President, deans of faculties and principals concerned are responsible for implementing the provisions of these instructions.


Article (13):

The Council decides on cases where there is no provision in these instructions.


Article (14):

These instructions cancel out any previous instructions or decisions that are contrary to these instructions.

Rule Title
Regulations for Awarding the Bachelor’s Degree
Rule Body


Regulations No (1) of 2019

Regulations for Awarding the Bachelor’s Degree

at the American University of Madaba

Issued by the Deans’ Council, according to Article (4) of the bylaws of granting scientific degrees, honorary degrees and certificates (1) 2018


Article 1 These regulations shall be named “Regulations for Awarding the Bachelor’s Degree at the American University of Madaba of 2019”. They shall go into effect as of the beginning of the first semester of the academic year 2019-2020.


Article 2 The words and phrases below shall have, wherever they appear in these regulations, their specified meaning unless otherwise indicated in context:





American University of Madaba

 CouncilDean’s council

 PresidentPresident of the university

 DeanDean of the student’s faculty

 FacultyAny of the university faculties

 DepartmentAny department in the faculty

 CommitteeStudy plan committee

 Academic SemesterFall (First) or Spring (Second) Semester of each academic year

 Credit Hour

Each credit hour is calculated based on no less than one classroom hour per week in a semester of 16 weeks.

However, each lab/practical credit hour is at least two hours per week in a semester of 16 weeks


Article 3 These regulations shall apply to all regular students enrolled in all faculties of the university to obtain the Bachelor’s Degree.



Article 4 a. The Council of Deans shall approve the curricula which lead to obtaining the Bachelor’s Degree in the specializations offered by the university faculties, upon proposals made by department councils and recommendations submitted by faculty councils.

  1. At the beginning of every academic year, the council forms a committee known as the Study Plan Committee whose task is to consider and oversee all matters related to the study plan and report it to the Council of Deans for approval.


Article 5 a. Curricula are based on the credit hour system.

  1. The credit hours allocated for each course are set on the basis that each weekly lecture or seminar is equivalent to 3 credit hours. In special cases, it may be less than that or be more up to a maximum of 6 credit hours, with the exception of remedial courses, for which there shall be zero hours.
  2. The credit hours for each subject are calculated on the basis that the credit hour is a unit of measurement for the number of hours a student must attend in a given theoretical course each week over the first and second semesters and for 16 weeks per semester. As for lab and practical hours, they are calculated differently, depending on the nature of the course. In all cases, however, a credit hour is equivalent to three lab or practical hours unless the nature of the course requires otherwise and not less than two lab or practical hours at least in all cases.


Article 6 The curriculum of each specialization in which the Bachelor’s Degree is awarded includes the following:


First: University Requirements: University requirements are allocated 25 credit hours and they form a common background for all university students. Their objective is to enhance the student’s communicative competence in both Arabic and English, enrich their knowledge in the fields of humanities, social sciences, and science and technology, and strengthen their understanding of their nation’s culture and thought and they include:

a- Remedial courses (zero credit hours)

  1. All students admitted to the university must take placement tests just once in Arabic, English and computer on the following dates:
  • Within two weeks before the beginning of the semester that the student was admitted in.
  • Within the first week of the beginning of the semester that the student was admitted in.
  • Within the 10th week of the semester that the student was admitted in.


  1. Students admitted to the University for the summer semester must take the placement tests within a week before the beginning of the semester or during the periods set for students admitted to the next semester.


  1. The result shall be either (fail / pass) and based on the results of the tests, the student will either study the remedial courses or be exempted from them and move on to study the rest of the university requirements and in so doing:
  • These courses should form part of the student's study load
  • They should not be counted or form part of the student´s study plan.
  • They shouldn´t be included in the calculation of the student´s cumulative average.


  1. Students are exempted from taking the placement test or taking the remedial courses in any of the following cases:
  • Students are exempted from taking the remedial course if they passed in the placement test.
  • Students are exempted from the placement test and the remedial course if the following subjects are equivalent at the university (Communication Skills in Arabic (900120), Communication Skills in English (900130), Computer Skills (900180))
  • Students are exempted from the placement test and the remedial course in the case of successfully passing the remedial course in any of the universities recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education.
  • Students are exempted from the computer placement test and the Remedial Computer skills class if they hold an International Computer Driving License (ICDL) or European Computer Driving License (ECDL), Cambridge International program or an Internet Core Computing Certification (IC3).
  • Students who hold a GCE, IGCE, IB, SAT (1) or SAT (2) are exempted from taking the English placement test and the English Remedial Course.
  • Students who hold IELTS with the grade of at least (6) or higher are exempted from the English placement test and the English Remedial Course.
  • Students with any of the below scores or more in TOEFL are exempted from the English placement test and the English Remedial Course.

Paper Based


Computer Based


Internet Based Test (IBT)




  • Students with the score of 70 % or more and students who passed the Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English (ECC) – Michigan Language Assessment, are exempted from the English placement test and the English Remedial Course.


  1. Compulsory University Requirements (12 credit hours)

The following points shall be taken into consideration as regards the “Military Science” course:

  1. “Military Science” (3 credit hours) is compulsory for Jordanian students and elective for others, and counts among the credit hours required for graduation, but does not count for the purpose of calculating the cumulative average. Non-Jordanian students who opt not to study it are required to study any other course instead, in which case the alternative course is treated as the “Military Science” course.
  2. Students are exempted from taking the “Military Science” course in any of the following cases:
  • If they have successfully studied this course in any other Jordanian university.
  • If they were graduates of Jordanian military colleges (the Military Wing of Mu’tah University, the Royal Military College, the Military School of Cadets) or their equivalent of foreign military colleges.
  • If they were among the officers who attended the officers basic training course, or the noncommissioned officers basic training course. Certificates proving the exemption of students who meet these criteria are issued by the Department of University Education at the Directorate of Education and Military Culture.


  1. Elective University Requirements (13 credit hours)

Students can choose from the three groups in the study plan, (7) hours from the first group, (3) from the second group and (3) from the third group.

Second: Faculty Requirements

Faculty requirements include courses needed by all students in the faculty to provide them with a common cognitive background directly related to the general field of knowledge of their major. They also include courses that complement the department requirements.


Third: Department Requirements

Department requirements shall meet the following criteria:

  1. Department requirements consist of compulsory and elective courses covering major fields of knowledge in a balanced manner.
  1. Compulsory and elective courses are distributed properly by the department.
  2. Curricula are organized in a way that enhances the interrelationship with other ancillary disciplines in the same faculty, in particular, and with other disciplines in the university, in general.
  3. Departments may structure their curricula so as to include a minor specialization from within or outside the faculty.
  4. The faculty, or department, may propose an interdisciplinary program including a number of specializations at the level of the faculty or university.


Fourth: University Requirement (Civic Education) to be organized according to regulations issued by the council.


Fifth: ‘Supporting Courses’ the study plan may include supporting courses.


Sixth: ‘Free Courses’ the plan may include free courses up to 6 credit hours.


Article 7 a. considering what is stated in Article (6) concerning the “Military Science” course, the cumulative average of the courses included in the curriculum of the department in which the student is enrolled shall be calculated.

  1. A course description shall be provided for each course in conformity with its title and the number of credit hours ascribed to it.
  2. Each department makes available guiding study plans in which courses are distributed over eight or ten semesters (excluding summer sessions), depending on the number of semesters specified for each specialization.


Article 8 a. Compulsory and elective major courses are offered by the department. Some of these courses, however, may be offered by another department upon a mutual understanding between the two departments.

  1. Compulsory courses required by the curriculum shall be offered at least once in each academic year.
  2. Elective courses of the curriculum shall be offered at least once every four semesters.
  3. Each curriculum specifies the number of credit hours for the different requirements in accordance with the criteria of accreditation and quality control.


Article 9 a. Courses of the curriculum shall be classified on the basis of four or five levels.

  1. Pre– or co-requisites of each course, if applicable, shall be specified.
  2. Each course shall have a number indicating its level.
  3. The number of lectures, number of weekly lab and practical/applied hours, and number of credit hours of each course shall be clearly indicated against each course.
  4. Students are not allowed to study any course if they have not passed its prerequisite. Otherwise, registration and the grade obtained in such a course shall be cancelled.
  5. Students may, however, study a course and its prerequisite in the semester at the end of which they are expected to graduate if their graduation is contingent upon this arrangement, or if they have previously studied the prerequisite course but did not pass it. Students who complete all the required credit hours in that semester with just the internship remaining for the following semester shall be considered as if they were expected to graduate at the end of that semester.
  6. Upon the approval of the chairperson of the department and faculty dean, students may, in justifiable cases, study a course and its prerequisite in the same semester if they have previously studied the prerequisite course but did not pass it.


Duration of Study and Student Credit Loads


Article 10 a. 1. The duration of study for a Bachelor’s Degree with a normal load is eight semesters or four years in all university faculties, except for the Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Health Sciences (Department of Pharmacy), where the duration of study is ten semesters or five years.

  1. Students are not allowed to obtain the Bachelor’s Degree in less than three years in all faculties, except for the Faculty of Engineering and the Pharmacy Department, where four years shall be the minimum.
  2. The maximum duration of study for a student registered for the Bachelor’s Degree shall not exceed six years in all university faculties, except for the Faculty of Engineering and Pharmacy Department where this period extends to seven years, excluding from this period the time spent in the Co-operative Education Program.
  3. The academic year means two regular academic semesters. A semester duration shall be 16 weeks in length, including the exam period, while the duration of a summer session shall be 8 weeks, including the exam period. The end of the second semester from each academic year is considered the end of the academic year in order to consider the duration of study to obtain a bachelor's degree and the maximum for each major / faculty, in a way that is not inconsistent with the regulations.
  4. 1. The minimum credit load for a Bachelor’s Degree student shall be 12 credit hours in each regular semester. With the approval of the dean, and at their discretion, a course load of 9 credit hours can be allowed. Excluded from this arrangement are the students whose graduation at the end of that semester is contingent upon studying less than 12 credit hours, or the students who cannot find courses of their curricula in which to register, or as a result of the student's dropping of some courses with the approval of the dean provided that the maximum duration of the bachelor's degree is not exceeded
  5. The maximum credit load for a Bachelor’s Degree student shall be 18 credit hours in a regular semester. Students can add three more credit hours in any of the following cases:
  • If their cumulative grade average in the previous semester, including the summer session, was no less than 80%.
  • If they are graduating in the same semester.
  1. In the summer session, the maximum credit load shall be 9 credit hours.
  2. The maximum credit load for a student transferred from the regular program to the special study program shall be 12 credit hours in a regular semester and 6 credit hours in a summer session.
  3. Students enrolled for obtaining the Bachelor’s Degree shall be classified into four or five levels: 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year, and 5th year. Students are classified as 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year, or 5th year students if they have successfully completed no less than 33, 66, 99, and 132 credit hours, respectively.
  4. A student who is enrolled in any of the Bachelor’s Degree programs at the university may not enroll at the same time in any other program at the university regardless of its type or level.




Article 11 a. Attendance is compulsory for all university students in all lectures, discussions, practical work, and field training (internship) in accordance with the credit hours specified for each course of the curriculum. The instructor shall keep written records of the presence and absence of students on special sheets, to be submitted to the head of the department offering the course at the end of each semester. These records shall be kept until the end of the following semester.

