Innovation Objectives
The objectives of this innovation project are manifold. It establishes the basis for generation of graduation project ideas for many AUM students, and helps high school students to develop their innovation ideas. By actualizing the students’ ideas into posters and real executable models on which measurements can be taken, the students’ work can be exhibited in a scientific fair in which we invite representatives from the industry, technology, and trade sectors to look at our students innovative work. The objectives are as follows:
- Students are exposed to new ways of thinking, including research methods, scientific writing and using proper referencing.
- The results of this venture will be evaluated and ways and means will be devised to change the study plans to include innovation in the courses and projects.
- This project will include at a later stage the partner high-school students where they will be tutored on searching for innovative ideas and how to execute them.
- The work of the high school students can be presented in the Ministry of Education (MoE) Science Fairs that are convened annually. The participating projects will undergo evaluation by a panel of judges, and the selected successful projects will be sent to USA, at the expense of MoHE or any intermediary agency between AUM and MoE, to participate in the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) convened annually.
- The venture will be assessed and, if successful, a funding proposal for innovation in high schools will be submitted to funding agencies, locally, regionally and/or internationally. The future submitted innovation projects will be addressing the needs of nearby cities such as Mleih, Ziban, Madaba, among other cities.
- Establishing a website addressing its subscribers on the various aspects of the Innovation Project, where students from all levels can subscribe through the website, and scientific guidance will be given upon request.
- Successful innovative ideas that were realized into executable models and a poster, and passed the panel of judge’s scrutiny may participate in AUM Science Fair to be convened at least once a year.
- A similar Science Fair will be established for the High School students.