Submitted by admin on Tue, 02/22/2022 - 10:23

The security staff at AUM ensures that students enjoy a safe environment where their duties include:

  • Maintaining the security of AUM’s students, faculty and staff
  • Preserving the environment in compliance with public safety requirements
  • Protecting the properties of students, faculty and staff against theft, damage, or loss
  • Determining the preventive inspection equipment for persons and vehicles
  • Guarding the AUM main entrance and the student entrance, and organizing and inspecting the incoming and outgoing vehicles
  • Organizing the entry of visitors and assisting them in reaching the places they wish to visit
  • Organizing the visiting system through coordination with OD and recording the visitors’ information in the visiting record
  • Providing night guarding for all the facilities on campus, such as the main entrance, sport complex, storehouses, engineering workshops, and all other premises of AUM
  • Organizing the traffic and parking inside the university
  • Organizing the entry of vehicles with permits into AUM campus and entering that information into the records of visitors and their vehicles
  • Organizing traffic inside and around AUM and assisting students to park their vehicles appropriately, and not allowing vehicles to enter the AUM campus without a permit, and activating the camera control system
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