  1. Students are not allowed to be absent for more than 15% of the credit hours of the course.
  2. If a student exceeds the 15% absence limit from a course without a medical or compelling excuse accepted by the faculty dean, they shall be denied sitting its final exam and their grade in that course shall be recorded as ‘zero’ (WF). The faculty dean shall convey that information to the Director of Admission and Registration, and the student shall have to repeat the course if it is compulsory. In all cases, the failing grade shall enter into the calculation of the semester and cumulative average of the student for the purposes of probation and dismissal from the specialization.
  3. If a student is absent for more than 15% of the specified hours of a course, due to illness or a compelling excuse accepted by the dean of the faculty offering the course, they shall then be considered “withdrawn” from that course, and will be subject to the withdrawal regulations. The dean shall convey that information to the Director of Admission and Registration, and the “withdrawn” remark shall be posted on that course in the student’s academic record. However, students who represent Jordan or University in official activities approved by the university are allowed to be absent for no more than 25% of the class hours; otherwise, they are considered “withdrawn”, and shall be subject to the withdrawal regulations.
  4. Taking into consideration what is stated in Article (18g), students who exceed the 15% limit of absence without an excuse shall be considered “administratively withdrawn” upon a recommendation from the instructor and approval of the dean after the end of the withdrawal from one or more courses period. The Director of Admission and Registration shall thereafter be notified of this measure.
  5. A medical excuse must be issued by the university physician or approved by them. This certificate must be presented to the faculty dean no later than two weeks from the date of the student’s absence. The dean refers to the student’s record of class attendance to check the student’s earnestness before granting approval. In the other compelling cases, students must present their excuse within a week from the date of the end of the excuse period.
  6. Faculty deans, faculty members and instructors, and the Director of Admission and Registration shall be responsible for the execution of these regulations of attendance.
  7. The student shall not be registered for the course and may not take his/her exams until the course fees are paid


Exams, Grades, and Averages

Article 12 a. The final grade of each course is the aggregate of the final exam and semester work grades. This does not apply to courses, where the results are recorded as pass or fail without grades, as shown in the plan.

  1. Grades of each course are calculated and recorded in percentage form, and the number of credit hours specified for that course is indicated.
  2. The general framework of exams and their schedule shall be as follows:
  3. Purely theoretical courses:

The total grade shall be allotted to semester work, distributed among the following:



Midterm exam


Participation, assignments and quizzes




Final exam





The Council may approve the distribution of marks in some other way for certain courses of special nature upon the recommendation of the Faculty Council. 2. Theoretical courses including a practical part

Taking into account the number of credit hours allocated to the theoretical part and the practical part, the percentage of the theoretical part mark shall be determined out of (100%) according to the following equation:

Number of credit hours allocated to the theoretical part of the course

The number of credit hours allocated to the subject.


The distribution of the marks for the theoretical part is as shown in item (1) in the table presented above. As for the distribution of marks for the practical part, it is left to the department’s discretion.


  1. Practical courses:

The department council concerned shall clearly describe the method of grade distribution in these courses, provided that they get the approval of the faculty council.

  1. Mid-term exams are held during the eighth and ninth weeks of the semester, and during the fourth week of the summer semester.
  2. Final exams are held during the 16th week of the semester and during the second half of the eighth week of the summer semester.


  1. Credit-hour courses involving seminars, research papers, graduation projects, and practical labs are excluded from the arrangement above. The faculty council in such cases shall determine how the grades are distributed, and methods to assess the student’s achievement. The Director of Admission and Registration shall be notified of these matters at the beginning of the semester.


Article 13 a. In the case of multiple-section courses, the department chair shall appoint one of the course instructors as coordinator, to determine the common teaching materials, and supervise the preparation of common exams and setting their dates and methods of evaluation in cooperation with the other course instructors.

  1. In the case of a course taught by more than one instructor, the department chair shall appoint one of the course instructors as coordinator to determine the common teaching materials, and supervise the preparation of common exams and setting their dates and methods of evaluation in cooperation with the other course instructors.


Article 14 a. Non-final exam papers, after being corrected and graded, shall be discussed according to the model answers and be returned to students within 3 days of the date of the exam. After that period, the marks shall be sent to the department and the deanship of the faculty to be approved. The department should keep a copy and the mark shall be considered final.

  1. Final exam papers shall be kept in the faculty deanship for one semester, after which they will be securely discarded by the dean in coordination with the Director of Admission and Registration.
  2. Detailed grade records in percentage form and the final grades of each course shall be sent to the department for final check to ensure their balanced distribution, and then to the faculty dean to be approved by the faculty council. This copy of the grades is kept in the faculty, and a list of the final grades is sent to the Director of Admission and Registration for recording.
  3. Course instructors are responsible for checking the quiz and exam papers of the courses they have taught, recording the grades on the grade reports correctly and in final form, and submitting them to the department chair within a maximum period of 48 hours from the date of the final exam.


Article 15 a. Students who absent themselves from an announced non-final exam with an excuse must present their excuse to the course instructor within three days from the date of the end of the excuse. If the excuse is accepted, the instructor shall schedule a make-up exam. If, on the other hand, the absence was without an acceptable excuse, students get a “zero” grade in that exam.

  1. Students who absent themselves from an announced final exam of a course without an excuse accepted by the dean of the faculty offering the course get a “zero” grade in that exam.
  2. Taking into consideration Article (10f) of these regulations, the dean of the faculty conveys their decision of accepting the excuse presented by students who absent themselves from an announced final exam of a course to the course instructor to give them a make-up exam, provided that the make-up exam is conducted no later than the second week of the following semester in which the student has enrolled. The dean also conveys their decision to the Director of Admission and Registration to give an incomplete grade. The Incomplete mark is not included in the calculation of the semester or cumulative average or in the total hours passed and the student has to submit their excuse to the faculty dean within a week from the date of the exam they missed.
  3. If a student deferred their study for the semester following the semester in which the absence from the final exam of a course occurred, they must sit the make-up exam in the first semester in which they go back to regular study.
  4. An “Incomplete” grade is given for a course in which the student was absent from its final exam with an acceptable excuse.
  5. If the course instructor has not been informed of the acceptance of the excuse by the time the grades are recorded, the student’s grade in the final exam is recorded as “zero”, and the other course grades are recorded in detail, including the final aggregate total, until a decision is taken concerning the final exam grade.
  6. Taking into consideration articles (c, d, e) if the student does not take the final make-up exam on time, he/she will be assigned a zero in that exam.


Article 16 a. A student can request a review of their grade in the final exam of any course within 7 days at most from the date of announcing the course results. In this case, the dean shall verify that no error was made in the calculation or recording of grades, and that no questions were left uncorrected, by appointing a committee comprised of the dean or anyone whom he deputizes, the head of the department, and the course instructor or one of its instructors. Once the dean is certain of the presence of an error in the calculation or recording of the grade, they shall then correct the error in coordination with the course instructor and the head of the department.

  1. The student shall pay a fee of JD 10 for each final grade review they request.


Article 17 a. The final mark of a course is out of 100 and rounded to the nearest decimal digit.

  1. 1.The cumulative grade average is computed by multiplying the final grade of each course entered into the average by the number of credit hours of that course, and dividing the resulting total of the sums of multiplication by the total number of credit hours.
  2. The semester grade average is the average grade of the courses studied by the student, be they passed or failed, in that semester in accordance with their curriculum.
  3. Taking into consideration Article (19c) of these regulations, the cumulative grade average is the average of all courses studied by the student, be they passed or failed, up to the date of computing that average. All courses contained in their curriculum are entered in the computation of that average.
  4. The semester or cumulative average is rounded to the nearest decimal digit.
  5. 1. The minimum “pass” grade in any course is 50%, and the minimum final grade is 35%, which is the university definition of “zero”.
  6. A verbal description is given below for grade percentages of individual courses:

90 -100% Excellent

80 - 89 % Very Good

70 - 79 % Good

60 - 69 % Fair

50 - 59 % Weak

Below 50 % Fail

  1. A verbal description is given below for semester and cumulative averages:

84 - 100% Excellent

76- 83.9% Very Good

68 - 75.9% Good

60 - 67.9% Fair



Probation and Dismissal from Specialization


Article 18 a. If a student fails to obtain the required 60% cumulative average in a semester, except for the first semester of enrollment at the university or the summer session, the student shall be placed on probation.

  1. 1. Having been placed on probation, the student must remove the effect of that probation by raising the cumulative average to 60% or above within a period of at most two semesters (excluding the summer session) of the date of probation, provided that the student’s credit load does not exceed 15 credit hours unless there is an approval from the dean and the maximum number of credit hours to be permitted is 3.
  2. If a student fails to remove the effect of probation after the elapse of the two designated semesters, the student shall be dismissed from specialization. However, the students who have successfully completed 99 credit hours in the four-year specializations and the students who completed 132 hours in the five-year or more specializations, including the courses that have been transferred from another academic institution, are excluded from this arrangement.
  3. If the student’s cumulative average has been raised to 59.0-59.9% upon the completion of the two semesters referred to in (b1) above, the student shall continue to be on probation to raise their cumulative average to 60% or above, provided that the student does not exceed the period in article 10 of the regulations. The student shall be dismissed if the cumulative average is less than 59.


  1. Taking into consideration items (b2) and (b3) of this article, a student dismissed from specialization for a lower than 59% cumulative average can transfer to the special study program. In this case, they shall be given two semesters, excluding the summer session, to raise their cumulative average to the required minimum average (60%). If they fail to do so, they will be dismissed permanently from specialization.
  2. A student shall be considered as dismissed from the university if
  • their cumulative average falls below 50% in any semester following the first semester of enrollment at the university or in the new major to which they transferred.
  • the maximum duration of study stipulated in article 10 is exceeded.
  • issued a final dismissal decision from the university under a disciplinary penalty.
  1. 1. If a student’s result in any course in a semester was “Incomplete” and hence the student was at the risk of dismissal because of their low cumulative average, the ultimate and definitive decision of dismissal shall be taken as the grades of that semester are completed, and their dismissal shall be effective as of the end of the semester if the cumulative average is not raised to the required limit.
  2. Taking into consideration item (d-1) of this article, a student is allowed to register for other courses in the following semester. If they are dismissed after the grades of all courses studied in the previous semester have been completed, the courses registered for in the following semester will be considered as “special study” courses, according to the instructions for the special study program.
  3. The study program of the student, in this case, is arranged, using a commitment form prepared by the Admission and Registration Department, including the academic status of the student and university regulations.
  4. A student who has been dismissed from a specialization for any reason shall not be eligible for readmission into the same specialization.
  5. Decisions of administrative drop, academic probation, dismissal from specialization, transfer to the special study program, and expulsion from the university shall be executed by the Director of Admission and Registration.
  6. The posting of decisions of academic probation, dismissal from specialization, ultimate expulsion from the university, and any other academic matters concerning students on the bulletin board in the concerned student’s faculty is considered a notification in the legal sense.


Repeating Courses


Article 19 a. Taking into consideration Article (28), a student who gets a “Fail” grade in any compulsory course of their curriculum must repeat that course.

  1. A student may repeat any course of their curriculum to raise their cumulative average.
  2. 1. If a student repeats a course, the higher grade is recorded.
  3. The highest grade shall be calculated in the semester and cumulative average computation.
  4. In the case of a student’s repeating a course, the credit hours of that course shall be included in the required credit hours for graduation only once. A student may not, however, repeat a course they have already passed more than twice.
  5. If a student studied an elective course and received a “Fail” grade in it, and then studied another course to compensate for the failed elective course to fulfill the curriculum requirements, the compensating course shall be considered as repeated for the failed elective course for the purpose of computing their grades in the semester and cumulative average. This procedure is executed immediately after the student has completed the compensating course, and upon their submission of a written statement that this course is compensating for another course and that they will not repeat the compensated-for course another time.
  6. Taking into consideration Article (26) of these regulations, a student who has studied any course or courses at the University and received a “Fail” grade in them, may be allowed to study those courses at another university, recognized by the University. Such courses shall be considered, after they are duly transferred, as repeated courses.


Course and Semester Withdrawal


Article 20 Students are allowed to add/drop courses during the period specified in the university calendar, in which case no “withdrawn” remark is recorded next to the course(s) from which they have withdrawn.


Article 21 a. 1. Students are allowed to withdraw from one or more courses during the first 14 weeks of the regular semester, and the first 6 weeks of the summer session, in which case the “withdrawn” remark is recorded on their transcripts.

  1. Withdrawal, in this case, is completed, using a special form prepared by the Admission and Registration Department. The form shall include the recommendation of both the course instructor and the academic advisor, and be approved by the Director of Admission and Registration.
  2. Taking into consideration article 10, the number of credit hours a student registers for shall not, as a consequence of withdrawal, go below the minimum load of credit hours allowed by these regulations.
  3. Students whose excused absence exceeds 15% of the prescribed hours for all courses in a semester shall be considered “withdrawn” from that semester. Accordingly, the “withdrawn” remark shall be denoted on their transcripts, and their study in that semester shall be considered deferred.
  4. Students have the right to submit a request to the faculty dean to withdraw from all the courses registered in a semester. Upon the consent of the dean, the student’s study in that semester will be considered deferred. Such a request must be submitted within 14 weeks from the beginning of the regular semester and 6 weeks from the beginning of the summer session.


Discontinuation and Deferment of Study


Article 22 a. Taking into consideration item (e) of this article, the maximum period of deferment of study shall not exceed four consecutive or non-consecutive semesters. Excluded from that are students enrolled Co-operative education.

  1. Students may submit a petition to defer their study before the beginning of the semester, but no later than the end of the semester they wish to defer, provided that they provide convincing reasons to the competent authorities entitled to grant approval, upon the recommendation of the concerned head of the department as follows:
  2. The faculty dean, if the requested deferment is not for more than two consecutive or non- consecutive semesters.
  3. The faculty council, if the requested deferment is for a period exceeding two semesters, but not for more than four consecutive or non-consecutive semesters.
  4. If a semester ends while a student is not registered or that semester is not deferred, the registration of that student shall be considered annulled, unless they have submitted a compelling excuse convincing to the competent authorities, and a vacancy is available in their specialization, as follows:
  • The faculty council, if the discontinuation of study has not exceeded two consecutive or non-consecutive semesters.
  • The Deans Council, if the discontinuation of study has exceeded two semesters, but not four consecutive or non-consecutive semesters.


If the competent authority accepts the student’s excuse, the discontinuation of study shall be considered as deferment, and is counted in the maximum period allowed for deferment.


  1. Taking into consideration item (b) of this article, the deferment of study shall not be allowed for new or transfer students unless they have completed one semester of their enrollment in the specialization.
  2. If a disciplinary measure stipulating the cancellation of registration in all courses registered in a semester or the temporary dismissal for a semester or more is inflicted on a student, this semester/these semesters will be considered as deferred, and will be counted in the maximum period allowed for deferment. However, the upper limit for deferment may be overlooked only for the purpose of executing the disciplinary measure.
  3. The deferment period shall not be counted within the maximum period allowed for earning the Bachelor’s Degree.
  4. The Director of Admission and Registration and the concerned department chair shall be informed of the deferment decision.



Article 23 a. Students are allowed to transfer to the university if there is a vacancy available for them, and if they meet the following conditions:

  1. Having a grade average in the General Secondary School Certificate or its equivalent acceptable for admission into the specialization transferred to at the university in the year of obtaining that certificate, or in the year of registration at the university.
  2. Having been transferred from a university, university college, or university institute recognized by the university.
  3. Completing at the university no fewer than half of the credit hours required for graduation in accordance with the curriculum approved at the time of admission.
  4. Having previously attended an institution that follows the regular system which requires attendance.
  5. Having obtained a good-conduct certificate from the university from which they intend to transfer.
  6. A committee shall be established and named “Student Transfer Committee” to review the transfer applications to the university and the transfer applications from one specialization to another at the University according to the conditions in effect and the measures set by this committee. It shall be comprised of a vice president, concerned deans of faculties, and the Director of Admission and Registration.
  7. Course equivalence shall be done by the concerned academic departments to all courses completed by the students in any other university during the first semester of their enrollment at the university. Students may not challenge the decision concerning the courses that have been transferred after the end of their first semester at the university.
  8. Taking into consideration Article (27c) of these regulations, if a student is admitted into the University as a new freshman, and if they have successfully completed courses at another university, university college, university institute, or a community college recognized by the university, and if those courses fall within the curriculum of the specialization in which they were admitted, no more than 50% of the courses in the curriculum of the specialization to which they have transferred shall be counted, without computing their grades in the student’s semester or cumulative average, provided that their grade in each of those courses was not less than 50% or what is equivalent to it.
  9. If a student is admitted as a new freshman at the University, and if that student has successfully completed courses required for earning a degree before they were admitted into the university, and if those courses fall within the curriculum of the new specialization in which they were admitted, those courses shall be reviewed for transfer by the concerned academic departments. The regulations governing course transfer from other institutions shall be applicable in this case concerning the allowed period of time and number and type of credit hours required for graduation.
  10. Transfer petitions shall be submitted to the Admission and Registration Department, which forwards them to the Student Transfer Committee. The committee reviews the petitions and takes a decision of approval/disapproval concerning each one of them.


Article 24 a. Students may transfer from one specialization to another at the university if a vacancy in the specialization to which they wish to transfer is available, provided they have met either of the following two conditions:

  1. Having a grade average in the General Secondary School Certificate or its equivalent that was accepted for admission into the specialization to which they wish to transfer in the year of obtaining that certificate, or in the year in which they wish to transfer.
  2. The grade average required for admission into the specialization to which they wish to transfer, according to the general rules, being equal to or less than the average required for admission into the specialization from which they wish to transfer in the year they were enrolled in that specialization, or in the year in which they wish to transfer.
  3. 1. When a student transfers to another specialization, the courses they select from among the courses they studied in the previous specialization can be counted in and included in the curriculum of the new specialization, and their grades in those courses shall be computed in their cumulative average.
  4. If a student studied a course in the specialization to which they have transferred, and that course had been studied in the previous specialization, and they do not want that course to be counted at the time of transfer, that course shall be considered as a repeated course.
  5. Students may not be allowed to transfer from one specialization to another more than three times.
  6. 1. If a student discontinues their study for a semester because they did not register or because of dismissal from specialization, and wish in the same semester to transfer to another specialization at the university, the discontinuation of study for that semester would be considered as deferment for the purpose of completing the transfer procedures.
  7. As for the student who has been dismissed from a specialization and wishes to transfer to another specialization, and if their discontinuation of study has exceeded one semester, but they have not yet completed the transfer procedures, they shall be considered as dismissed from the university.
  8. A student dismissed from a specialization for a low cumulative average, or prior to the ultimate dismissal from the university while still in the special study program, may be allowed to transfer to another specialization if they meet the conditions mentioned in item (a) of this Article.


Article 25 a. One semester shall be deducted from the upper limit of years allowed for graduation against every 15 credit hours counted for a transfer student, whether the transfer was from within or without the university.

  1. Transfer students shall be considered as new students for the purposes of deferment, probation, and dismissal from specialization.
  2. Transfer applications shall be submitted, according to Article (24a) of these regulations, to the Director of Admission and Registration using the forms prepared for this purpose.
  3. Student petitions for transfer from one specialization to another shall be decided by the concerned faculty deans.


Article 26 a. University students are allowed to study no more than 18 credit hours in any other accredited university, provided that the courses are not offered in the University in that semester or that there is a scheduling conflict that cannot be resolved, and these credits shall be transferred according to the following conditions:

  1. The student shall be regularly enrolled at the University.
  2. The student shall have completed at least 33 credit hours at the University.
  3. The student shall obtain prior written approval of their department chair and the dean of their faculty to study the requested courses. A written notice to this effect shall be conveyed to the Director of Admission and Registration prior to the commencement of study at the other university.
  4. These credits shall be transferred if the student has passed them and obtained a minimum grade of “Fair” or 50% or its equivalent, and studied them in a regular program of study requiring attendance, but they shall not be computed in their cumulative average.
  5. These credits shall not be studied in the last semester before graduation.
  6. The number of credit hours a student must study at the University shall not, subsequently, go below 50% of the required courses in their curriculum.
  7. Should a student’s graduation be contingent upon studying a course or two at the most, whose credit hours do not exceed 6 hours, and these courses are not offered in the semester at the end of which they are expected to graduate, the student may be allowed to study this course/these courses in another accredited and recognized university in the last semester before graduation after obtaining a written approval from the dean.
  8. University students are allowed to study up to 36 credit hours in another university on the basis of an agreement between it and the University in accordance with the conditions set forth in items 1-6 of paragraph A of this article.


Bachelor’s Degree Requirements

Article 27 The Bachelor’s Degree shall be awarded upon the fulfillment of the following requirements:

  1. 1. Passing all of the courses required for graduation in the curriculum of the specialization in which the student was registered.
  2. Obtaining a cumulative average no less than 60%.
  3. Fulfilling all other requirements of the curriculum according to which the student graduates.
  4. Spending the minimum period required for obtaining the Bachelor’s Degree, and not exceeding the maximum limit, as stipulated in Article (10) of these regulations.
  5. As for the transfer student and the new student, for whom a number of courses have been transferred, they shall successfully complete at the university no less than 50% of the credit hours required for graduation in the curriculum approved at the time of admission, including the last two semesters of study.


General Rules

Article 28 A graduating student is required to be registered at the University in the graduation semester, and is also required to get clearance from the University to complete the graduation procedure.


Article 29 a. 1. Should a student’s graduation be contingent upon studying a course or two, and these courses are not offered or are conflicting with other courses in the semester in which they are expected to graduate, the faculty dean shall allow the student, in consultation with the department chair, to study one or two alternative courses, provided that the Director of Admission and Registration is advised in writing of this arrangement.

  1. The credit hours of the alternative courses shall be equal to or more than the total number of credit hours of the original course (s) and the alternative course shall be in a field of knowledge related to the student's specialization.
  2. The student shall be treated as a graduate student in the second semester if the student has only field training left to graduate in the summer semester.
  3. Taking into consideration item 2 in this article, the council may approve that the student (for health reasons or compelling circumstances approved by the council) study one or two alternatives.


  1. Should a student’s graduation be contingent upon passing a single course that has been unsuccessfully studied three or more times, the faculty dean may, upon a recommendation from the chair of the department concerned, allow the student to study an alternative course of the same level, and of the same number of credit hours, provided that their cumulative average is 60% or above.
  2. If a student has exhausted the period of time allowed for obtaining the Bachelor’s Degree, and if it is theoretically possible for them to complete the graduation requirements in one additional semester, the Council of Deans may, upon a recommendation from the chair of the department concerned, the dean of the faculty, and the Director of Admission and Registration, grant this chance to the student.


Article 30 The dean of the faculty, in which a student is enrolled, may, upon a recommendation from the Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Communication, allow the student who is not competent in Arabic or who did not study Arabic in the Secondary School Certificate to replace the “Arabic Communication Skills” course by the “Arabic as a Second Language” course.


Article 31 If a student is admitted in a specialization after they have taken a number of courses in the special study program at the University, and if these courses are included in the curriculum of the specialization in which they have been admitted, the courses they choose from among them shall be entered into their record along with their grades, which will be computed in his/her cumulative average, provided the following conditions are met:

  1. The number of credit hours entered into the student’s record may not exceed 36 hours.
  • One semester from the maximum time limit for graduation shall be deducted for each 15 credit hours entered.
  1. If a student studied a special study course in the specialization in which they were admitted, and they did not wish this course to be counted at the time of admission, this course will be considered as a repeated course.


Article 32 If a student studied a course as an alternative for a course which they had failed, the alternative course and the original course shall be treated in the same way repeated courses are dealt with concerning their grades.


Article 33 Students may, if they so wish, study no more than 18 credit hours from the courses offered by the university over and above the requirements of their curriculum, provided they are not computed in their semester and cumulative average.


Article 34 A student may, upon the approval of the dean of their faculty, postpone their graduation for one semester, including the summer session, for the purpose of raising their cumulative average, taking into consideration the articles dealing with repeating courses, and not exceeding the maximum time limit for study, provided that a petition is submitted by the student prior to the issuance of the Council of Deans’ decision concerning their graduation.


Article 35 Diplomas shall be awarded upon the fulfillment of graduation requirements at the end of each semester, including the summer session.


Article 36 No objection shall be accepted on the basis of the student’s being unaware of these regulations, the university publications and circulars posted on bulletin boards or the university website (, or the e-mails dispatched to them via the address provided to the Admission and Registration Department as regards these regulations.


Article 37 The Council of Deans shall decide on all cases not covered by these regulations. The council may delegate this authority to a committee called Students Issues Action Committee. The committee is headed by the President or his delegate, the Dean concerned, the Dean of Student Affairs and the Director of Admission and Registration.


Article 38 Faculty deans and the Director of Admission and Registration are responsible for the execution of these regulations.


Article 39 These regulations cancel any previous regulations for awarding the bachelor’s degree in the University.


AUM Regulations for Awarding the Bachelor’s Degree

D.C. Decision No. 91 / 18 / 2018-2019Jan. 30, 2019

Tel. +962 5 329 4444 – Fax +962 2 329 4445

P.O. Box 99- Madaba 17110- E-mail: –

Rule Title
Regulations for Scientific Research
Rule Body


Regulations for Scientific Research

at the American University of Madaba No (20) of 2014


Issued on the Basis of Article “17-B-11” of the Law of Jordanian Universities

No. 20 of 2009 and its Amendments


Chapter 1

Definitions, Objectives, and Authorities


Article 1          These regulations shall be named “Regulations for Scientific Research at the American University of Madaba of 2014”. They shall go into effect after they have been duly approved by the Deans Council.


Article 2      The words and phrases below shall have, wherever they appear in these regulations, their specified meaning unless otherwise indicated in context:

                        University                   American University of Madaba

                        President                     President of the University

                        Faculty                                    Any of the University faculties

                        Center                         Any of the University centers

                        Dean                            Dean of Scientific Research

                        Council                        Scientific Research Council at the University

                        Committee                  Scientific Research Committee in the Faculty

Researcher                   A person who undertakes doing research within the framework of these regulations, whether they are faculty members, full-time lecturers, or staff, individually or jointly undertaking the research project as the principal researcher

Research                      Any material published in a refereed journal, periodical, or series

Author                         Any University faculty member applying for support to have a research article or book published

Book                           Any study, authored material, translation, or verified text of an original manuscript, or printed material to be published in one volume or more


Article 3   a) These regulations aim at organizing, encouraging, supporting, following up, and publishing scientific research.

  1. b) ‘Scientific Research Support’ in these regulations is intended to refer to all various means of financial, moral, and human support provided to the researcher by the University.
  2. c) Priority in supporting scientific research shall be given to scientific research projects that serve the University objectives.


Article 4        a) The Council shall consist of the Dean, as chair, and representatives of University faculties, as members, to be appointed by the President for a two-year term subject to renewal only once.

  1. b) The President may, upon a recommendation from the Dean, appoint one or two members from the concerned local community institutions in the Council for a one-year term subject to renewal only once.
  2. c) The Council may invite any person to attend its meetings to participate in its deliberations but with no voting privileges.


Article 5          The Council shall assume the following authorities and responsibilities:

  1. a) Proposing the general policy for scientific research at the University and ways to carry it out, and drawing plans for scientific research and presenting them before the Deans Council to approve them.
  2. b) Preparing plans or needed instructions for organizing scientific research affairs, encouraging, coordinating, supporting, following up, evaluating and publishing it.
  3. c) Drawing instructions and conditions necessary for reserving University and author copyrights related to research projects and their outcomes as long as they are not in conflict with patent, writing, and publication copyrights effective in Jordan.
  4. d) Discussing the annual budget and balance sheet for scientific research.
  5. e) Supervising the issuance of journals or periodicals concerned with the publication of specialized scientific research articles.
  6. f) Recommending to the President to grant financial support for research projects, publication of books and research articles, works of art, and manuscripts.
  7. g) Any other business related to scientific research.


Article 6   The Dean shall assume the following authorities and responsibilities:

  1. a) Carrying out University policy concerning scientific research support and publication.
  2. b) Preparing the annual budget for scientific research and submitting it to the Deans Council for approval.
  3. c) Seeking to find out external resources to finance scientific research.
  4. d) Establishing a database about scientific research at the University.
  5. e) Submitting an annual report about scientific research activities at the University.
  6. f) Supervising the Deanship of Scientific Research page on the University website and posting data and information that may be helpful to faculty members on it, thus reflecting a positive image about the deanship’s activities.
  7. g) Drawing criteria to observe and assure ethics in scientific research, thereby enhancing the level of research outcomes of the University.
  8. f) Any other business related to scientific research.


Article 7       The President may, upon the recommendation of the Council, award incentives and appreciative rewards to distinguished researchers and valuable scientific research projects.


Article 8    Financial resources to support scientific research at the University shall consist of two main resources:

  1. a) University scientific research budget.
  2. b) External resources devoted to scientific research in line with the University bylaws and regulations.


Article 9       The University shall provide the appropriate environment and tools necessary for the advancement of academic research by providing faculty members with all they need in terms of time, space, equipment, and library services, among others, to conduct scientific research.


Article 10     At the beginning of the academic year, each faculty shall establish a committee for scientific research to encourage and supervise research activities in the faculty. This committee shall be comprised of the dean of the faculty, or whomever deputized by them, as chair, and include in its membership a representative of each department in that faculty. In case there are no academic departments in the faculty, the faculty council shall establish a three-member committee for scientific research from amongst its members. The dean of the faculty shall inform the Dean of all research activities taking place in their faculty.


Article 11 a) The faculty dean shall, in coordination with the scientific research committee in their faculty, prepare the annual research budget draft and submit it to the Dean.

  1. b) The Dean shall prepare the University research budget draft in light of the annual research budget drafts submitted by faculty deans and center directors and submit it to the Council for consideration before submitting it to the President for approval.
  2.       c) The Deans Council shall decide the annual budget for scientific research at the University.






Chapter 2

Supporting Research from University Budget


Article 12 The duration of research projects shall not exceed a period of three years at the most, provided that the request for project support include itemization of the support on an annual basis.


Article 13 The Council shall prepare a form for scientific research support request, provided it take the following into consideration:

  1. The name of the principal researcher and names of co-researchers, their academic departments, academic ranks, and date of appointment at the University.
  2. A description of the research project they intend to undertake, including the research title, its goals, and its relationship with University objectives.
  3. A brief summary of what has previously been achieved in the field of this research and what the researcher is hoping to achieve.
  4. The researcher’s experience in the subject of the research project and related fields.
  5. A list of references, equipment, materials and facilities needed for the project, what is available and unavailable at the University, costs, times for using them, expenditure venues, and a detailed illustration of how to provide the unavailable materials.


Article 14 a. The researcher submits the application for scientific research support to the head of their department, who shall in turn submit it to the dean of the faculty. The dean of the faculty shall refer the application to the scientific research committee in the faculty to make a recommendation on the research project, and then to the Dean. The whole process must be completed within a period of three weeks at the most.

  1. The Council may refer the research projects submitted to it to whomever they consider competent for evaluating them, and it shall recommend to the President the amount of the allowance to be awarded to the referee on the basis of regulations issued by the Council.
  2.     The Council shall look into the submitted project and recommend to the President the amount of the financial support to be granted to it for his approval.
  3. The researcher must submit progress reports to the Dean on the progress made towards the completion of the research project at times specified in the support decision.

Article 15    a.  The financial support offered to research projects from the scientific research budget at the University covers the following:

  1. Allowances for research assistants.
  2. Printing, stationary and publishing costs.
  3. Incentives for researchers and experts (provided that the researcher does not receive any incentives until the research project has been completed and the final report has been accepted, and that the incentive does not exceed 15% of his/her university monthly salary for the duration of the approved research period).
  4. Technical services, whether available or not at the University.
  5. Costs of references.
  6. Costs of laboratory equipment, tools, computer sets, programming, and technical equipment, among others.
  7. Supplies and consumables.
  8. Travel, transportation and accommodation expenses, provided they do not exceed 30% of the total financial support of the project.
  9. Miscellaneous items, provided they do not exceed 2% of the total financial support of the project.
  10. Transfer of one item to another of the research project budget may be done upon a recommendation from the Council and the approval of the President.
  11. Allowances for University research assistants shall be determined in accordance with the University financial bylaws and regulations.


Article 16 Research projects submitted by any of the University administrative staff may be considered for financial support, in which case the research project support application shall be submitted to the department director who will recommend to the Dean to have it reviewed by the Council.


Article 17 All references, equipment, programs, supplies, and tools that are bought from the scientific research budget shall become the property of the University.


Article 18 a. The researcher shall provide the department chair and both the committee chair and the dean of the faculty with a hard and soft copy of the final report, and the dean of the faculty shall in turn submit it to the Dean.

  1. The Dean shall send the final report for evaluation, and he shall, on the basis of that evaluation, recommend acceptance or not of that report. In case of non-acceptance, the report shall be sent back to the researcher to make all modifications or additions suggested by the referee.
  2.                 The researcher has the right to publish their research results in the way that they choose, but they must acknowledge the support given to them by the University by adding the following sentence in the acknowledgement section: ”This research project received financial support from the Deanship of Scientific Research at the American University of Madaba.”
  3. The article(s) resulting from the supported research project and published in an international scientific refereed journal shall be considered as the final report and does not, therefore, need any evaluation.

Article 19 Scientific research support shall be suspended or claimed back by a decision issued by the President upon a recommendation from the Council in any of the following cases:

  1. a) Not completing the research project in its designated stages without any excuse acceptable to the Council.
  2. b) Spending amounts of money for other than the items decided upon.
  3. c) The Council’s conviction of the failure of the researcher to carry out the research project.


Article 20      The President may, upon a recommendation from the faculty dean, reduce the teaching load of the faculty member who has submitted a research project and has received the Council’s approval. Load reduction shall be commensurate with the nature and demands of the research project.


Article 21        The President may, upon a recommendation from the Dean, approve of hosting a full-time researcher from outside the University to join a University research team undertaking a research project that has been approved by the Council.


Chapter 3

Supporting Scientific Research from External Resources


Article 22     These resources include the following types of grants that have been approved by the Board of Trustees:

  • Unconditional grants to be awarded for scientific research at the University
  1. Conditional grants paid to the University to undertake scientific research in certain fields and topics.
  2. Grants from outside the University awarded to the researcher to undertake a certain research project under the University supervision. The University shall be committed to letting the researcher benefit from its references, equipment, and other facilities.


Article 23   The grants stated in paragraph (a) of Article (22) above shall be entered into the scientific research section of the University budget, and shall be subject to the provisions of Articles (12-19) above. The University shall not, however, deduct any amounts of money against the administrative costs or the cost of using University facilities.


Article 24         a. The grants mentioned in paragraphs (b and c) of Article (22) above shall be part of the scientific research budget and shall be subject to the provisions stated in Articles (14-19) of these regulations as long as they are not in conflict with the grant conditions accepted by the University.

  1. The University shall deduct 15% of the aggregate amount of the grants referred to in paragraph (a) of this article against the administrative expenses and using the University facilities.

Article 25         If the grant included an amount dedicated to the researcher’s stipend for extra work or work during holidays, that stipend shall be expended in accordance with the grant conditions and itemizations, if available, including the per diems stated in the grant to be awarded in accordance with the grant conditions or with the effective bylaws and regulations of the University.


Article 26         The University has the right to cooperate with external bodies in undertaking research projects and studies for the benefit of those bodies or on their behalf. The University also has the right to request faculty members or full-time lecturers to participate in those research projects and studies, and they shall be subject to the provisions of Articles (14-19) and Article (24) of these regulations as to their incentives.

Chapter 4

Supporting Publication of Research and Participation in Scientific Conferences

Article 27     a) Publication of research articles, books, works of art, and manuscripts authored by one or more of the University faculty/staff may be supported.

  1. b) The University shall allot an amount in the annual budget of scientific research for supporting scientific publication.
  2.            c) The Dean shall recommend to the President the methods of expending the allowances of scientific publication at the University.

Article 28         The Council shall prepare a form for “Publication Support” including the following:

  1. a) Author’s name, department, academic rank, and the appointment date.
  2. b) Title of the research article, book, work of art, or manuscript whose publication is to be supported.
  3. c) The actual or estimated expenses for the publication of the research article, book, work of art, or manuscript.


Article 29     Should an author submit an application for supporting a research article that has been accepted for publication in a journal, periodical or series of an international scientific status and recognized by the University, and whose publisher requested them to contribute towards the expenses of printing and publishing, the contribution shall be paid to the publisher upon a recommendation from the Council to the President, provided that the author acknowledges the University’s contribution towards the publication of their research.


Article 30     a) If an author applied for supporting the publication of a book, they must attach three copies of the book manuscript in its final form.

  1. b) The Council shall refer the book manuscript to at least two referees of the scientific status and expertise in the subject of the book.
  2. c) The referee shall be paid the allowance recommended by the Council and approved by the President.
  3.             d) The referee shall be requested to express their view in the following:
  4.         Up-to-dateness, integrity, and originality of the book
  5. Scientific value of the reviewed text of a printed manuscript
  6. Research style
  7. Writing style, language, presentation, and classification
  8. Scientific investigation
  9. Translation method and accuracy


Article 31       The following rules shall be adopted for supporting the publication of books:

a) Books recommended by referees shall be supported by a maximum of JD 3000.

b) The author must submit a statement testifying that the book to be considered for support has not been published earlier, partially or completely.

c) The author must acknowledge the University’s contribution towards the publication of their book by writing the following statement on their book’s inside and outside covers: ”The publication of this book was supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research of the American University of Madaba”.

d) The author shall be responsible for the proofreading of the book.

e) The author shall notify the Council chair in writing of the issuance of the book and shall send a copy of this notification to the Library Director.

f) Upon the completion of the publication of the book, the author shall provide the Deanship of Scientific Research with fifty copies of their publication free of charge for purposes of keeping, presenting and exchanging them.

Article 32      The University may assign the writing of a book to an author, and may then send it out to referees to evaluate its suitability for publication upon meeting all conditions of the specified purpose, to become one of the University publications in accordance with what is mentioned in Article (34) of these regulations.


Article 33      The University may, upon a decision by the Deans Council on the basis of a recommendation from the Council, publish a valuable book or an outstanding translation at its own expense, within a series of the University publications. This kind of publication includes the following works:

  1. a) Research works supported and refereed by the University
  2. b) Revised and refereed books, research articles, studies, and manuscripts which include a substantial addition to human knowledge or whose publication serves the University goals
  3. c) Valuable translations transferring a significant aspect of human knowledge from and into Arabic and English after being refereed
  4. d) Scientific works, works of art, manuscripts, studies, and research articles that are assigned by the University to one or more people to undertake after being refereed by one or more specialized people
  5. e) Conference proceedings held at the University after being refereed

Article 34   The following principles are adopted for University publications:

  1. a) Number of copies for each publication shall be decided by the Council.
  2. b) Author(s) shall be given a reward decided by the President on the basis of regulations issued by the Council.
  3. c) Author(s) shall be given up to 15% of the number of copies to be published on the basis of a decision issued by the Council.


Article 35      The following principles are adopted for attending international scientific conferences:

  • The conference should be refereed and indexed
  1. The researcher should present a proof that their research has been refereed and accepted for participation in the conference.
  • It is not accepted that the same research is presented at more than one conference.
  1. The researcher should have worked for the University no less than two semesters or one semester in justifiable cases.
  • Priority is given to researchers who have not been travelled to attend conferences.
  1. Faculty members are not allowed to attend more than one conference outside Jordan in a single year.
  2. The acceptance of the research should be based on the entire research completed project and not only on the abstract.
  3. If the research is derived from students’ course projects or graduation projects then the names of the students concerned should be placed on the research project.
  4. The conferences attended should be organized by one of the following,
  • A scientific foundation
  • A scientific association
  • Scientific society
  • Accredited University that is prestigious and well reputed.
  1. The conference attended should be one that is held regularly and the times that it has been held is no less than five times except when it fulfills the conditions of item (i).
  2. The President decides whether the participation in a conference should be supported based on the recommendation of the Dean of the respective faculty given that the support is up to,
  • 2000 JD for countries of North American, Canada, East Asia and Australia.
  • 1300 JD for countries of Europe and North Africa.
  • 900 JD for the rest of the Arab countries.

The amount of exemptions, per diems, air tickets granted by the sponsor of the conferences or any other agency is taken into account.

  1. Upon their return from the conference, attendees should present to the Dean of their faculties a detailed report on their participation in the conference attached to a copy of the published paper in the conference



Chapter 5

General Principles


Article 36     Financial support for research projects or publication shall be decided as follows:

  1. By a decision from the President upon a recommendation from the Dean if the amount of support does not exceed JD 1000.
  2. By a decision from the President upon a recommendation from the Council if the amount of support does not exceed JD 20000.
  3. By a decision from the Deans Council upon a recommendation from the Council if the amount of support exceeds JD 20000.


Article 37   If a researcher/author jointly worked with other researchers/ authors from other scientific institutions, this must be done in accordance with a joint agreement approved by the President upon the recommendation of the Council, provided that it determines the responsibilities, duties, financial and logistic contributions, and rights of all parties. 

Article 38     The President may approve the establishment of incubators for scientific research in which assistance is provided for the development of scientific and technological research projects into development projects that may benefit the economic sectors through the transfer of technology or the transfer of ideas to those sectors.

 Article 39   The Deans Council shall decide on holding specialized conferences, workshops and seminars at the University, and shall also decide on the amount of financial support to be deducted from the scientific research budget at the University. 

Article 40   The President shall decide on the participation of University employees in international conferences and conventions which aim at the development of academic, research, technical and administrative work at the University. This kind of participation shall be covered by the scientific research budget at the University. 

Article 41     All administrative and financial transactions related to supporting scientific research and its publication shall be subject to the bylaws, regulations, and administrative and financial decisions in effect at the University. 

Article 42   The President, the Dean, and deans of faculties shall be responsible for the implementation of these regulations.  


Rule Title
Regulations of the Center for Consultation
Rule Body

Regulations of the Center for Consultation,

Studies, & Training at the American University

Of Madaba

Instruction Number (12) for the Year 2017

Instructions of the Center for Consultation, Studies, Training at the

American University of Madaba


Article (7) of the Jordanian Universities Law Number 20 of the year 2009 and

its amendments


Article (1):

These instructions are called the "Instructions of the Center for Consultation, Studies and

Training at the American University in Madaba" and are effective from the date of their approval

by the Board ofTrustees.

Article (2):

The following words, wherever stated in these Instructions, shall have the meanings assigned to

them below unless otherwise indicated by the context:

Board ofTrustees:




Chairman of the Council:



Article (3):

Board of Trustees ofthe University

American University of Madaba

Center for Consultation, Studies and Training

President ofthe University

Chairman of the Center's Council

Council of the Center

Director of the Center

The Center is an administrative department affiliated with the President or his deputy, and the

University's regulations and instructions apply to it.

Article ( 4):

The Center aims at providing consultation services, holding training courses, conducting studies

for the public and private sectors in Jordan and abroad, and holding seminars and conferences in

all areas within the university's potential.

Article (5):

The Center shall carry out its tasks and activities in accordance with an annual plan prepared by

the Council in light of the needs of the society and the contractual parties benefiting from the

service, and shall be effective after its approval by the Board of Trustees:

The Center undertakes the following tasks:

  1. Strengthening relations with the local, Arab and international community to disseminate the

University's mission.

  1. Issuing and documenting scientific publications.
  2. Providing consultations, studies, & services to ministries, institutions, companies and

individuals, and supervising their organization and implementation.

  1. Holding courses, programs, workshops, seminars and conferences that fall within its


  1. Following up on the implementation of the agreements between the university and other

institutions regarding the center.

  1. Establishing a database for the University for educational, scientific, research and

consultation purposes.

  1. Conducting tests, analysis, & measurements and issuing reports with results.

Article (6):

  1. The council composed of nine members as follows:
  2. The Chairman of the Council for two years appointed by the President.
  3. The Director for one year.
  4. Five ofthe university staff with specializations related to the work ofthe center appointed

by the president of which three are academics.

  1. Two of the experienced and competent in the work of the Center from outside the

university appointed by the President for a year based on the recommendation of the

Chairman of the Council.

  1. When forming the Council for the first time, three of the members mentioned in item (3) of

this Article shall be appointed for one year and the rest of the members for a period of two

years to ensure continuity of expertise in the Council.

Article (7):

The Council shall assume the following duties:

  1. Preparing the Center's work plan.
  2. Approving contracts and agreements concluded by the Center with the beneficiaries.
  3. Making any suggestions and recommendations to the President related to supporting the

Center's work, raising its level, and promoting it.

  1. Discussing the draft budget of the Center and submitting it to the President through the

Director in coordination with the Chairman of the Council for approval as appropriate.


  1. Discussing the annual report of the Center or any reports presented by the Director in

coordination with the Chairman of the Council and submitting them to the President.

  1. Taking care of any other matters presented by the Chairman of the Council.

Article (8):

The Chairman of the Council shall assume the powers vested in him by these instructions

delegated to him by the President and shall exercise the following duties in particular:

  1. Representing the Center with the official and non-official bodies outside the university.
  2. Providing the necessary requirements to enable the Center to achieve its objectives.
  3. Communicating with concerned authorities inside and outside the Kingdom to activate the

Center's work.

  1. Signing the agreements and contracts after their approval by the Council.

Article (9):

The Council shall meet at the invitation of its Chairperson once a month or whenever the need


Article (10):

The President shall appoint, on the recommendation of the chairman of the Council, a Director of

the Center with experience for a renewable one year.

Article (11):

The Director shall undertake the following tasks:

  1. Managing the center's affairs and directly supervising the implementation of its plan.
  2. Representing the Center with the parties related to its work.
  3. Prepare the draft budget of the Center and submitting it to the Council for discussion.
  4. Preparing a draft contracts and agreements between the Center and the beneficiaries.
  5. Issuing publications on the Center, its objectives and activities.
  6. Preparing lists of scientific competencies available in and outside the university capable of

providing services to beneficiaries.

  1. Assigning persons to carry out consultations, technical studies, training courses and services

necessary for the work of the Center.

  1. Submitting an annual report on the work of the Center at the end of each year to the Council

and any other reports requested by the Council.

  1. Executing any other work assigned to him by the Council.

Article (12):

The Center provides consultations, technical studies and services in accordance with agreements

concluded with the beneficiaries based on the rules and conditions determined by the Council.

This article applies to the courses that require this condition.

Article (13):

Consultations, studies and services shall not be provided by faculty or staff members without the

knowledge of the Center. With the approval of the President after consulting with the council,

tasks that do not conform to the nature of the Center's work may be excluded.

Article (14):

The consultation, technical studies and services at the center are assigned to:

  1. Staff members and employees ofthe university.
  2. Staff assigned to the Center for this purpose.
  3. 3. Any person with the necessary skills and expertise from outside the university that the

Center believes the need to cooperate with.

Article (15):

The income of the Center consists of:

  1. Proceeds of consultations, studies, services, training courses and software development.
  2. Donations, grants, aids, supports, and any revenues accepted in accordance with the

University's laws, regulations and instructions.

  1. The amounts allocated by the University in its annual budget.

Article (16):

  1. Consultations, studies and training courses carried out within the university, using its

properties, services or employees, are dealt with as follows:

  1. Direct and indirect costs for each consultation, study or training course shall be deducted

from the total income.

  1. 2. The remaining sum is distributed as follows: 20% for the Center and 80% for those who

were assigned to consult, study or train.

  1. Consultations, studies and training courses carried out within the university without the use

of its property, services or employees are dealt with by deducting 20% of their total revenues

for the Center and the rest shall be allocated to those who have been commissioned to consult,

study or train.

  1. All revenues exceeding the cost of the Center's work, including the University's allocations,

are used in the expansion and development process and the addition of new facilities. The

Board of Trustees may, in justified cases, transfer some of the surplus revenues to the

University's budget to be used for purposes other than the Center's objectives.

Article (17):

  1. The Director shall form a committee of the staff of the Center under his leadership or

appointed representative to determine the cost of each program and the fee to participate in it

in the light of its duration and cost. In all cases, the total fees of the program shall not be less

than its direct costs plus 20% thereof.

  1. The University shall pay the fees for the participation of its employees in the courses closely

related to their work held by the Center upon the approval of the President provided that each

of them receives the certificate of the course, otherwise the participant shall pay the full

subscription fee. The Center, with the approval of the President, shall hold special training

programs for the employees of the University upon the request of the Dean or the concerned

director. Such fees shall be collected from the faculty or department allowances.

  1. The siblings of the university employees shall be given a 50% discount on the participation

fees for the training courses.

Article (18):

Upon the recommendation of the director and the approval of the President, the wages of the

lecturers and the trainers, and the rewards of the assignees to consultations, studies, training

courses and research shall be paid according to the contract agreed between the parties.

Article (19):

Fees paid by those wishing to join the Center's programs and courses are refunded if the program

cannot be held on time.

Article (20):

The financial department shall collect the fees for participation in the courses and follow up the

financial Center transactions by collecting the funds and paying the related liabilities.

Article (21):

An advance payment of petty expenses in the name of the Director or his representative is made

to spend on the Center's activities, and it will be settled as appropriate.

Article (22):

The Board of Trustees shall decide in cases not provided for in these instructions.

Article (23):

The President, the Chairman of the Council and the Director are responsible for implementing these instructions.

Rule Title
Student Academic Records
Rule Body

Student Academic Records at AUM 2019

Student Academic Records


Article (1):

The Student Academic Records will be updated with a new transcript at the end of each semester.


Article (2):

A Student’s Academic Records includes the following documents:

  1. AUM application form obtained from the Admission and Registration Office.
  2. An official Jordanian general secondary education certificate or its equivalent.
  3. A copy of the candidate’s valid passport.
  4. A certified copy of candidate’s birth certificates and personal identification card (for Jordanians)
  5. A copy of the military service booklet or exemption certificate (for Jordanians)
  6. Two recent passports sized colored photos.
  7. An official record of satisfactory civic conduct.


Students Transcript

Article (3):

Students may obtain transcripts of their educational records from the Admission and Registration Office. The university will not issue a transcript that reflects only part of the student’s academic records.

  1. Each student is entitled to a free transcript issued at the end of each semester.
  2. For any additional transcript, a fee of (10 JD) will be charged.
  3. Transcript will not be issued for any current student, alumni or former student of AUM that has a past-due account with the university until an approved arrangement has been forwarded to the registration office.
  4. The official transcript will be issued only upon the student’s signed request, and the transcript will not be handed to any other person without student’s own authorization.


Student Academic Records Privacy and Policy

Article (4):

Students’ Academic Records are the source from where students’ personal information can be obtained.

A student’s academic record is considered to be a confidential document. Nobody is allowed to access the file except the student, AUM President, Vice President, Dean, Deputy Dean, Head of the department, and the Registrar General.


Article (5):

The University may disclose general information without prior notice or written Consent from the student. Such information is limited only to the following; student’s name, degree received, major of study, and any awards that the student may have received while at the University.



Article (6):

The student has the right to update, and review all related documents which are kept in his/her academic record.


Article (7):

The University may release information other than general information upon written consent from the student. This consent must specify the information that is to be disclosed by the University, and provide the names and addresses of the individuals or institutions, to which the disclosure is to be made.


Article (8):

The University reserves the right to disclose the student’s academic records to the student’s parents, and/or to any private or public authority that might be sponsoring the student.


Article (9):

For safety purposes, the original students’ records are maintained in a fireproof cabinet and stored in one central office. An electronic copy of the records is stored in a different building.


Article (10):

A backup of the database of the registration system is stored in alternating servers. This backup is updated weekly.

Rule Title
Special Procedures for the study plan
Rule Body


Special Procedures for Designing
the Study Plan and Setting up or Closing majors
at the American University of Madaba for the year 2019 and its amendments *
Issued by the Council of Deans according to Article (16) of the Jordanian
Universities Law No. (18) of 2018


Study Plan

The study plan should include the following:

  1. The Academic Curriculum  which is set for each course includes the number of  hours for lectures, the number of weekly laboratory hours and/or practical hours, credit hours, Pre-requisite and/or co-requisite with each course)
  2.  Credit-hour definition: Each credit hour is calculated based on no less than one hour ( 50 minutes) per week in a semester of 16 weeks. However, each lab/practical credit hour is at least two hours per week in a semester of 16 weeks   
  3. Description of the courses.
  4. The advisory plan.
  5. Learning and teaching flow: Learning/teaching strategies
  6. The correlation matrix among the courses, the core competencies, learning objectives,  learning outcomes, and assessment strategies, linking syllabus with course ILOs.
  7. Distributing the courses based on the knowledge areas specified by related bodies in Jordan and the USA.


New Majors

  1. The concerned faculty dean forms a committee to present a draft of a study plan for the new specialization, provided that the following are taken into consideration:
  1. Competencies, learning objectives, and Learning Outcomes
  2. Knowledge areas as indicated by Jordanian AQACHEI
  3. Accreditation standards in terms of the Credit Hours per a study plan:  15% of the total number of   credit hours of the study plan are  Faculty requirements, 60% of the  total  number of the credit hours are   Department requirements (compulsory, elective, and ancillary courses), and a maximum of 6 credit hours as free electives. University requirements must account for a maximum of 27 credit hours and a minimum of 21 credit hours
  4. Comparison and benchmarking against  similar plans in American universities
  5. Market Feasibility study  to assess the need of the new major and identify potential markets.

The committee is encouraged to seek the assistance of the expertise of any party from outside the University and students related to the fulfillment of the tasks required of it.

  1. The Dean, upon the Faculty Council's recommendation, seeks the approval of the Council of Deans based on the recommendation of the Study Plan Committee.

      Upon approval of the Council of Deans;

  1. The recommended specialization is then sent out to the Board of Trustees for approval.
  2. The University shall formally apply for approval by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and shall provide required documentation that includes at least (Approval decisions by (the Faculty Council, Council of Deans and Board of Trustees), market study, study plan, suggested  faculty members for the new specialization).
  3. The University shall apply for approval  from  the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission for Higher Education Institutions and approval from the Registration and/or accreditation bodies of the USA


Modification and enhancement to the study plan

Programs are periodically evaluated for continuous academic improvement, for meeting the emerging market needs and exponentially changing world.

  1. The concerned department council reviews the study plan with all its components at least once every four to five years in accordance with the minimum study period of   specialization for the purpose of continuous development and sustainable amendment to stay competitive and relevant to the societal and market needs; taking into account the input from:
  • Requiremetnse of the Accreditation Associations
  • Student exit survey
  • Employers and/or internal and external reviewers
  • Course Assessment
  1. Amendments to the study plans are requested by the Department, approved by the Faculty Council to be approved by the Council of Deans by a DC’s decision based on the recommendation of the Study Plan Committee, the recommendation of the Faculty Council and the Department Council concerned.
  2. In case the total number of credit hours of the study plan is decreased or increased as deemed appropriate, the Board of Trustees shall make the final decision upon the recommendation of the Deans' council.


Discontinue a Major

Discontinuation of an existing Major will be subject to the following sequence of approval processes regardless of the initiator of the request, whether it is the administration of the University or the Department that provides the major

A comprehensive report of the major is submitted to the Council of Deans, including at a minimal level:

  1. Reasons for Discontinuation and a Closure Analysis
  2. A well-structured plan of the students’ remaining credit hours to help them finish the program
  3. Cohorts graduated
  4. Laboratories, drawing studios, workshops, and other program-specific facilities used by the program
  5. Faculty members appointed in the Department


The Board of Trustees shall make the final decision on the Discontinuation of the program, upon the recommendation of the Deans council

Upon the Board's approval, The University shall inform the relevant authorities  of the decision:

  1. The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Jordan
  2. Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission for Higher Education Institutions in Jordan
  3. New Hampshire Higher Education Commission in the USA


AUM is committed to remaining students in the major that is to be discontinued and will provide the required courses and faculty to ensure the completion of the remaining courses and graduation of students, but meanwhile will stop new enrollments.

Student Records of a discontinued major are subject to "Student Academic Records" regulations 



Deans Council and the Director of Admission and Registration are responsible for implementing these procedures.

Rule Title
Regulations for Student Associations
Rule Body

Regulations for Student Associations no. (12 ) for the year 2019

Issued in accordance to article (36) of the Amended Jordanian University’s Law no. (18) for the year 2019


Article (1):

These regulations shall be titled: “AUM Regulations for Student Associations no (12) for the year 2019” and shall be effective as of its date of approval by the university council.


Article (2):

Unless the context indicates otherwise, the following terms and expressions, whenever mentioned herein, shall have the herein under designated meanings:


University:               The American University of Madaba

Council:                     The University Council

President:                  The University’s President

Faculty:                    A Faculty within the university

Dean:                       The Dean of a Faculty

Student Association: The student association which is made up of elected students representing the students of their respective faculties

Committee:               The Elections Committee which is formed under the regulations herein

Student:                   A student who is officially registered in a faculty


Article (3):

A student association may be established in each faculty by a decision by the university’s President based on the recommendation of the faculty’s Dean, for the duration of one academic year.


Article (4):

The following are the objectives of a student association:


  1. Develop the academic, intellectual and social aspects of students’ lives in addition to extracurricular activities
  2. Reinforce the relationship between students and the university’s academic and administrative staff members
  3. Reinforce channels of communication between students, Deans and Department Heads
  4. Enable students to voice their needs and opinions with the university’s administration, Deans and Department Heads
  5. Contribute both effectively and positively in achieving the university’s goals that are directed towards serving the community
  6. Represent students within the university and adopt their issues and grievances with the aim of achieving student interests in accordance to the university’s goals and regulations
  7. cooperate with the university in providing aid and assistance to students in need
  8. Develop and encourage democratic practices, dialogue and respect for the opinions of other people
  9. Develop in students the spirit of leadership, innovation and creativity


Article (5):

Student association activities shall not include any controversial activities that evoke political, factious, sectarian, regional, national, or racial sensitivities.


Article (6):

A student association with each faculty shall comprise five members elected by the faculty’s students through a secret ballot during the fifth week of each academic year.


Article (7):

The following are the conditions for students who wish to nominate him/her for membership in a student association:


  1. The candidate shall have a minimum cumulative average of 60%
  2. The candidate shall have at least two academic semesters remaining before graduation
  3. The candidate shall have been a student at the university for at least two academic semesters
  4. The candidate’s record shall be free of any disciplinarian penalties that are in effect at the time of his/her nomination


Article (8):

  1. The President shall form, at the beginning of each academic year, a committee to supervise the election process and this committee shall be headed by the Dean of Student Affairs and include four university staff members. The duties of this committee shall include determining a specific date, reviewing nomination applications, supervising election campaigns, vote counting, announcing election results and reviewing vote objections.


  1. The voting period shall be one day and the election shall be considered valid if at least 51% of the faculty’s student body cast their votes in the election. If this quorum is not met, the elections committee may decide on a suitable extension period that does not exceed one hour, after which the election results become valid notwithstanding the number of voting students.


Article (9):

  1. At least one month prior to the elections, the elections committee shall announce a 3-day nomination application period, during which eligible candidates are to submit their applications.


  1. Applications are reviewed by the committee and the list of candidates is announced in faculties, on the university’s website and through the social media, at the most, one week after the end of the nomination application period.


  1. The elections committee shall announce the period for election campaigns for an insurance fee of JOD 50. All election campaigns shall end one day prior to elections day. Candidates may use flyers and stickers on bulletin and announcement boards only. Any remaining campaign materials shall be removed by a specialized department and a fine shall be imposed on the violating candidate.


  1. The elections committee shall form a sub-committee in each faculty to supervise the election and vote counting processes. Each sub- committee shall comprise a head who is appointed by the faculty’s Dean and two members from the university staff. Designated election halls shall be announced in each faculty.


  1. The voting process shall begin at 8:30 AM in the presence of candidate representatives. Polls end at exactly 2:30 PM. Each candidate has the right to assign a representative to oversee the election and vote counting processes.


  1. The elections committee shall provide each candidate and representative with a special identification badge.


  1. University security personnel shall be responsible for all security measures pertaining to the election process under the supervision of the elections committee.


  1. Each student has the right to cast his/her vote after presenting their student ID for verification with the committee’s voter list, and providing their signatures after voting.


  1. The head of each elections committee in any faculty shall have the right to request an extension period, if the quorum is not met and the number of voters does not exceed 50% of the total faculty student body. After this extension period, election results become valid notwithstanding the number of voting students.


  1. Vote counting shall commence after the end of voting process and after the number of paper in the ballot boxes have been matched to the number of students on the voters’ list. A voting paper shall be considered invalid if it contains any sign, mark or symbol indicating the identity of a voter.


  1. Candidates with the highest number of votes become members of the student association, and in the event that two or more students receive an equal number of votes, one winner shall be determined through the drawing of a lot.


  1. If the number of student candidates equals the number of allotted seats, these candidates win uncontested.


  1. The vote counting process shall be completed on the same day of the elections.


  1. All documents related to the elections shall be kept signed and sealed at the Deanship of student affairs for a period of two years prior to their destruction.


  1. The head of the elections committee shall announce the final results for all faculties after the completion of the vote counting process.


  1. The student association becomes active after receiving an official letter signed by the university’s President, after the end of the objection period.


Article (10):


  1. In its first meeting, and by a secret ballot, the student association shall elect from its members a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, in the presence of the Faculty Dean or his/her deputy.


  1. Each student association in its faculty shall be responsible for its administrative, financial, and organizational matters. The following areas shall also fall under its jurisdiction:


  1. Adopt all necessary measures to achieve the objectives of the student association.
  2. Form student committees to supervise student activities.
  3. Present the faculty’s Dean with an annual work plan which includes all intended student activities and their respective financial costs.



Article (11):


  1. A student association shall meet by invitation from its president or secretary in a location specified by the Dean, once each month or as the need arises. These meetings shall be considered valid if they are attended by more than half of the association’s members, including its president and vice president. If the quorum is not met, the meeting shall be postponed for one week after which it shall be considered valid notwithstanding the number of attendees. Decisions shall be made through a majority vote of those present, and in the event of an equal vote, the president shall have the casting vote.


  1. All minutes and decisions shall be documented, recorded and kept in a designated location within the faculty, and a copy shall be sent to the Dean of Student Affairs.


  1. All decisions made by a student association shall be in accord with the university’s policies, goals and interests, and shall be reported to the faculty’s Dean.


Article (12):

If a student association seat becomes vacant for any reason, the seat is filled by the next student with the largest number of votes in the most recent election. If a replacement is not available, the faculty’s Dean may appoint an eligible substitute for the remainder of the student association’s term.


Article (13):


  1. The following are the financial resources of a student association:


  1. The university shall provide the association with a sum that equals JOD 1 per semester, for each registered student, and all financial matters shall be settled at the end of each semester.
  2. Proceeds from student activities carried out by the student association.
  3. Grants and donations approved by the university’s President.


  1. A student association’s funds shall be deposited in a trusts account in the university’s Finance Department, and all withdrawals shall be made by the signature of the association’s president, treasurer and secretary.


  1. A student association’s funds shall be expended by a decision issued by the student association in a valid meeting.


  1. All invoices, purchases and financial matters shall be audited by an auditor assigned for this purpose by the university’s Finance Department.


  1. A student association’s expenses shall not exceed the semester’s allotted funds, and the university shall not be responsible for covering any extra expenditures.


Article (14):

Membership in a student association is terminated by the following:

  1. A written resignation
  2. Loss of eligibility
  3. A member is absent from more than 3 consecutive or 5 non-consecutive meetings, without an excuse that is accepted by the student association.
  4. Death
  5. Transferring from one faculty to another during his/ her membership term.
  6. Committing an infringement of the association’s goal and objectives, violating the student code of conduct, or being convicted of a crime or misdemeanor.


Article (15):

A student association is dissolved by a decision by the University Council based on a recommendation by the President, upon which all the association’s funds shall be transferred to the university’s treasury.


Article (16):

The President shall issue all the necessary executive and procedural decisions for the implementation of the provisions of the regulations herein.


Article (17):

The President, Dean, and Dean of Student Affairs shall be entrusted with the implementation of the provisions of the regulations herein.


Article (18):

The President shall be entrusted to make a decision in all cases not covered by the regulations herein.

Rule Title
AUM Regulations for Student Clubs
Rule Body


Regulations Number (17) of 2012

Regulations for Student Clubs

at the American University of Madaba


Issued on the Basis of Article “17-B-11” of the Law of Jordanian Universities

No. 20 of 2009 and its Amendments


Article 1

These regulations shall be named “Regulations for Student Clubs at the American University of Madaba of 2012”.  They shall go into effect after they have been duly approved.

Article 2

The words and phrases below shall have, wherever they appear in these regulations, their specified meaning unless otherwise indicated in context:




American University of Madaba



President of the University

Deanship :

Deanship of Student Affairs



Dean of the student’s faculty


Student Clubs



Faculty member or administrative staff at the University, excluding the workers appointed against a daily stipend




Regular student registered at the University


Article 3

Student clubs shall be established at the University under the supervision of the Deanship in accordance with the decisions issued by the President upon the recommendation of the Dean, and they shall take the University campus as their center.


Article 4


The Dean may, upon the approval of the President, establish clubs for students having interest in social activities or hobbies in sports, music, theater, arts, literature, chess, radio, and volunteer public services, among others, to support and develop student talent, ability, and creativity, and hobbies and activities on or off campus.


Article 5       Student clubs aim at achieving the following goals:

  1. a) Encouraging volunteer, public service, and teamwork trends among University students
  2. b) Developing and encouraging student talents and hobbies
  3. c) Providing opportunities for University students to participate in activities commensurate with their interest, abilities, and readiness
  4. d) Allowing non-Jordanian students to participate in student activities to shed light on their cultures, interests, and skills
  5. e) Developing interest in aesthetic and appreciative aspects
  6. f) Developing interest in cultural heritage and concern about local and global culture
  7. g) Developing interest in local and global economy and in labor market’s facts and needs
  8. h) Developing interest in local and global social issues


Article 6       Student club activities shall not include political, sectarian, regional, tribal, factional, or racial activities.


Article 7       Student clubs shall practice their activities and try to achieve their goals through the following two bodies:

  1. a) General Assembly
  2. b) Administrative Board


Article 8      a) The General Assembly consists of all members of the club, provided their number does not go below ten.

  1. b) The General Assembly shall have the following tasks:
  2. Electing the Administrative Board from among its members
  3. Discussing and approving the annual administrative and financial reports submitted by the Administrative Board
  4. Approving the annual action plan
  5. Casting a vote of no confidence in the Administrative Board, provided that this is decided by a two-third majority of the members
  6. Active participation in the club activities through specialized committees


Article 9        The Administrative Board of each club shall consist of five to nine members to be elected by the General Assembly by secret ballot in the second half of October of each academic year in accordance with arrangements set up by the Deanship.  The election shall be considered legal if at least 51% of active members cast their votes; if the legal quorum has not been achieved, the election is postponed for one week, in which case it would be considered legal regardless of quorum.


Article 10        Students who nominate themselves for the Administrative Board of any club shall meet the following conditions:

  1. a) Their cumulative average shall not be less than 60%.
  2. b) There remain at least two semesters for their graduation from the University.
  3. c) They shall have spent at least one semester at the University.
  4. d) No disciplinary punishment of ‘warning’ or above shall have been inflicted on them.


Article 11    a) The Administrative Board shall, at its first meeting, elect from among its members a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer by secret ballot.  The other administrative responsibilities shall be distributed among its members by public ballot.

  1. b) The Dean shall appoint a consultant from among the University faculty or staff for each club to supervise and direct the work of the Administrative Board, but with no right to vote.


Article 12        The Administrative Board of each club shall manage its administrative, financial, and organizational affairs.  Included in its responsibilities are the following:

  1. a) Taking necessary decisions and measures to achieve goals of the club
  2. b) Forming committees from among the General Assembly for the different activities and supervising their work
  3. c) Submitting an annual action plan to the General Assembly for the intended activities and the budget needed for their execution
  4. d) Submitting the annual administrative and financial report to the General Assembly
  5. e) Executing decisions of the General Assembly
  6. f) Looking into applications to join the club and taking decisions concerning them. If any of those applications have been denied, the applicants shall have the right to appeal in writing to the Dean to revoke the Administrative Board’s decision within a week of the notification date.
  7. g) Accepting the resignation of members
  8. h) Supervising meetings of the General Assembly
  9. i) Determining suitable means to achieve objectives of the club
  10. j) Recommending the club membership fee to the Dean and methods of payment


Article 13        The Administrative Board members shall be responsible for all tasks authorized to them by these regulations, each according to their specialization, and the club chair shall represent their club before the competent University authorities.


Article 14        Student Club membership:

  1. a) Active Members: Regular students enrolled at the University to obtain an academic degree and who have obtained approval of the Administrative Board to their application to join the club, provided they commit themselves to practicing the activities of that club only.
  2. b) Associate Members: Alumni who were active members of the club when they were students at the University and wish to continue participating in the club activities, enjoying all privileges of active members, and abiding by all their obligations.
  3. c) Supporting Members: Alumni who wish to continue their membership in the club, and who are committed to paying the membership fee and to supporting the club in all possible ways, but with no right to vote or nominate themselves for the Administrative Board.


Article 15        Membership shall be cancelled in each of the following two cases:

  1. a) Written resignation
  2. b) Losing one of the membership conditions


Article 16        The duration of membership of the Administrative Board and all of its committees shall be one year, to be followed by new elections.


Article 17        The Administrative Board meetings shall be considered legal if more than half of its members are present, including the chair or their deputy. Their decisions shall be taken by the majority of the attendees’ votes; when there is a tie, the side on which the chair votes wins.


Article 18        Membership of the Administrative Board shall be cancelled if the member fails to attend three consecutive meetings or six non-consecutive meetings without an excuse acceptable to the Board.


Article 19        If an Administrative Board member’s position becomes vacant for any reason, it shall be filled by the student who came next in the number of votes obtained in the last election undertaken by the General Assembly.  If this turned out to be unfeasible, the administrative board shall elect a student who meets the board membership criteria to fill the vacant position.


Article 20        The Administrative Board shall notify the Dean of their decisions as well as those of the General Assembly.


Article 21        The General Assembly shall convene once every year.  It may, however, be called for extraordinary meetings by a decision from the Administrative Board or upon the request of more than half of the General Assembly members.


Article 22        The meeting of the General Assembly shall be considered legal if attended by more than half of its members.  If a quorum has not been achieved, the meeting shall be postponed for one week, in which case it shall be considered legal regardless of the number of attendees.


Article 23        The decisions of the Administrative Board and the General Assembly shall be in line with the University policy, objectives, and interests, and with what is stipulated in Articles (4) and (5) of these regulations.


Article 24        The fiscal year of clubs shall begin at the beginning of the academic year and end at its end.


Article 25        Clubs’ money shall be deposited in their names in an account at the Finance Department at the University, and shall be withdrawn by the signatures of the Chairperson of the Administrative Board, Secretary, and Treasurer.


Article 26        The club’s money is spent by a decision issued by the Administrative Board at a legal meeting.


Article 27        Clubs’ income shall come from the following sources:

  1. a) Members’ subscriptions
  2. b) Deanship’s contribution in support of the club’s activities
  3. c) Revenues from activities undertaken by the club
  4. d) Income, donations, and gifts approved by the University


Article 28        Invoices, purchases, and financial matters related to the clubs shall be audited by an accountant delegated for this purpose by the Financial Affairs Unit at the University.


Article 29        The Dean shall, at the foundational stage preceding the formation of the Administrative Board for any club, on the basis of Article (8) of these regulations, assume the responsibilities of the Administrative Board, including looking into applications submitted to join the club, and taking appropriate decisions regarding them.


Article 30        The Dean may delegate any of his responsibilities stipulated in these regulations to any of his deputies or assistants, or to any of the directors working in the Deanship.


Article 31        The club may not be dissolved except by a decision from the President upon a recommendation from the Dean, in which case the club’s money and assets shall return to the Deanship.


Article 32        The President shall have the right to issue the executive decisions and measures he deems necessary for the execution of the provisions of these regulations.


Article 33      The President and the Dean shall be responsible for the execution of the provisions of these regulations.


Article 34      The Council of Deans shall decide on all cases not covered by these regulations.

Rule Title
Regulations for Student Internships 2019
Rule Body

Regulations for Student Internships

at the American University of Madaba

No. (8) of 2019


Issued by the Council of Deans, according to Article (4) of the bylaws of granting scientific

degrees, honorary degrees and certificates (1) 2018


Article 1

These regulations shall be named “Regulations for Student Internships at the American University of Madaba No. (8) Of 2019”.  They shall go into effect after they have been duly approved .

Article 2

The words and phrases below shall have, wherever they appear in these regulations, their specified meaning unless otherwise indicated in context:




Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan



American University of Madaba


Council of Deans



President of the University


Any faculty at the University



Dean of the student’s faculty



Any department in the Faculty



Regular student registered at the University

Academic Supervisor:

Faculty member in charge of supervising the student intern

Field Supervisor


Employee or official charged by their institution with supervising the student intern



Article 3

  1. The internship is an academic course and shall be treated as other academic courses concerning attendance and add/drop. It shall, consequently, be subject to all regulations concerning the study of the academic courses required for obtaining the Bachelor’s degree, except for the calculation of grades; the internship’s grade is recorded as ‘Pass’ or ‘Fail’, and therefore it is not entered into the calculation of semester and cumulative averages.


                 (1)b.   Student may not study any other subject during the training period except:

  1. Student with remaining (3) credit hours for the summer session or (6) credit hours for the regular semester as a maximum, with the approval of the Dean.
  2. Any other cases based on the recommendation of the department chair and the approval of the Dean



Article 4        To join the internship, the following is required:


  1. Students may register for the internship course upon successfully completion of no less than 90 credit hours in four-year specializations
  2. Students may register for the internship course upon successfully completion of no less than 99 credit hours in five-year specializations                         

Article 5      The Department shall have the following tasks at the beginning of each academic year:

  1. Prepare a comprehensive training plan in which the training period and skills are defined and approved by the College Council
  2. Selecting internship sites that meet the training requirements, whether inside or outside the Kingdom, and recommending them to the faculty council for approval
  3. Establishing contacts with public and private institutions within the Kingdom and drafting memoranda of understanding with them to provide internships to students, provided those institutions have a high professional reputation. Those memoranda shall outline the tasks of the student intern and the expected outcomes of the internship.
  4. Dealing with the problems of internship and take action in the light of the university's regulations and instructions
  5. Recommending to the dean of the Faculty to equate the student’s practical experience with the internship, in preparation for duly getting the approval of the Council of Deans for that equivalence.
  6. Announcing the approved sites of internships for the students.
  7. Assigning academic advisors to students
  8. Approving the field training programs for students.
  9. Approving the periodical and final student internship reports.
  10. Approving the final grades (Pass/Fail) of students in the internship course.
  11. Recommending to the faculty council who recommends in his turn to the Council of Deans the approval of the internship equivalency for transferred or bridging students in as much as it is not conflicting with the University bylaws and regulations.


Article 6  a. Students shall be allowed to obtain an opportunity for internship through their personal efforts within or without the Kingdom, provided the site and program be approved by the faculty council and based on the recommendation of the department council at least a month prior to its commencement.

  1. Internships may, upon the approval of the department council, be undertaken partially or completely in University centers or departments related to the specializations of students.


Article 7         The student’s practical experience may, upon a recommendations from the councils of the department and faculty and a decision from the Council of Deans, be counted instead of the internship if it was in their field of specialization, thus meeting the objectives of internships stated in these regulations, and for a period not going below six months for each three credit hours of internship.  In this case, students shall have to pay the internship tuition fees approved for their specialization.


Article 8         The academic supervisor’s tasks include:

  1. Visiting students in their training sites to monitor the progress they are making, direct them towards the following steps in their training, provided the number of field visits does not go below 2 for each 3 credit hours of internship, and submitting a periodical report to the Department chair about the students’ achievements upon the end of each visit.
  2. Coordinating with the field supervisor to carry out the program especially made for the student intern.
  3. Coordinating with the field supervisor to help students overcome the difficulties and problems facing them in the internship and propose proper solutions.
  4. Following up the training with the field supervisor through electronic media (email, skype, etc.) for the student undertaking internship outside the Kingdom, provided the number of calls does not go below 4 for each 3 credit hours of internship, and submitting a periodical report to the Department chair about the student’s achievements after each call.
  5. Preparing the final report at the end of the internship on a form especially made for this purpose, and submitting it in a confidential way to the Department chair.


Article 9          The field supervisor shall prepare a final report about the intern on a form especially made for this purpose.  This report shall be sent to the Department chair in a confidential way.  In the case of the student undertaking the internship outside the Kingdom, the report shall be sent via email to the Department chair.


Article 10  a. The training hours needed for each Department shall be determined by the Faculty Council, provided they do not go below 160 training hours for each 3 credit hours designated for internship.

  1. Field training may be undertaken during the first or second semester or the summer session.
  2. Field training may, upon the consent of the Academic Supervisor, be undertaken during the break between the summer session and the first semester, provided the internship course be registered for the summer session, and the ‘in progress’ remark be recorded until the internship is completed.


Article 11        At the end of the field training, the interns shall submit a report to the Department chair about their achievements during the internship on a form especially made for this purpose.  This report shall include all the works they have carried out, their relationship to their field of specialization, points of strengths and weaknesses in their views, the extent to which they have benefited from the field training, its relation to the learning outcomes, and its compatibility with the vision, mission, and objectives of the University and those of their specialization.


Article 12        The intern shall abide by the University bylaws and regulations and those of the institution in which the training is undertaken during the training period.


Article 13      The Council of Deans shall decide to adopt the following forms, which shall be considered part and parcel of these regulations:

  1. a) The Academic Advisor’s final report
  2. b) The Field Advisor’s final report
  3. c) The intern’s final report


Article 14      Student internships shall be evaluated by the Academic Supervisor based on the reports received from the field supervisor, and the student. the Academic Supervisor shall send it to the department chair to be discussed at the department council. Then the faculty dean in his turn presents it at the faculty council for approval. The dean shall forward student’s grade (Pass or Fail) to the Director of Admission and Registration to record it on the student’s transcript.  If a student fails, they shall have to re-register for the internship course and complete it as a repeated course.


Article 15      Students shall be responsible for all expenses associated with internships, such as transportation, travel, training fees required by the institutions in which they are trained, if any, and any other related expenses.


Article 16      The teaching load of academic supervisors shall be calculated in such a way that one credit hour is counted for each 10 students supervised in the field in any one semester, including the summer session.


Article 17      Should the University not provide a means of transportation to the academic advisor to the training sites, they shall be compensated for by a decision from the President upon a recommendation from the faculty dean based on a proposal from the department chair on a form especially made for this purpose.


Article 18      Department chairs and faculty deans are responsible for the execution of these regulations.


Article 19      The Council of Deans shall decide on all cases not covered by these regulations.


Article 20      These regulations cancel any previous regulations or decisions regarding Student Internships

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